RTS Support thread

>Finally able to regularly beat the AI on extreme without resorting to cheese strats.
Feels good man

What RTS are you playing right now Yas Forums?
And which culture has the comfiest architecture in AoE 2.?

Also are you watching AoE 2 Hidden Cup 3 today?it starts in about an hour i think.

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planetary annihilation titans is pretty fun

I always wanted to try it to kill of some nostalgia of TA but i heard mixed opinions about it. It Also looks like it is too mp focused.

Its just bad SupCom

Yeah, that is what i heard of it.

Bump for RTS discussion

how do you even have time to build that many castles at that point I'm already roflstomping with racial units and paladins.

What are some good RTS games for a low spec laptop? So like retro RTS games I guess. I like Age of Empires 2 but thats all I've gotten around to

>playing any RTS
>culture has the comfiest architecture
Rise of nations, company of heroes, red alert 2

Say that to my halbs and mass onagers and not over an chinese cartoon forum to see what happens.

warcraft 3

>Rise of nations, company of heroes, red alert 2
Thanks user, I'll see if I can find these on GoG when I get home.

>mass onagers
No idea what this is but I'm intrigued

Do they have the original version for purchase or will I have to try and pirate?

>mass onagers
it was meant for the guy above you, but basicaly lots of catapults in AoE 2 with a line of disposable spearman is a wrecking ball if you manage to pull out.

Also Hidden Cup first day has started at t90official

>I have to try and pirate?
Probably pirate

>Also are you watching AoE 2 Hidden Cup 3 today?it starts in about an hour i think.
Where can I watch this?

t90official twitch

Is Spellforce 3 fun? The visuals look great but is it fun to actually play?

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How do I play Supcom? Just playing through the campaigns, all I'm doing is building on repeat every type of unit then send a massive blob towards the enemy base. Inefficient but it works.

Thanks bro, this looks like a nice way to spend the afernoon.


Where is the HC3 thread?

I dont think that there is enough interest on Yas Forums to have a thread about it but if you make one i will join.

what's sup com?

Red Alert 2 is peak RTS

pa is shit, it makes supcom2 look good

>That fucking walling on the eagle warriors
lel, fucking micro douchebags

Supreme Commander - probably one of the most advanced games to ever exist.

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let's not talk about that

not much, what's up com with you?

Only absolute microlets play soupcan.

rude my boy, oh yes

AoE2 as well. But I'm not as good as you, I still struggle to beat hard AI in a lot of situations. I want to get better so I can actually play online though. I would say the Inca/Mayans/Aztecs have my favorite architecture. Can't beat the Castle being a pyramid.

the UI really killed it for me

Anyone have played Warlords Battlecry 3? Seems t obe an interesting RPG-RTS with lots of different races.

>daut castle

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How about that daut castle game 2?

It isnt anything like supcom. It just has really big units. And upcoming is for people who arent good at actually playing rtses

Thata the game. It's for brainlets. Supcom fans are the smash bro players of rts

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Army Men RTS

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>most campiagn missions are bearable, sometimes annoying with trash wars
>india 2 is the first scenario where I ran out of wood, and had to backpedal to the naga village while keeping my main base confined to farms and walls because four opponents
>india 4 is a trash war with a time limit as you're fighting paladins, elephants, keshiks, and horse archers
I like the creativity for 1, 3, and 5, and they're definately better than the FE versions, but hell those were annoying

The C&C remake looks REALLY promising

Having fun with the first Ground Control for the first time after having over 100 hours on World in Conflict.

Warrior Kings is not fun.
I Am Setsuna is not fun.
Kingdom Under Fire Crusaders is weird, And what the fuck is wrong with this game and Sacrifice difficulty levels?
There are only "Very Easy" and "Super Brutal" difficulties.

How is the Spellforce series?

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If they get to tib sun and ra2 I'll be interested, but I just couldn't bring myself to drop money on the first ones again.

>What RTS are you playing right now Yas Forums?
>And which culture has the comfiest architecture in AoE 2.?
I don't know, initial thought was east asian, but looking them over again I keep jumping between several others, west europe maybe.
>Also are you watching AoE 2 Hidden Cup 3 today?it starts in about an hour i think.
was fun in an earlier one how everyone was guessing that one guy was Viper because he was winning so much, but then whenever he made a mistake "oh nevermind it's daut"

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>tfw you start on 3 o'clock as zerg

Was it actually better than AoE?

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Yes because Star Wars. Fucking loved this game.


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I bought it recently on steam and it is so cluncky that it's hard to belive that this was made after AoE 2 must have beem put together by a team of interns while the main team worked on AoM.

I'm really excited for this as well. C&C was one of my first vidya memories playing it at my friend's house. So glad they've got the nostalgia graphics.

Sci-fi/Magic-fantasy always make for better games because there's more unit variety instead of guy with spear versus guy with spear + armor etc. Here we can have fucking mobile shields and rollybots.

>khmer vs khmer
is my boi still useless?

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Play Earth 2150

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I don't remember it being more clunky than AoEII, its been a really long time since i played it but whats the difference, it always felt like just a resking with different unit balance

They are cool but you need like 40 of them at least and they are created from a castle and so expensive that they are hard to amass

Did anybody else did games against bros with a set time of "no attack" to build up a huge defense and army?

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