Is she right?
Is she right?
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What the hell is POGO?
>inb4 the screenshot of the steam review
its like people never played duck tales or something
>dishonest game design is lack of tutorials
Hmm, maybe its okay if we all die actually.
I asked the devs and they said that since everyone played Shovel Knight, then everyone should down that you can perform a down attack and bounce off things
I'm just going to point out that not explaining a mechanic exists in the game is pretty poor gameplay. It' replicates real life just fine, but it's poor gameplay.
Let 3 nephews, age range 4 to 16 try litterally any game
The two older ones ALWAYS immediately ask me what the controls are before even moving
They refuse to try buttons once they find a bare minimum. For instance, in Mario they'll jump but not run. Or in Smash Bros they'll only use B move attacks.
They get confused when I tell them to just try out the buttons.
Is this the reason why I keep seeing it said that Hollow Knight is super difficult? I didn't think it was very hard at all when I played it, but maybe that's just because I have more than two brain cells to rub together.
I am so fucking tired of this era of rampant contrarianism and one-upping each other with the "hottest takes". It's driving me fucking crazy.
New 'gamers' are literally too retarded to mess around with the controls and figure shit out and want the game to explain every single possibility to them. I almost always do dragon punch motions and hadokens and shit expecting extra stuff and most games now don't even have varied movesets at all.
Its just a bunch of kids and weirdos
Don't engage with them and forget the world for your own sake
at least this fag has decent teeth
SkipTheDishes needs to go out of business change my mind
I bought this game yesterday and when I realized it had the ducktales pogo I felt like a whole new world opened up. too bad I'm dogshit and can't chain them for things like those spike platforming sections. Probably just need to practice it though.
It's a pretty neat game, I don't know what they hell they mean by things like "lack of direction" it's a metroidvania, if anything it almost feels too linear just going off the starting area.
What's more retarded : this, or the article about the playtester of Dishonored who was told to not go upstairs and then just didn't.
I don't even like Hollow Knight and bouncing off the mushrooms took me all of 5 seconds to figure out. These people are retarded.
I figured out the "mechanic" in less than five seconds.
I am truly sorry for your and cunts in the op, low iq.
>It WoRkS fOr Me
Rent free
Who the hell hasn't heard his music? It's very popular
They are literal npc's.
That was Thief, wasn't it? Both are pretty retarded, but at least Hollow Knight requires some sort of experimentation if they've never seen that before.
Imagine these pansies playing video games in the 80s with all the Nintenhard bullshit
o wait, normies didn't fukken play games back then except Donkey Kong and goddamn Pacman
I am sorry for not being mentally arrested and spending half a minute before i start every game testing the buttons and what they do.
Such a shocking and mind blowing concept, i know.
The problem is that devs DO listen to these big babies, and in return we get "press button, something awesome has to happen". It's painful to watch the younger generation play anything since they don't try buttons, they don't look for secrets, they don't do ANYTHING unless explicitly told.
just stop treating everything people say seriously
see If you ignore it then things will just get worse.
You'll also notice this when people are asking for help or just recommendations on games and the answers are "watch a 30min youtube video first" etc. It's like kids grow up with guides for absolutely everything.
>Watch someone play Super Metroid
>It takes them half an hour of wandering around the incredibly limited starting space before they think of trying to use missiles on the red hatches.
>They shoot it once, see the same damage flash that happens when enemies are hurt, then decide that didn't do anything and go back to wandering for another ten minutes.
>comparing a idiot who can't read whats on the screen to a game that has no mention of an ability anywhere at all
user, mashing buttons really just makes you look like a mindless ape. Nothing else.
No, it was the first dishonored.
The play test mission had the guard block the stairway to the target, telling them they can't go upstairs and every single play tester just stopped dead in his track and tried nothing else, no exploration, finding alternate routes or whatever, when the devs asked them, why aren't they exploring, they said they stopped because the guard told them to and that was it.
That's why they had to add quest markers and shit to the final game.
The play testers were literal braindead meatbags with no problem solving abilities.
I can kinda understand that since I played Zero Mission before Super and in that game it only takes one missile for Red doors.
>Game bounces you backward when you slash literally any enemy.
>There is an entire section with mushrooms that fling you around when you slash them.
>No one even attempts to put two and two together that if you can bounce backward horizontally and you can slash directly upwards at any moment that you should maybe try slashing downward since it's possible to slash upward.
