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you can still have a glass jaw even if you spent hours in the gym each day
it only takes one jab

Well I've never had a gf so I guess I would wake up.

Nice one bro now slap mine.

Vidya for this feel?

My gf turns around and goes ITS MAAM

your turn giga nigga

Slap her ass harder

slap every arse in the store to assert dominance

call the cops

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call the police and put him where he belongs

Call his slavemaster.

wait until he's walking away and swing my fist like a sledgehammer at the back of his head. if he falls i stomp his brains out on the floor. if he doesn't i gut him life a fish with my stainless steel wakizashi i keep strapped across my back

Slap his ass

I rear up my ass and blast him with the corona brap.

Shoot him and plant a stolen gun on his corpse

Call him a nigger.
Muscles don't stop bullets.

Didn't your dad ever teach you respect?
Oh wait...

Hey fuck you! I don't have a giant, fat, smelly ass.


i have a bf so i'd ask if he was gay but it would also be understandable because he's really cute

my gf was made for bbc then

i would fight him, regardless of how small i am, i gotta fight and do jihad against him, for harassing my wife in hijab, not even i get to do that to my wife

I would try to buy animal crossing, get told that it isn't being sold yet, and just buy doom so I can leave.

Hi! Few things to start off with 1. Yes I added you because you're a female gamer, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen

>gf knows self defense
Good luck.

slap his ass

Double leg takedown, pass guard to knee on belly, 2 to 3 punches to the face. After that transition to North South control and choke him unconscious via north south choke. Ez

slap his ass back and ask him for a drink.

Suck his dick

Listen here you piece of shit

Do a 360 and walk away

Call the police and put a sexual assault charge on him, then I let the inmates take care of him

Tell her to show him her massive cock

Calling the police would be the correct option, but I'm not a faggot so I would hit him in the jaw instead. Even if he beats me up

enjoy getting dumped

Does this mean he literally slaps the back of my hand for some reason?

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Yeah, he saw you were going to pick up a shit game, so he slapped your hand before you could grab it, and now that he's got your attention he's going to go over the overall reasons why that game is bad (the finer points will be in a 30 page long paper he wrote on the game which he'll send you free of charge later when he gets home over email).
Then he'll recommend you another game, similar in genre as the one you were going to buy, but much better.

What a great guy

Call him a nigga.

>you are watching netflix when your bf bursts in to the room angry after discovering your onlyfans account

what do you do?

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I'd wonder why he gave me a high five on the back of my hand.

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5 rounds in the chest, 1 in the forehead. Not taking any risks with roid monkeys.

> your bf
which one?

Eh, not all of us are no-chin manlet like you user

you get beat up in front of your girlfriend = you get dumped
simple as that

Kek. I'm sorry you had shit girlfriends

It's either that or they cheat on you behind your back
good luck user

Thanks for sharing you experiences, cuck.

not him but seriously, find better gfs

So you'd walk into him again? Go back to school you retard.

>Actually falling for that bait
Everyone laugh at this retard

I don't like females or nigger, games for this feel?

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Shoot him with a .45 or try to gas him out.

Threaten to call the cops if he even looks at us again. If he escalates, pull my CC and shut him right the fuck up.

I am the gf though. So i guess i'd end up belonging to him.

Corn Chips?

Suicide yourself, tranny.

comedic cope?

what's gfs ass? some kind of anus cancer?

We fuck her with our BBCs

Comedy Club?