fags BTFO
Based as fuck.
Censor the tits.
>4:3 aspect ratio screenshots
Of course it's third world shitters making this trash.
Homosexuality is a sin.
fuck yeah, Jesus
buy a banner, Billy
>2 Genderz Productions
what's the gameplay like?
Won't this just give sjws more ammo to show how "Gamers are racist sexist bigot incels" or whatever? Why not make a good game and show how conservatives can make better games than the libs?
it doesn't really get better than this
>Won't this just give sjws more ammo to show how "Gamers are racist sexist bigot incels" or whatever?
like they need any ammo
they'll say that anyway
There's a sequel?
I didn't even know a first one even existed, what in Jesus tap dancing Christ is this?
a game where you kill minorities as jesus christ
Bitching is quite literally a *lifestyle* for these people. If they run out of stuff to bitch about they will invent it. Might as well have fun with it.
I just think people need to stop being so short sighted, sure it's funny now but then when it get's removed from Steam due to the constant bitching, Yas Forums will bitch about how unfair it is for 2 weeks then forget about it just like Rape Simulator or Comicsgate. Anons need to show how conservative devs can make an actual good game and not a political driven mess while also complaining about how libs only can't make games but only a political driven mess
Go home, Billy.
the whole point of these games is that garbage game journalism outlets write about them and then retard conservacucks buy the game to trigger the libs epic style. the journos get clicks and the creator gets sales, it's a win win for everyone involved.
>we want the Christian larping incel market
They could release pure shit and you'd reply "um based department?" and buy it like the sub 80iq faggots you are
It's literally giving them more legitimate shit to bitch about shit like this makes them seem right and makes more people believe they are right if anything the best this will do is make more people hate extremist fags on both sides though.
This is just as cringe worthy as anything thats woke for the sake of woke.
I may be black but I don't have severe autism
well it works
highly doubt anyone will actually buy it
the only people who profit off this stuff are the outraged media outlets
Holy shit it would be hilarious if a bunch of people start telling the writers of the articles that they're crying wolf and that they don't believe them because of how long they've been at this, and then the writer goes "no no it's real this time"
that's literally what "microaggressions" are
>other people can't see how this is $(foo)ist
>this can't be because the $(foo)ism only exists in my psychotic imagination
>it must be because it hasn't been brought to their attention yet
>look at me, I found more $(foo)ists to cancel!
This a darkest dungeon mod? Got a link to it?
>2 Genderz Productions
>2 Genderz Productions
I laughed. Reported it anyway for being extremely low quality.
Except for the retards that wasted money in a shitty game to make strangers mad
What the fuck are you even talking about?
what the fuck is wrong with this guy?
>It's literally giving them more legitimate shit
>stuff that I want to stop others from enjoying is "legitimate shit"
>stuff other people want to stop me from enjoying is "stupid social justice"
>t.SJW in denial
>Bitching is quite literally a *lifestyle* for these people
>he says on Yas Forums without an ounce of irony
>Bitching is quite literally a *lifestyle* for these people
>posts on Yas Forums
you have no self awareness
idk maybe. Personally I don't care. At this point it's like Trump, they've already blew their "He's literally Hitler" card years ago, and how do you go further than that? Just repeat it over and over again? People take it less and less seriously. Same with "gamers are x-ist". They already blew their load and to them, "gamers" are beyond redemption so fuck it.
Linux, duh. Clearly even bash is too complicated for the average SJW shill.
>legitimate shit
Yes, I'm sure 2 Genderz production is a totally legitimate srsbsns enterprise
Wait, because I want actual good games from conservative devs and I want them to actually show how they're better than sjws I'm an sjw?
1) I'm not bitching
2) Even if I was, hypocritical statement =/= wrong statement
It's cute when children make video games.
you aren't better than any SJW ever
user don't play dumb
People are taking the gamers are x-ist less seriously but then when you have shit games like in the OP you just make them seem like they are justified in saying Trump is Hitler or that gamers are x-ist.
Conservatives arent particularly artistic/creative types.
Says you. Go back to crying at clouds you little bitch.
What’s the steam workshop link
Real christian children are a lot more cute than these creepy game developers pretending to have faith in anything
Yes. Moral panic isn't an exclusively leftist thing. Tyrant wannabees exist all over the political spectrum, and anyone that wants to take rights away from others just because they don't like a thing counts themselves among them.
you are literally a reverse SJW
nobody takes you seriously
nobody likes you
you make yourself look like a clown to any normal person on the internet
and the only recognition you get is by baiting people with your bullshit
most actual artists are conservative
liberals just call themselves "creative" because they are bad at math so that must mean they are good at something else
but that's not how real life works
But I don't want to take anything away, where are you getting this from?
Keep projecting and replying to my shit that you yourself are calling bait you little bitch. Do my fucking bidding.
Not him, he's right. Millenials and zoomers love to cry and moan over inconsequential shit. This isnt exclusive to a political ideology.
Fuck off out of here.
>when you have shit games like in the OP you just make them seem like they are justified in saying Trump is Hitler or that gamers are x-ist.
Maybe? Like 1% more? Who knows. There are bigger problems today. Gamergate is practically a zombie topic these days.
Anybody buying this unity asset flip is no better than those retards who buy those “simulator” games because their favorite eceleb did
>Why not make a good game and show how conservatives can make better games than the libs?
Because conservatives can't make better games