This is what a fighter's physique looks like.
This is what a fighter's physique looks like
Looks like an asian girl meant for bwc breeding.
(And it's beautiful!)
Are you talking about Elliot?
I love Kasumi!
Why won't Kasumi return back to Mugen Tenshin clan?
Eh, my Not-Kasumi is way hotter than Kasumi, and Jellysumi (also my wife) is the most attractive.
Because drama but the real reason is because of ninja rules. They can't just have a runaway rejoin the clan again, it will make it look like Hayate is showing favoritism just because the runaway is his sister. She is also supposed to be dead, if I rememeber right, after Hayate and Ayane killed one of her clones to fake her death.
You mean Phase 4?
>Phase 4?
Yes, the cutest girl. Though Technically-Not-Phase-4 is pretty cute with her weirdly sexual combat moans and floaty movements.
>Hayate and Ayane killed one of her clones to fake her death
False Kasumi don't deserve to die like that, she wasn't even a bad Kasumi clone like Alpha.
Tamaki is so beautiful.
But what about Kasumi α?
I mean, if they can take a beating like that and still look good, you know they're the ultimate fuck.
On Steam VV is the 20hr Job supposed to be marked with a trendy symbol(for the 3FP bottles) if you have a current trendy suit, like it is on DMM? I have Leifang's suit, but it's not indicated to give the bottles. I ran the 20hr job yesterday and got them though.
Isn't she technically Alpha-152?
what game
boku no piko literature club
Venus Vacation. The Steam version is in English, but you need to use an Asia VPN to add it to your library, then you can download and play the full game without it.
How do you get this game on PC in NA?
By licking off a hobo's dick cheese.
That Kasumi isn't goop, so who cares?
Not if Mr. Cookie has anything to say about it.
It used to be like that on DMM as well, the T icon to indicate you have the suit properly equipped got added later on DMM.
if you want the english version you need to use a vpn to download it
if you want the japanese version (which is ahead of the english version) you dl it from dmm
Strip poker in VV when?
Huh, the more you know.
I see, thanks. I was just a little confused because the announcement said:
>the “Huge Success” Trend Effect on the Job will appear!
Wasn't sure if that meant the icon/message was supposed to appear when conditions were met. I guess it's just a poor translation.
Oh, I didn't know the Cygnus gems were still dropping. I could have spent less time grinding all I needed in the first half then.
This will be fiona's free suit.
>got that suit and the princess from a random roll when it was a nostalgia
That was a good day.
Here's a little compilation from yesterday's shitshow.
>Turns into another unrelated suit given to different girls
Imagine having DoA games stunt your sexual growth to the point where you're still a virgin who jerks off to DoA characters.
I'll only roll for this banner because of Helena.
They finally showed their true colors.
I burned all of my stones, now I don't have anything left when Fiona shows up.
How would nurse Sayuri treat the covid19 disease?
That suit makes me want to ask what's for lunch.
she would start with a massage
She would probably put you in quarantine while wearing a hazmat swimsuit
Post Sayuri butt please.
So good and so healthy!
How can something that doesn't exist be healthy?
Do accessories have Skill Awakening?
W-what's with the sigh?
built for bully
They do, but the opportunities to get extra copies are very close to non-existent, and no skill awakening gems exist for them either.
Next week should be the anniversary, and it should come with an opportunity to get one or two SSR Accesories from past events. So you'd pick one you already have and then you can awaken it once. I wanted to do that for Nyo on Steam, but the assholes skipped over her accessory...
No bully, only continuous groping while she's hard at work
You just rescued Misaki from her.
what the fuck those boobers. Is this a new character? Is she bigger than honkhonk?
Oops, this one:
She is disappointed she couldn't have her way with Misaki on that table.
Do these unlock materials get more common later on?
Can you kick her out?
I kinda wish I had the SSR stones to fully awaken that just for the malfunction but I don't play the DMM version too often.
You mean literally every asian girl?