PSA for PC gamers

PS5 costs $399 and its equivalent to an RX5700 system BUT with RTX v2.0

The RX5700 alone costs more than $399

I am doing this PSA because I am seeing PC building threads. Also I suggest to KYS immediatly

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so how much are they gonna lose per console

who is asking?

>build a pc
>get a massive library
>buy a ps5
oh wait, no games.


Well user, high time to take your own advice
I suggest helium

Won't happen, autismo.

Funny enough it's the trend of consoles getting more powerful revisions in the future that keeps me from buying one.

>build pc
>pirate everything
still saves money in the long run

we dont play games in 2020. interactive movies now

Personally I switched to movies now since they're better

We must take risks to reap the rewards!

You have to be a retard to build a PC, or even to buy a console, immediately before a new console generation any way.
Literally just wait so prices across the board can adjust downard.

too late hypernigger, i already ordered my parts before all the stores sold out due to nothing arriving from china

Have fun playing everything at rock solid 20 fps again because devs will want to put everything on ultra to look "next-gen" but you bought what is essentially a mid-range pc.

The thing about PCs is that you upgrade them as you go, it is not a fixed hardware platform like consoles where those specs will hold you over for the next 6 years Jesus this gen was only 6 years old Also you pay a monthly fee to use online features, that adds up.

Unless these consoles have no online fee or library of exclusives that actually are exclusive and not just timed multiplats Im still not interested. This gen was shockingly bad for exclusives, everything was multiplat, I have not turned my PS4 on in literally years, not because I dont want to its that there were no fucking games for it if you have a PC already.

>consolefag thinking they are relevant
big yikes

I'll be on xbox

>build pc
>play video games
>is also a computer
I don't get what is so difficult about this.

you got meme's cucked and BLACKED. you need an rtx2080 to fight off the ps5 and xsex


an rtx2080 system will cost MINIMUM $2000

end your life

MS less than a hundred bucks. Sony even less. They have direct deals with AMD and others for the parts. And then they make the loss back several times because plebs unironically
>pay for multiplayer
PC hardware is only expensive because retards are throwing money at LED shit and overclocked refreshes etc.

or you could just wait for the rtx 3000 series to come out

RTX won't be a thing until second or third year next gen titles - and even then it will be a visual accoutrements. Devs don't know what to do with it because it's a tech that Nvidia shoved down everyone's throats. PC gamers already largely rejected it and it's not a necessity right now nor will it be anywhere near usable in the next 2 years.

Stop pushing the RTX meme - it's a non starter.

dont bother explaining to them. they always repeat questions. they're not aware that gpus prices are so high because sellers want a large % on each sale

i read 70% of gpu price is gross profit. 12% goes for Nvidia as net profit

iphones are sold at about 70% profit

I've felt financially secure for just a little more than a year and I've already forgot how it feels to be poor it seems, I wouldn't mind a 600 bucks console, I mean it's once every seven years or so, isn't it affordable ?

Fuck off console kiddy, im not going to buy your child's toy

>Build pc in 2020
>Realize there's few modern games worth it anyways

On the high end cards, get a midrange for 80% of the performance at 50% of the cost.

no you absolutely need to have ubersampling on

PC has more games, is backwards compatible, allows emulation, pirating not to mention other software besides games for creating them, music, graphics, video editing etc.

5700 is 300, but will be replaced by the rdna2 6700 soon, also ps5 is 500 bucks

And to add, the number of "Rays" that any of the current - even top of the line cards can functionally calculate is useless as a conventional raytrace mechanic - that's why you have all this "soft" propaganda about audio-space engineering and other tangentially related (to graphics) "advancements".
It's shit immature tech that Nvidia forced on everyone to justify their price
inflation (without the corresponding performance increase). Google "RTX Tax"
Now the convinced Console manufacturers to push the same bullshit.
Devs will not focus on the tech, it will be treated like Nvidia Physx. An extra that they might turn on if they have spare development time.
They WILL NOT develop with RTX as a focus. It will be lucky to be included as a novelty.

>I've already forgot how it feels to be poor it seems

dont worry you'll soon remember thanks to Corona

I have all of my games on pc, why would I switch?