I can't remember if you could do it from a standing position, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try it in the air because you already know you can slash in the air. How does this make any sense?
I wouldn't mind these games being made retard-proof it they gave you the option to turn it all off
I wasn't a huge fan of BOTW and I barely even touched the story but I still had a decent amount of fun just exploring the open world solely because I could turn everything but the HP off in the HUD and just let myself get lost in it.
>start game
>press the attack button
>try pressing the attack button in various directions
>it works
>try jumping and pressing attack button in various directions
>it works
>see a bouncy mushrooms
>my regular jump doesn't cut it
>try the down attack motion on the bouncy mushroom
>it works
Stop embarrassing yourself.
How do these people get through life without someone holding their hands all the time?
You just try and see if works or not. God damn my little sister found it out in like 5 sec because she hit everything that she thought could be hit and experimented. Are these guys dumber than a 8 year old?
And that is where you entire argument falls apart. Proper game design lays mechanics in front of the player, not leave them guessing.
Fuck, yeah you're right. Think I saw it in a Thief thread so mixed them up.
This has got me thinking, as much as I hate early access, at least the people playing won't be as braindead as the usual playtesters.
>on mushroom
>now have to repeat the process on every object
>in every attack pattern to see if it does something
>last level of the game
>the flowers can now be cut, but only in an upward slash
>you have to cut the flowers in a sepcifici order with this ability that was never explained
>if you don't you can't beat the game
Neat game design.
I refuse to believe mouthbreathers like this exist.
Not him but you are quite literally everything wrong with modern media. You are the type of person who unironically thinks horror movies need to be accessible and "less scary".
How are you still alive?
"This one section of the game is a little unintuitive, but all in all, it's a great game!" Instead everyone is making this out as a fucking shit game because you can't figure out that you can pogo. Fuck.
Nice projection.
By understanding that things that work have explanations to how they work. You're argument falls on the idea that someone should know electricty will shock them by touching a 600v circuit breaker, instead of being taught it will hurt them. And why, It's like what of those people who go "It just weeerrks"
>what the fuck, why doesn't the game lay out the locations and conditions to get all the uber powerful spells with enemy skill materia, fucking piece of shit badly designed game!
>what do you mean i have to explore and discover stuff on my own, fucking hack Kojima!
It's because when you make a thumbnail in big, bright, bold red letters saying "DISHONEST GAME DESIGN" then it gives an aura of smugness and being "above it all".
finally! at least one 120+ IQ user in this thread
What other object in the game bounces you like the mushrooms do in order for you to "repeat the process on every object"?
Go on, low iq ape, make us laugh.
I've had games where you were told not to do something and if you did it, guess what? you fucking die. you basically just waste your time.
>someone should know electricty will shock them by touching a 600v circuit breaker, instead of being taught it will hurt them.
Ah so your that kind of guy who doesn’t learn by doing it himself but by being told so. I’m sorry that you have such a miserable life
trials and errors.
>By understanding that things that work have explanations to how they work
Does super mario world have dishonest game design because it never explains to you that you can fly infinitely across the entire level with the flying power up?
>t. orphan
So now because a game doesn't explain a base mechanic for no reason it's a good thing and it's the player's fault if he doesn't figure it out
Dishonest game design is a really stupid term for it, but it is a mistake from the devs.
Oh no, a literal who has a shitty opinion on a game I love, how could this happen to me
t. brainlet
In Dishonored you are breaking/sneaking into compounds/buildings. Thats the game.
Because an attention seeking asshole did not manage this does not make it bad game design. Dead cells did little to no explaining with the detached head mechanics for example but I am sure you managed just fine.
BASED as fuck. I fucking hate nu-Yas Forums riding this game's dick so hard.
>Personally I thought the "lack of direction" was what made the game. It's probably my favorite metroidvania (maybe game in general) when it comes to sense of exploration on the first blind playthrough. The map contributed a lot to this for me as well. You never know where exactly you're going, how big an area really is, or how many secrets there are until you really start exploring and it's one of the few games I really felt like I was exploring rather than just following a map or being led along the right path. In general this is a big part of why I like metroidvanias, and Hollow Knight definitely nailed it for the first run IMO
Actual quote from
It's such a dumb mundane thing that I probably figured out in a few seconds, and haven't even thought about until I saw this thread. How did these people graduate school?
