Aside from PS2 textures and animation the demo is all right. English and Japanese audio. Remake and Original Soundtrack. They did a lot of things right. Proves you don't have to go try hard like the FF7 remake.
Aside from PS2 textures and animation the demo is all right. English and Japanese audio. Remake and Original Soundtrack...
the english dub is so bad jesus christ
Oh yeah, I'm gonna need a hard sauce on that, bud.
Imagine being so inept at video games that you find the FFVII Remake demo hard.
As for the Trials of Mana demo, the fighting is the most braindead shit I've bothered with in a long time. I'm playing on hard, I've gotten into the later chunk of the demo where I have my second party member, and everything's still dying in less than five seconds. It's WAY too easy, and the voice acting is abysmal. It's like people just hired relatives to get them a quick buck, because I find it hard to believe that anyone in this entire game has any voice acting experience, and if they do, they sure as fuck aren't getting hired again after this mess.
I also ended up skipping a lot of cutscenes because they dragged on too long, only to get control wrenched from me every two minutes anyway. Game's shit, glad they released a demo so I know not to waste any of my money or time on it.
I didn't say it was hard difficulty wise. I am talking about the effort they put into making it look and play totally different.
I'm usually not a sucker for graphics but holy shit this game. I have admit the female characters like Angela or Lise are hot as fuck but those animations and that gameplay is absolute garbage. There's no impact/flinch to your attacks and your supers have those ridiculous cutscenes. It feels like a Vita launch title or a 20$ budget release where its made solely for the screenshots to look good. What a disappointment.
>play angela
>the game doesn't look like CRUNCH
>wtf shit game 0/10
You people are everything wrong with video games these days, the graphics are neat and charming, fuck off
Fucking switch held this game back. So much low textures n shit. At least the models looks kinda decent
Yeah I'm with you for the most part OP.
Started a Duran/Angela/Hawkeye run and got to the first boss and restarting now with Kevin/Reisz/Charlotte and it's clearly not AAA shit but it's on an acceptable level. Sadly a far cry from a lot of S-E's effort over the last few years.
Final Fantasy 1-6 ports, Nova Crystalis shit, Mana remakes, XV in general, Dissidia, botch after botch after mother fucking botch.
This isn't a botch at the minimum. It meets a standard of quality. Way too easy so far though and if you play with dubs you deserve shit so not gonna fault that.
Even the SNES version had some sort of impact to your attacks and made it so you had to maneuver your character in a certain way instead of looking at a looping rendering of your character slashing at an unreacting enemy.
The game doesn't have to be AAA graphics to not look like a cheap cellphone game. You're everything wrong with videogames for throwing money at big publishers for appealing to nostalgia with nothing but cute waifus to their mediocre gameplay at 50$.
This is exactly how I felt when playing it. You can tell they held back. There aren't even any real graphics options aside from framerate and resolution.
I am glad they took the chance with making it full 3D instead of forcing the the static camera like they did with Secret of Mana. But in doing that it makes the combat seem dated. Either way it feels the same to me so that is all that matters.
Angela's leotards and tiny hats are the best.
Also, i played both the Steam and Switch version, and it seems like the PC version is the one to go, since it feels less clunky at higher FPS and the textures are less blurry.
>Imagine being so inept at video games that you find the FFVII Remake demo hard.
not what he said you brain damaged retard
I'm definitely having a better time with it than SoM. The one thing that made it unplayable for me is how you had to wait for hits to register one by one.
Thanks doc
Far as I'm concerned this is already better by virtue of not being released in episodes/parts.
>Releasing in the same window as FF7R.
This'll kill any future Mana dead.
The voices don't even match the character emotes most of the time. Jap dub is the only way to play.
I beat the crab boss with Duran and the green dress girl. Aren't you supposed to get 3 characters in this part?
This has actual gameplay, unlike final QTE 7
Only if you pick the annoying loli
It’s a fast food action rpg, you probably don’t need it, but it’s kinda fun and simple
Ok. Thought I missed an event or something
Altough I don't like the character designs the gameplay seems really fun, looking foward to this
I was going to get it regardless because I love the original.
I liked it more than FFVII Remake's demo
It's a nice simple action RPG instead of a mechanical clusterfuck
The demo gave me more enjoyment than what I got out of Luigi's mansion 3. So bought straight away.
Reminder that Risez is worst girl
t. Angela waifu poster
You can use a party of 3.
I'm getting the PS4 for physical then steam when it's on sale. Switch wouldn't be bad for all the frame drops, texture issues, and some other stuff.
She fucks her own brother
Imagine being so inept at English that you somehow get that from the OP.
I’ve got the PS4 version preordered, it’s not actually censored on PS4 is it? It just seemed like shitposting to me.
>Mana = Soul
>FF7R = s o y
Based on these posts, I think its all shitposting
fucking love that modest jiggle mang
It's shit posting and shilling the switch version. Played all the demos and didn't notice a difference of jiggle and skirts.
Entered here to say that.
>ps2 textures
not a fucking chance, ps2 games didn't even have normal maps.
Charlotte bishoujo DECHI!
Did they censor panties shot on the sjw station 4?
Which is why you shouldn't play japanese games with english VA
She want to fuck Heath and so he does.
This. The original has aged like fine win and has two player mode.
I wish the text wasn't in line with the fucking shitty ass english dub. I'm never touching Charlotte because of that shit.
>PS2 textures
You have an overly generous memory of what PS2 graphics looked like. This is PS3/XBox 360 at least.
>I'm getting the PS4 for physical then steam when it's on sale.
Explain this mentality for me. Why buy a game twice?
Physical is to have something that belongs to you. Steam is for best settings and mods.
>You know, I have zero interest in Mana series and I definitely won't be buying Resident Evil 3 remake just yet, I will wait for a sal--
*download demo for both games*
>Yeah, ok. Preordered.
Why do pcfags always blabber on about mods when nobody makes any for 98% of games.
>best settings
What does it matter? It's still basically going to be the same experience. Just with added cooms right?
It's not. PS4 has no visible panties and no loincloth animation
Been proven number of this is fake.
Graphics and animations are meh and it's too easy. But I like it anyway. Musics are great and it basically is the original game in 3D.
Show us the proofs
Is the PC version censored?
None of the versions are censored.
Duran and Kevin are so good in Japanese compared to English.
I like how when you have Japanese on, it actually tells you who the voice actor is.
You can get it for 20% off right now on GMG.
>tfw picking charlotte as the mc
How fucked am I?
>playing demo
>have some obvious gripes, but the gameplay is fun enough that I'm still looking forward to playing with a friend later
>pick up second character and start trying to figure out how to do multiplayer
>split up controller into two but it doesn't do anything
>look up game specs
Oh hell no.
Haven't had a game fall off my radar this hard in a while.
I might pick it up way down the line for cheap, but playing it with friend(s) was by far the biggest selling point.
What in the fuck were they thinking removing multiplayer?
How fucking thirsty do you have to be to coom to this?
Where do you think you are?
every JRPG dub this gen has been fine, but square gave Mana the budget group