Probable announcement next week

Probable announcement next week

Who's it gonna be?

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He's inevitable so let's just get him over with.

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> nextweek

do you fags know the coronavirus exists?

suck it sora haters.

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that one rando user said it was Ryu with ability to climb under stage, Double Dragon duo as a tag fighter that can get weapon drops off other fighters, Tharja with a full kit of DOT hexes, and some others I forget
>There is a possibility that Nintendo will announce the new fighter(s) as planned, but no development work will be done.
Fuck you you're most likely getting a anime trailer for challenger pack 6 with no actual gameplay at all just like Joker.
And I believe that challenger pack 6 will likely be Lloyd Irving.

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>Ryu with ability to climb under stage
that sounds fucking stupid

That one rando needs not to be mentioned. because he is an idiot.

If you see his reportsing the screenshot of his own leak (which he doesn in every thread), please ignore him.

Ryu has enough reason to get in on his own, he doesn't need a leak for that.

I think it's gonna be someone like Joker: from a fairly recent game with universal acclaim.
So I'll put my money on 2B.

post em

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Travis Touchdown

You really think they will just follow the same pattern as fighter pass 1?

are you stupid? Sakurai said that the DLC fighters are postponed for now due to virus and someone in his building or whatever had it, there was news THIS WEEK about it

There are a lot of picks I'd actually like but I have a feeling it's going to be one of the minority of characters I do not give a fuck about.

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Sakurai said fuck all.
One (1) twitter leaker said smash bros announcements were postponed.

The fighters will be revealed in the same dates they were intended to, but the release dates will be delayed


Not necessarily the same pattern the entire way, but I do think that the first character in the pass needs to be someone attention grabbing, like Joker was, and like 2B would be.

I hope it’s Zavok

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inceniroar echo fighter

They have to put in an "oh shit" character for the next pass.
So I'm hedging my bet on doomguy, geno, papyrus, or crash.

fiora from xenoblade :^)

>the same characters weve been mentioning for months

>oh shit character

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Most likely imo:

2B, Crash, Dante, Ryu, Rex, Pokémon

Personal picks:

Geno, Arle, Reimu, Phoenix, Farmer, Bomberman

Translation of Sakurai’s famitsu interview, not a leak


I can feel myself slowly buying my own pill

We need The Sims in Smash

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He’s a shitty character but he probably is in

>No inevitable fire emblem and/or shillmon rep

Much like that Fire Emblem VA getting removed for saying he was gonna be in Smash voicing Byleth, I'm pretty sure that DMC team Tweet that said to look forward to the date of the then-unknown next Smash Direct was confirmation that Dante is coming at some point.

Based as fuck

>Fire Emblem VA getting for saying he was gonna be in Smash voicing Byleth

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These are the most likely characters in my opinion

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This is some high-level bait, goddamn

>He doesnt know
Based Retard

>taking Sakurai's musings as confirmation
It'll only believe it when Nintendo gives the official statement. Everyone is currently home with nothing to do but play vidya. There's no fucking way Nintendo would miss out on the sales opportunity when they could easily hold meetings and development remotely.


I'd say Crash is most likely? Maybe?
I still think they're gonna start the 2nd Pass off with a pretty big character, so it may be someone like Sora that fans have been wanting. Not that Crash isn't also wanted or anything.

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Hate to be the bearer of bad news but because of the corona virus it looks likely that fighter pass vol. 2 will be cancelled. I know it sucks but there's more pressing things going on in the world right now other than video games.


We'll only get a non-jap character if Nintendo forces that hack to add one(and even then the character will be butchered like B&K.)



Hope we'll get something, probably get nothing.

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>Byleth ends up being the final newcomer


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Yeah, this is the worst timeline. But suppose non of this will matter when whoever left of us are scavanging through the toxic waste lands of our former world.

>m-m-muh reps..!

Did you had a stroke?

>Forgets that 3/5 characters from the last one came from RPGs
Kill your self Reimu pedo

Not bad

I wanted to go with a different approach that wasn't just "franchises I like and/or grew up with". These threads are just glorified wishlists anyways.

>people thought we'd be getting a Smash reveal next Direct
Even before this virus business started, I had a feeling the next character wouldn't be releasing until Fall at the earliest, so E3 would've been the time to show it, especially if it's the big opener like Joker they want it to be to sell the second pass quicker.

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Japan really loves their RPGs it seems.

>he still thinks there's a "japanese characters only" rule
>mentions banjo in the same post

doesn't sound they're necessarily talking about the very next fighter

there'still nothing if you don't post a source, cuz I haven't seen shit