PCfags have been eternally btfo and it's so funny to see how they're scrambling to cope kek

PCfags have been eternally btfo and it's so funny to see how they're scrambling to cope kek.

>brb a $500 machine gives the same performance as 2080ti/vega64
>brb pcfaggots have to spend at least a grand to match performance

It's over.

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And two years later pc fags simply replace their hardware while consolefags are forever stuck with an outdated machine.

lol no

you are a fat loser who has no concept of outside


Oh no no no it's so over

t. actual seething fatty

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>pay-gated online (riddled with ads)
>expensive proprietary peripherals
>games rarely discounted
>inevitable double dip for S version
>no backward compatibility
>only ever ahead of PC by 6-12months of initial launch
>experience limited to how they decide
>mods repackaged as pay to play DLC or "micro-transactions"
>censored games can be uncensored
>plays newest games on limited settings
>library limited to current games and whatever they permit from older systems

>free online
>upgrade at your price/pace
>game sales so frequent you backlog for a decade
>can buy/trade parts instead of replacing whole system
>backward compatible
>outpaces most consoles for years until next gen
>totally customized experience
>free mods
>censored games
>plays games on whatever settings you can manage
>plus higher res/draw distance with mods
>library literally goes back to the beginning of PC
>can emulate arcades and consoles

Nice try, op.

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You forget that pc get all games for free eventually


PC fags can buy the 500 dollar console and then upgrade their PC whenever it pleases them.
Console poors can hardly even afford the console.

*false flags shitposts on both sides*

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>brb a
what new zoomer acronym is this shit
be right back pcfaggots?

i dont care about this thread i can afford a pc and whatever shit console they throw at the general public to consume like the wild retards you are
i just wanted to say youre gay
nice xbox bro

imagine being poor

>zen 2 with zen 3 around the corner
>sub 4 ghtz
>16 gigs of ram

Outdated before it's even released, just like every console.

imagine being so fucking retarded and poor you don't have the three consoles, a phone, a pc, and stadia. get the fuck off my board already

Fun fact: poor people spend more money on shit they don't need, a richfag would probably just get a pc and pirate whatever he wanted to play unless it's online only

I thought so too. but hear me out.
Back in 2011 I think I jumped on pcmustardrace bandwagon and build myself a gtx580 and i2500k pc. Spent about 1000 bucks + monitor. Thought, hehe, now I'm set for like 5 years.
As it happens, no, I wasn't. The mentallity of going forward to maximise your performance pressures you to constantly upgrade, otherwise you almost drop on console level and we can't have that. So you upgrade, and upgrade, and upgrade...All the crap about "budget builds" is mental gymnastics, you are building overpriced console, but with a status of underpowered pc. So you have to go high or top tier nethereless. And you still end up playing the same shit, that is on consoles.
In all honesty, tinkering, overclocking, bitching about parts of forums and watching benchmarks is more rewarding than actually building a pc and keeping up with tech for maximum performance and actually playing.

bro youre legit retarded
fun fact: you're a faggot

post paystub right now

>he has a SATA SSD

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This. A $500 console will have you set for 7 years. PC will buy new parts every two years so he can keep up with muh pc masterrace.

t. money wasting retard

>buys things I like because I have expendable amounts of money
>fags mad that they have to save up to buy A Single Console

seethe retard

i finally stopped being a NEET but now I dont care about games at all anymore
it fucking sucks
all of my old hobbies seem so shit to me now :(

7 years of 720p and 20 fps

More like once a generation.

>zen 3 around the corner

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A $700 PC will have you set for 7 years too.
>b-but if I don't have the latest meme technology it doesn't count.

>buy hundreds of games in steam 'sales' then never play them
>play games like LoL on their epic gamer machines
PC gaming is sad

>same performance as 2080ti/vega64
With the added problem that the new gen of graphics card is coming out user :)
But this means double the RAM, double the TFLOPS and you being laughed at in internet forums again when you machine is again subpar :)

Is it possible to use a PS5 as a desktop with windows 10, keyboard and mouse?
If not then fuck off.