Only reason to build a machine is for vr and that’s a shit meme anyway. VR is perfect for space sims yet we continue to get the same janky Skyrim wannabes.

Don't forget input lag it's one of the most important aspect for me now.

You know what a PC has that a PS5 doesn't, though, right?

fuck off, i aint gonna get the ps5


>ps5 comes out
>softmod happens
>literally becomes the cheapest high end pc you can get

can't wait

>buy computer 2 years ago
>it costs lots of money
>mfw my PC will be THREE(3) years old by the time PS5/Xbox come out
>mfw my super autism computer is still better

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yes i do.

but i realized that the market for 2nd hand games is huge for playstation...also how many MP games do we actually play?

btw fortnite is free on ps. no monthly internet fees

yea that surely is going to happen for sure this is the true versatile power of console gaming

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Incel siren?

Get fucked.
>build a pc for 670€ when metro 2033 released
>wanted to play it with above average settings
>that was around 2010, still have same PC, 10 years later

Could run metro exodus on it on medium settings, looked good enough to me.
Fuck the gayming industry for making these bloated requirements for grafik while everything else doesn't progress much.
My next upgrade will be a grafiks card. My i5 still works and never was very loaded during the games because most games are grafik hungry. But i'll only upgrade if something worthwhile comes out. Right now there are no games that would be worth it for me.

>Jesus this gen was only 6 years old
You what? You know this gen didn't start in 2014 right?

dude, quit doing this no one is intrested.
you wont change no one's mind

dont have high hopes about piracy on consoles ESPECIALLY on Sony consoles

their anti-piracy is mind boggling even on ps4

the constant mandatory firmwire updates on ps4 LITERALLY alter the mobo's architecture physically

sony learnt their lesson after the ps2 piracy blunder

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I have never been so pissed of by a comment. Purely because of how true it is.

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ill quit when i stop being paid not when you say

all gaming is eventually PC gaming

The 2nd hand games market is supplanted on PC by sales and free games, and that's saying nothing about piracy.

>this tripnigger again

I'll just get both with my 2k corona bucks

you mean PS1 kek

fair enough

>ESPECIALLY on Sony consoles
Dude, their systems are easy as fuck to hack. The problem is the constant firmware updates and games updating accordingly so there's a sort of lag as people work on each firmware.

settle down faggot, i already have a 1080ti, im not upgrading until 3080tis arrive

Who said anything about piracy. also every playstation has been hacked so far.

>a console
>ever a high end PC
Are you retarded?

>we are getting $2000 com-pu-ter performance for $399.00+Tax

completely ignoring the fact that the RTX 2080 is a OUTDATED card keke

are you?

Lol, the cope is real.

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Nigga PS5 got no games

completely disagree. RTX is only a meme so far because the raw performance just isn't there. on the new consoles the limit to ray-tracing is only the competency of the graphics programmers. the lighting in MS' minecraft demo is already so far ahead of any other dynamic day-night game (on par with Quake 2 RTX) ray-tracing knowledge is spreading through the developer community like a wild fire right now, guaranteed. it's a game changer and it's going to be in almost every launch title, I promise you.
by 2022 non-ray-traced cards are going to get shit looking versions of games because the games will be built around ray-traced lighting and the deferred fallback will receive little attention.

The specs shown don't even come close to a high end PC. I'll answer my question for you, yes you are retarded.

PS4 hacks are shit and incomplete

>PS5 costs $399 and its equivalent to an RX5700 system BUT with RTX v2.0
>The RX5700 alone costs more than $399
>I am doing this PSA because I am seeing PC building threads. Also I suggest to KYS immediatly
Fuck off faggot I spent 4k on 2080ti ssds 2700x and vr over the last 3 years and I'd do it again just to spite you and I'm a poor neet

Did they give any info at which framerate their games will run on PS5? If they are 30 FPS again they learned literally nothing.

My i7-4790/970gtx maxes out everything at 1080/60. What should I care about.

>PS5 costs $399
Aaaand no. It will cost $699


he is not retarded. you are

look up the new xbox. i know there are stronger CPUs available for pc cucks....but we are Yas Forums. we are speaking about gaming pcs' here