Your argument is invalid because attacking downward while standing still doesn't do anything. So the player has no reason to assume it's going to be different in midair unless he played a game with a mechanic similar to pogo before
By having other people carry them
Hey boy why don’t you go Play Sonys Movie Games. At least those game don’t require you to use your brain
But the thumbnail is fake and made purposefully to trigger HK fans.
Reminder that this person actually exists.
And they didn't find the walljump TEN HOURS INTO THE FUCKING GAME.
Sir, are you completely retarded ? Are you the guy who fought mosquitos while stationary ? If so you never progressed the game after Hornet first fight.
Super Mario World has a manual. Also if you get a powerup the first thing the player is going to try is to see how it affects the main character
The HL2 beta tester
no because it plays that flying bell sound once oyu enter a level.
Now finding out that you can fly in the first place, that's a different matter.
Neither does holding down and shooting in Metal Slug aside from crouching but what happens when i jump and hold down plus the shoot button?
When casuals were infesting the industry people's defense was "ignore them and they will go away, they are not the main audience"
When sjws were infesting the industry people's defense was "ignore them and they will go away, they are not the main audience"
great fucking job with that. Lots of good IGNORING the problems it did
he makes good remixes
It's even better than that user
>fall on mushroom
>collide with mushroom from the side
>attack mushroom
>down attack mushroom
the argument that it "blends into the background" falls apart as soon as you literally do anything to it. And the fact it responds to sword hits suggests it should be hit with the sword.
>play a game that is all about testing the mechanics of your newly acquired abilities to find new areas and secrets
>complain when it doesn't spell it all out for you
Doesn't the character specifically look up and down when moving the joystick?
And then he slashes in the same direction he's looking?
I can literally make this game in Scratch. There isn't any gameplay to this "game" because of how trivial it is to program.
>hurr muh map
Who gives a shit?
>hurr muh art style
Literally Dark Souls: tumblr edition
You should be ashamed for even playing this game. Hollow Knight was an instant-refund for me.
...Okay? Do you like, want this to branch off into the broader topic of headline culture? Because we COULD do that I guess, but I fail to see how that will help your point of Hollow Knight fans being stupid.
tl:dr: Don't pretend you don't fall for retarded headlines designed to catch your attention.
>And they didn't find the walljump TEN HOURS INTO THE FUCKING GAME.
How is that even humanly possible? Isn't HK like completely linear until you get it?
The infamous HL2 ep2 play tester did an AMA on reddit (i know) a few years back, and he was like "haha isn't that crazy, well we all had a bunch of laughs xD" and when he was called out he acted all passive aggressive
the real issue with these kinds of people is that they go into gaming for different reasons than we did in the old days.
we went into games to explore, and the general simplicity of games meant that the mechanics werent obtuse. fiddling with the controller for a few minutes typically gave you a good indicator as to what you could do.
games used to be a puzzle, and solving it was it's own reward. of course, you have manuals that tell you what buttons do, and general hints, but now people need step by step instructions as to where to go or what to do. people don't want the challenge, people want to be part of the group. every group has prominent figures, and those figures have some measure of power and importance. most of us play video games because we like the adventures, and the occasionally challenging mechanics. these people, these peripheral orbiters want to be important, and understanding the need to explore or how to double jump requires effort. this effort is a roadblock the power and influence these orbiters seek
I've finished the game twice idiot. The lack of explanation of the mechanic wasn't even a big deal. But it'a objectively a mistake. There's no argument to defend it.
It legit took me two hours to finallly figure out that you could do this. Half of that was was wandering around the map wondering if I was supposed to go somewhere else to get some ability I would need to get through that part, but I assumed that jumping on the mushrooms would give you as much height as you'd normally get.
>but I fail to see how that will help your point of Hollow Knight fans being stupid.
That wasn't my point, my point is that people who defend the devs' choice often claim that "if you don't figure it out" then you are a brainlet with two brain cells, but to anyone with above room temperature IQ it should be obvious that thumbnail was fake and posted here multiple times to trigger fans.
How are you retards still alive?
The modern man has no need for trivial concepts like "intuition."
>objective mistake.
No you just agree with an attention seeking statement for a game which many people liked. There is nothing objective about this. It’s your opinion and its shit.
Props to you user for coming up with fresh bait, I haven't seen this particular one before.
The pogo is a base mechanic user.
Also every other ability you find has its controls explained to you.
Humans take shortcuts it's how our brain works. Unfortunately it's hard to get someone to try exercise their creativity when it's needed. Don't take for granted that something obvious to you isn't obvious to someone else.