Why cant we have trans characters without reactionaries screeching?

Why cant we have trans characters without reactionaries screeching?

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Let's just be honest. People only complain when they're ugly as fuck. When they're cute, nobody minds.

Insecure teens and manchildren.

Why cant we have video games discussion without retarded off-topic?

This is a significant theme in the board known as Yas Forums - Video Games

This has no business on the board frankly, just like Yas Forums shit. Go back to your pigpen

Boys will never be girls

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because their trannies and trannies smell like men, give me a futa instead

Being a tranny is not healthy. Being forced to affirm a tranny's delusions is an infringement for you and even more unhealthy for the tranny.

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Fuck off, retard.

Why can't you 42% yourself, my dude?

because in reality you look like this, not that girl

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why can't we not have trans representation without trannies seething and demanding representation in fucking everything

are trannies and faggots the result of deep state DEW subconscious hypnotic manipulation during sleep or something?

She's a beautiful woman you bigot

As long as they pass and they are hot, I don't care

Trannies are the greatest threat against both the western civilization and video games. Fuck trannies, if we had an actual democracy where people’s voices mattered, they all would already have been hunted down.

41% suicide rate you trans freak.

you will never be a real woman you degenerate freak

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why do we need trannies chars tho

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because 100% of them are shit and contrived?
do the math yourself

the problem is, if/when they are put in, they are shoehorned in and their only personality trait is that they are trans.

Why can't we have black people and women on videogames, without pasty permavirgins screeching about white genocide?


Just release the dad from his misery...

Where are all the Female to Male trans so I have a bro to hang out with without feeling gay? Why is every tranny an ugly white incel who need to cope with their autism by wearing a dress and chopping off their dick?

At first it was funny seeing the dad's reaction but now it's just depressing

The dude has actually stopped being a tranny. Why are you making fun of a mentally ill dude?

It's just unbelievable to have a trans character of any mettle. Especially considering that they're already mentally fragile. How could you expect them to overcome any significant personal /environmental hurdles when they can't even accept themselves?

Because the characters don't happen to be trans, they're trans that happen to be characters.
Context is important; the problem people have is when a character is a walking stereotype, and that should 'offend' you, too. Can you name some well-written, complex trans characters?
Nope, because 99% of 'representation' is inserting literal stereotypes and flagrant trope-driven paper-thin characters who embody all the wrong things about their demographic.

If game developers/writers actually took the time to make decent characters, and the characters happened to be transexual or gay or whatever, nobody would care. It's when they start from square 0 with "WE NEED A FAGGOT" as the basis for the character, that it becomes cancer.

Want a good example? Sylvando from DQ11. Sure he's flamboyant and obviously gay, but he's got a lot more going on and through the story is given more context and depth than just being a flashy faggot.

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reminder, most people crying the hardest about trans rights generally are eggs/closet trans. Always the fucking case


Body mutilation is not okay, okay?

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there's nothing more reactionary than cutting your dick off to pretend you're a girl.

the man is clearly suffering


>Arachnophobic huh? You must secretly want to fuck spiders.


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>Every time a character is trans, it's forced because I say so

>Every time a characters is a straight white male it's not forced, because I say so


Damn Al, didn't know your kid was a tranny

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Well, why do trans wants to identify as trans and not as male or female?


same with anti-gay and /vee/ is at this point famous for loving cute men dressing as women


>only use 41% of the brain

how do you force something that is the norm you dumbfuck?

>Didn't name any decently written, non-ultra-stereotypical and paper-thin trans characters
I accept your concession.

>Why cant we have pedophile characters without reactionaries screeching?
Wow I’m such a reactionary to be disgusted by the promotion of obvious mental illness.
You wish. It’s like you people believe is a lie. It’s incredible.

Who cares if reactionaries screech? We're getting more anyway, thank goodness.
I can't wait to see more great characters like Poison.

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>he's a transtrender

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By making a game full of nothing but straight white males with the current world demographics is forced as fuck :^)

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>Can you name some well-written, complex trans characters?
I gave it a genuine hard think and im struggling to think of actual trannies, most of them are ambiguously ''tranny'' that come to mind

>Lefties screech about shit that bothers them all the time
>rightoids can't screech about the shit they dislike

Either allow everybody to chimp out or no one's allowed to complain.

>Why cant we have trans characters without reactionaries screeching?
We can... as long as they're qt.

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>If you hate trannies you are a tranny
I will never understood this shit.

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>Why cant we have trans characters without reactionaries screeching?

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I'm okay with a well done character. One that isn't obviously shoehorned in for brownie points. Regular character that is chill? Also is a trans? Cool. Character that has the flag and has their first dialogue be along the lines of "I'm X, call me she/her!" It's like, jeez... why?