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Everyone already has a separate pc for browsing. Cope.


>A $500 console will have you set for 7 years.

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>Still got the game a year before the pc

No it won‘t.

Console wars are a modernist hellscape devoid of creativity.

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If you already buy a PC for internet browsing, why not buy one good enough to play games? You're already spending hundreds of dollars.

if you can stand not setting everything to max, you can stay with the same PC for at least 10 years, until the new forced meme technology is obligatory on all games.

It's still cheaper to buy a consumer grade PC and a console separately than buying one gaming rig.

They replace as much as consolebros and you have to replace the whole fucking life. PC denial fags always neglect to mention how your next generation of RAM, CPUs or GPUs rarely ever are compatible with your motherboard. It's not a simple matter of switching out a part or two, you're replacing the entire fucking thing from the ground up. PC gaming is a fucking joke, so many suckers are willing to be scammed.

new ps5 looks nice, hey can I play shit at 144 fps like with my pc with that thing?

>muh performance for those 2 game that will release
>muh price that will drop already by 50% only half year in

>console wars

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why do these threads get any replies?

I guess consoles have their place, because nobody caters to pc. I want you to buy these meme pcs, buy multiple units for what I care so we all get a couple of nice games per year. Online behind a paywall was the biggest mistake as consumers we made.

Every console game worth playing already gets ported so PC is just fine as it is.

That's wrong, though. $700 can get you a bottom tier Facebook machine and a PS5 or it can get you a mid tier PC that can last a generation.
Also not factored in: subscription fees and Sony tax on games.

>consolefag falling for marketing
what else is new
come back when the machines are out and there's benchmarks going around, stop jerking off over some guy in a suit telling you it's gonna be the most powerful console ever

PCfag here, if the PS5 is actually good I'll buy it, if not I won't. Money isn't an issue and it's not like having both a ps5 and PC will make my house explode. I owned a ps4 and was dissapointed with it honestly. Sony's exclusives games feel formulaic and boring,aside from one or two. The BC is awful where you can't use old discs you gotta buy your ps1-ps2 games again on the PS store, and you can't listen to your own music in game you need a spotify subscribption to do that.

If the PS5 avoids all of that, I'm in.

Digits don't lie

ah yes the eternal
"Dude we got superhightech hardware for just 500$ that blows out everything but you can't buy it on the free market and basically its space tech"

console fags are pathetic


Rdr, god of war, last of us.
Inb4 muh moovie cope

I haven't found the need to upgrade my GTX 970 since I got it all the way back in 2014. And that card destroys the PS4 and XBONE.

I'll give you red dead 2. The reason I own a ps4. gow was weak as fuck brah.


>have to spend a grand
you realize the ps5 is at least 8 months away... right? we will probably have the 3080ti or something out by then lol

PS exclusives is the only goal post left that you have since shitbox gave up on console exclusivity. too much money in windows 10 gaming

Most games are free and heavily discounted. But to your "point" console gens change every 6 years roughly. So actually that upgrade would beat consoles for that entire time, not just 2 years. No need to upgrade 3 times when you beat consoles the first time.

I'm still mad they turned God Of War into fucking TLOU-lite. A mature Kratos was cool to see but what they did to the gameplay was disgusting.

do you guys really wanna play with useless console fags? let them continue paying for their shitty online and capped frame rates all on a shit controller

Fucking destroyed by

Since when was that TLOU-lite? It felt like melee RE4 to me. What because there was dialogue and cutscenes it's not TLOU?

Being accompanied by Atreus the whole game, the over the shoulder perspective, and the slower gameplay. The only thing that sets it apart is there is no stealth and crafting, but It feels like it lost it's identity because they saw how well TLOU did.


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>has no argument to getting BTFO
The absolute state of you.