>Game has good combat
>Everything else is fucking terrible
Any games like this?
>Game has good combat
>Everything else is fucking terrible
Any games like this?
Borderlands 3.
is that the futa elf?
Ass and thighs just too large. Also skin too white
Weak bait but watch him get 100's of replies
This art is garbage. She has a baby face, and her ears don't look drawn in the right position. She has the body of a mature woman but the face of a typical weeb little runt.
Fuck you gooks.
i'm pretty sure this is the futa elf artist, please post her penis as well
As much as I like the game, Bayonetta 1.
>Horrible QTEs
>Visuals are incredibly drab and ugly
>Long minigame sections at the start of the levels you'd want to replay the most
>Stylistic choice or not, the still frame cutscenes are incredibly jarring next to the fast paced fluid gameplay
Pokémon, unironically. Once you understand how VGC works instead of just shitposting about it, it's really fun.
Playing Monster Hunter World right now and every time someone opens their fucking mouth I want to do something else
too large
If he was from Ireland, he d say she was too black.
My face has now a new target
tits too small
Still frame cutscenes weren't stylistic choice, it was a because of budget constraints
and yea you are right about everthing, and yet bayo3 will 100% still have those annoying ass elements aswell because Kamiya just can't fucking breathe without shoving that shit into his games
>me reply to everyone
fuck off retard
c-coom... coom..?? coooom
Dragons Dogma
Shit music, graphics, story, world, nothing to explore, shitty enemy variety. The face animations are horrendous and the quest are pretty bad (mostly fetch quests)
And the biggest problem: The combat system was good but the game itself gets incredible tedious after 20 hours or so after all the cool moves combos get stale and you think to yourself:
>man i'm playing a shitty "You are the chosen one" story line with generic fetch quests, unsinpired design.
The only reason i finished was bcause of the achievements
Gameplay fucking sucks too
I kinda like DD's world and setting. Every fantasy game out there tries too hard to be unique (all in the same ways), it's nice to just get into some old 'sword & sorcery' aesthetic for a change
At what age did you realize you were gay, user?
How is the average man supposed to satisfy a female with a large ass?
I can give you the opposite, the newest God of War
Apex Legends
Literally every fighting game.
Tales of Graces F.
Awful graphics
Low count community
Bad support
Sub par maps
Good twitch shooter combat
>Devs keep fucking up good games again and again and again or have to listen to the publisher's wishes
>Game industry is retarded
>Stockholders don't care
>Publishers only want to please the Stockholders
Why would you ruin an ass with cowtits?
Easy, by not being a dicklet.
You're not a dicklet user, are you?
I am now stop
having big tits is a requirement for me to recognize a girl, if she doesn't have big tits then the other features don't matter
benis in bagina
Loli butt is good butt too
I don't give a single fuck about lolis
This elf has a fat cock
>He's a dicklet
Good lord user, I'm sorry, good luck pleasing a girl with a normal ass yet alone a huge one...
legend of the dragoon
god hand
destiny warriors 5 and onward
Most fighting games
Godspeed, user. I have faith he can be healed.
post the other three user
>Dicklets hate big asses
It all makes sense, really
>I have a small dick
Sorry for your loss, femanon.
Buddha was wise.
>dicklets saying “too large”
Pathetic, an Ass is never too big
Kingdom of amular.
Spiderman shattered dimensions(art style was good though).
just start hitting the gym retard
>thumbnail looks nice
Why, user?
But the combat falls apart because of the lag and whatnot.
Can't do a single counter as the big character. They apparently even made it so you can just hold the button ready but it doesn't register.
Reperations for all our anime wimminz defiled by negroidal scum
by eating it
Maybe not everything; the set pieces are top tier - but I'll grant it. Destiny is fun to play, but actively undermined by almost everything surrounding it.
>Dragon's Dogma
>Shit music
"Big tits will no ass will fill your hands, but big ass with no tits will fill your heart."