Reminder that trannies are just cultists. If people were allowed to live as their true selves, as either tomboys or femboys, they would be healthy and happy. Unfortunately, sometimes they get groomed into thinking they have problems that don't exist and that it can only be "treated" with drugs and bodily mutilation. But in reality, no one is ever happy when they "transition". It's just a meme that ruins lives. The tranny fad needs to die and people need to start accepting and loving themselves for who they really are. Natural traps and tomboys who don't get tricked into taking damaging hormones or getting heinous surgeries are always a million times happier and more attractive than these tranny abominations. If you support or enable trannies in any way, you are not a good person. You are part of the problem. Trannies are an active death cult that recruits through bullying, gaslighting and harassment. They go out of their way to make people feel uncomfortable with their true selves so that they feel more dependent upon the tranny cult and its backhanded encouragement. If you have any love for tomboys or androgynous men, or if you just don't like seeing people get hurt, it's your job to speak out against trannyism and point out the damage it causes. It's not a real sexuality. It's not a real identity. It's not even a real mental illness. It's simply a dangerous fad started by fetishists and enabled by politically obsessed sycophants, and it needs to be stopped before more people ruin their bodies and their lives.

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The only trannies I don't mind are the feminine looking ones with massive uncut dicks

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no, fuck off tranny

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Orchiectomy means cutting off your balls.

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true for 99% of trannies

reminder that you can't tell me to back to Yas Forums since this thread should go back to /lgbt/. that being said, i had a good time defeating a team with two obvious trannies on it in cs:go last night
is it gay to be muslim because they have the decency to defend and exterminate those who experience homo lust?
apparently egg is meant to be a sort of slang for wanting to become a tranny, makes sense since egg would describe the way their bald head looks

Sure it's okay when it makes sense but holy fuck black medieval knights? Women carrying big fucking swords? Now THAT'S retarded.

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the actual demographics are much more normal than your loud minorities in twitter make it appear you faggot.

what rights are you talking about?

I'm never gonna get an answer to this am I

Who else here watches I am Jazz? amazing stuff

WOW right is LITERALLY just like me

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Because there is not a single example of a well-written trans character. You either get special snowflakes with "LOOK AT ME LOOK I'M TRANS WOOO" or out-of-character sudden quips once they decide to just dump their emotional baggage on the player.
I mean how many times in games does it really matter what sexual orientation or gender a character is?
Does it add anything to the narrative? Well if it doesn't, why even bother adding that in the first place? Leave it ambiguous, or try to show the full scope of the issue instead of using the same old cliche "oh no I'm gay/lesbian/trans/furry/etc. and my family disowned me/cursed me/etc so now I'm traumatized".

Most dykes are in the west. There's little to no trannies in the other side of the world. Hell, forget about cutting your dick of gay marriage is still not legal in some countries.

Does anyone have the pics?

Only one of these are trans.

They're hard to find because they just look almost exactly like dudes after hormones have done their thing.

Open it and click.

damn I thought I was just skizzo

because 90% of trans women are just men who fetitshize women, and nobody likes those disgusting freaks

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fun fact, Iran has one of the highest sex change operation % in the world because they force gays to get sex changes or you get the noose.

>bought a flag just to put it on fire
absolute state of haters, stay mad :)

The cute ones aren't delusional about their "gender"

Has anyone here actually checked that board out? Good lord it's a shithole.


>BF1 and BF:V force blacks and women on WW1 and WW2
>people obviously outrage


>People only complain when they're ugly as fuck.
so all of them?
fukken saved

All trannies are mentally ill

you mean forced castration

The dad's face

because its a sickness.

Bros what went wrong with the West ?

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Lmao if games followed actual demographics, there would a lot more female characters and you'd be screaming about white male genocide

Which one?

they hand out HRT like candy there

Because if theyre ugly you freaks would piss and moan, if theyre attractive and indistinguishable from females its basically who cares tier and lame ass pandering to an extreme minority and fetishists

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holy fuck

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Every time.

i love that image because it shows how sheltered and deluded these guys are, in any communist country they would be killed on sight.

what are "trans rights"?

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Children can't consent to having a tattoo but they can certainly consent to taking puberty blockers

So more rape victims

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that's actually wrong.
we wouldn't see almost any females because let's face it, not many games have kitchens in them.

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same reason we can't have women without trans fags killing themselves

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Egg is tranny slang for a mark. They think "eggs" are trannies who don't realise it yet, but really they're just finding out who is vulnerable enough to predate.

Theres no way to portray them properly without making them into dragqueens or traps. Thats why its only mentioned in a character bio usually. And you lose 77% of your audience having one such feller in there.

trap (was meant to be a boy in 'her' initial design, but, was changed to a "feminine man" -- a.k.a., trap)
female tengu do not exist in Japanese mythology / "deception" / bigger than all the other females cast / over-sexualised and domineering (a Japanese trope for "newhalfs")
"Dexter Purpure" / goyim, I...

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It’s amazing how this truth will get you banned off most social platforms. If the trans cult didn’t have insane language protection for the slightest criticisms then it would get crushed.

You tell me after scrolling down this whole list of shit happening right now


The right to fuck whoever they want. Women can't refuse them now that they're not incel men. Also, the few faggots that actually are faggots, want stand mandated Chads. It's a power grab, just like every other rights group in existence.

no one is forcing you to use their pronouns. whenever you call someone by name you're already catering your speech to that person

Because when there is a trans character the only aspect of their character is being trans?
I also fucking despise those freaks in general so whatever

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Desperate times call for desperate measures...

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