Why do people donate to streamers?

Why do people donate to streamers?

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Cause they're retarded, and you're a faggot for making this thread

lack of public shaming.
Now plz delete this.

Oh neat, video games.

The 'Wow why do you even care, just let people be people, who are you to tell me I shouldn't do X' mentality that infests the modern world.

Streamers are a part of videogame culture unfortunately

A fool and his money are soon parted

>Seminole county

Hey I live there and hey I remember this story. What a dumb fuck

I donated to KBrad to help fund Reflex 10K. And then I watched the stream of Reflex 10K. It was worth it.

I dont know how to feel about all this female streamers mess. Especially what to think of men who donate to those women
like its a mix of disgust but also pity. They disgust me with their actions but they are also kind of sad. People bereft so much of affection they are desperate for any kind of feelings.
I wonder do they know they are using titty streamers like proxy gf just like people watching male streamers use them as proxy friends.Or are they so delusional they think what titty streamer says to wievers is real

Did he buy a lot of sex toys and lingerie, or just a couple of super expensive dildos and stuff?

here’s a tough pill to swallow: you only feel anything because you associate with the betas and their need to be loved, nobody well adjusted feels a single thing about this
it’s not even a new development, this has been how men and women worked since the dawn of time, the only thing that’s changed is that this is loosely associated with video games and internet culture

Same reason people donate to homeless... Guilt and by alleviating that guilt, they probably feel some kind of beta like superiority

>nobody well adjusted feels a single thing about this
>nobody well adjusted feels empathy

>video game culture
There you go making up imaginary friends again

Cuz they're simps.

>just a couple

Unironically correct in this context. The average person cannot imagine themselves giving thousands of dollars to twitch streamers. That is what empathy means. The very fact you empathise with them is just confirming what I’ve said.
Sympathy, sure, but not empathy.
It’s like saying you empathise with people who commit suicide, it’s an immediate sign you’re not well.

So she accepted stolen money and goods?
Shouldn't it all be confiscated?

They seek virtual relationships and comfort through streamers.


Fair point. Sympathy is more what I was thinking of.

I wonder if I was still a virgin at 28 and gotten really fat and lonely and still lived with my mom if I'd do something like this, but I really doubt it. I think you have to be emotionally retarded.

>who are you to tell me I shouldn't do X' mentality that infests the modern world
Fuck you're right. I should just do what everyone tells me to do all the time. I should do what mega corporations do. McDonalds is yummy, they make the best hamburgers! I love my new Xbox, Microsoft makes the best games! I love my Playstation 5, Sony makes the best games!

>feeling empathy to being pathetic

Becuase the times where cooms were to be inside a woman are long gone.


Can someone explain to me how this is any different than prostitution? Why do these streaming services allow this?

Great rebuttal. You've won this argument sir.

Libtard detected

You're missing the point, mate.

'Wow why do you even care, just let people be people, who are you to tell me I shouldn't follow the words of a corporation blindly'


Who and who?

>ere’s a tough pill to swallow: you only feel anything because you associate with the betas and their need to be loved
there are also things called compassion and empathy
I dont associate with crackheads or homeless to feel sad for them.
Its so easy to label everything.
>Smart twitch whore gets beta bucks from simps. I would do the same if i was her
But if you analyze this. things gets sadder
Those who donate were unpopular in school. Propably no friends and no girlfriend for sure.
lack of affection from others made them really vulnerable, internet girl saying "I love you" is enough.
Same goes to people obsessed with male streamers. But in their case they want to belong to some community, and lie to their brain that they have friend. At least gameplay is better. But you see that it doesnt matter what they play. Dont lie to yourself you watch streamer for csgo or league. They watch streamers react to videos and memes nowadays. They want to belong somwehre
I dont say donating to streamers is good. Its retarded and especially to females
Im just saying instead laughing at what they do think why they do this once.

No one gets there meat sucked.

based e-girl leach

you're the one that got buttmad over your own interpretation of a post lol

Prostitution relates to actual sex. The law hasn't caught up to the technology.

I mean, there are some pretty expensive sex toys going up to 5 digits, I can only imagine what designer lingerie could cost

She looks like she has a permanent spade tattoo on her ankle.

>Why do people donate to streamers?
The same reason they smoke, drink, gamble, eat sugar...


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They do it because they're weak and fragile chaff who either need to change internally or fully succumb to their weakness in whatever way they see fit. I don't watching fucking streamers because the entire idea of it is stupid. Watching other people play games misses the entire point of an interactive media as entertainment.

refer to

It's the same idea as people who get addicted to getting (you)'s but taken to a higher extreme.

This is why gamers need to be bullied.

There's no physical contact so you could just as easily classify it as live porn. It's a bit of a grey area I think.

This bitch looks like a female, Persian, Darryl Davis.

Then why wont these males just buy actual sex? looks cheaper.

A man chooses a slave obeys

That's not the point. You're free to do whatever that pleases you, that's fine, it's your life and your calls. But you shouldn't be free from having other people call you out on it. Either defend your actions or stop doing it, the safe space mentality of never confronting people is actively harmful, those who get stuck in bad habits never get thrown the rope to climb out.

>falling in love with a balding 40-something you've never even met

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>The law hasn't caught up to the technology.
paid phone sex services existed before you were born

Why was this show cancelled?

Corporations support gay/female/tranny rights bullshit. Think about what you're accusing me of.

He could have bought a whole gf for that. 250/night is standard. What a dummy.

One of the Tim and Eric guys is a huge leftist, has a lot of sway with adult swim, and hated him for obvious reasons.

Creator is a trump supporter
media lied about the show being nazi
Adult swim cancelled it to avoid backlash

>how dare you judge others for how their spend their money
Never heard of voting with your wallet, huh? How do you think boycotts which lead to actual change are started?

It's idiots like you that infest the modern world with your religion of non-judgmentalism among that many other "isms" that actually ruin the world.

Long story short, some jealous faggot who couldn't make a good show to save his life got Sam Heidegger to organize a boycott and convince the Execs at CC to remove it.

coomers aren't human. they are a lower specimen who should be exterminated

dont make offtopic threads you stupid fuck