Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important

>Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important

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What if I stuck my dick in that?

Carmack was just bullying Hall when he said that.




Sign this petition Anons

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>not crying when Aerith Raxxborough was penetrated with Sephi Long's samurai sword length schlong

Based, signed

He's right tho.

I enjoy a good number of story based games, but having a great atmosphere and set pieces is just as important, and sometimes more important.


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See what happens when you have all story in a game without game play, you get shit like telltale games.

>games are called games for reason

With time I think Carmack actually had a point. Gameplay in modern games has almost become secondary now to the point where its become overly simplistic. Games used to rely on the gameplay to carry them. I can't really say that about many modern games.

I thought the same, until I got a PS4. Unironically the stories are as good as HBO shows or movies

>playing video games for story
>not playing video games for GAMEPLAY

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'Story' in porn is pretty awful desu, especially when the 'actors' try too hard to stick to their roles. I just want to see some sluts getting railed ffs.

>you get shit like telltale games.
Those games that millions of people like?




>Sign this petition Anons

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a good story can give you context for the gameplay that makes you care about the gameplay even more


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I can't fap to doujins with shitty plots

In a perfect video game, the gameplay IS the story.

>Story in porn is like story in games. When it exists and effort is put into it, it can do things nothing else can do and is entirely worthwhile in its own right.

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holy based

Call me a fag but i think story is actually pretty important in porn. Or at least some type of emotional connection to the characters. Or else why would Rule 34 be so popular? Because people are already familiar with these characters, they know their personalities, back story, etc, they have some emotional connection to them. Its basically a pre built story that comes with every bit of r34. So the sex is much more than just two random people fucking.


Who are you quoting, retard?
High IQ posts.

Pic unrelated?

Millions of s o y guzzling faggots and zoomers you mean

videogames are games, games are for their gameplay
can't be more obvious than putting it in the name of the hobby

Low IQ and low test post

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>playing videogames for story or gameplay
>playing videogames at all
>not just using there existence as a reason to shitpost on Yas Forums while not playing them
You fags are never gonna make it

>books aren't about telling stories, they're about purity of prose!

look at it this way:
a videogame is not a videogame without the gameplay, but can be a videogame without the story
which one is more important to the whole medium?


Haha I knew Yas Forums were plebs but looooolll

that's a very lame and not thought at all simil you are trying to pull, it doesn't apply to what I said and you are so far from understanding why its not even funny
keep at it, my imbecile user

Enjoy your manchin, trannie

They should. Storyfags are the lowest scum.

But story in porn IS important.
Fite me.

>dood, where's da STOWY??? THIS GAME SUCKS!!!!!!

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People who hate basedjak look like him in real life lol


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>doesn't know what greentexting means
>thinking you can determine high and low IQs

Video games shouldn't have music or sound effects. They're called VIDEO games, not audio games.

Who are you quoting?

explain this asspull

This is such a dumb thing to say on a site where people jerk off to hentai based around specific situations and personality types

>Story in a real life is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important
Now that's make sense.

Keep telling yourself that, PlayStation movie enthusiast

The difference is that music doesn't compromise your gameplay, dumbass.

If life was like a porn movie, that would be a heaven.

Based John.

It absolutely can. You just have the option of turning the volume down if it's annoying and distracting, which a lot of people do. Guess what? You can also skip cut-scenes in most games.

pic related shows op

Member when vidya medium sucked cuz it was just books and theatre on screen?
Member when vidya game medium sucked because it was movies n stories and characters rather than gameplay, personalised story emergent from your actions and simulationg believable settings for you to play in?
Imagine beign so onions you'd actually play movie vidya game isntead of watching it on yt with paddig timewasting """gameplay"""' neatly cut off.

I don't remember any of that Doug, take your pills.

>not playing video games for GAMEPLAY
I already play games for the game itself, no need to be retarded faggot.

I bet you never finished this game.

Signed, Thanks based postal dude

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user what if it was gay porn.

You can make a good game without a story, but you can't make a good game without gameplay.

I get the general preference for gameplay over story but to say that a good narrative can't massively lift your experience and enjoyment of a game is such a ridiculous absolutist take that only a double digit IQ retard could say it and actually mean it. Which I guess is why you see that opinion quite often on Yas Forums.

That's horror movie.


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>but you can't make a good game without gameplay
Every game has gameplay, retard.

He's right.
Setting and good dialogues are more important.

Movie game fags can go and get fucked,if you want complex characters and a compelling overarching story go read a book or watch a movie.

Otherwise we end up with shit games like nuhalo,death stranding and basically every sony game

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