Is Eldraine the biggest mistake of the decade?
Magic the Gathering: Arena
war of the spark planeswalkers are way worse than anything in eldraine
No, Magic had a terrible decade so this is just a drop in the bucket.
Remember that Magic was closer than they ever were to dying during Ixalan and they would have gone under if it wasn't for Dominaria.
Imagine still playing magic.
>opponents can't search their library
>opponents can't draw cards
>opponents can't use artifacts
>opponents play hearthstone
>opponents lose hexproof
passives on planeswalkers were a mistake
Magic biggest mistake was hiring women
Fuck you, Terese Nielsen is great.
Freelance artists who get a sweet gig are not designing the game mate, i think most modern magic art is fantastic.
I personally think the art direction is too rigid which makes it all look samey, and they're saving their best art pieces to sell to you in special collector's versions right now which is jewey as fuck. I'd say there's been a decline in art, but there are some standout pieces.
Whoever thought giving a 3 mana planeswalker a catchall answer that GIVES IT MORE LOYALTY while also having ridiculous high base loyalty is fucking retarded and i hope was fired from wizards hq.
Just look at this other planeswalker for instance, what a 3 mana planeswalker was supposed to look like in this era
is she the cutest person in mtg?
Probably. My wife still plays it, but doesn't seem to be having as much fun as she had in previous sets.
I moved on to Eternal & HEX a year or two ago, never looked back.
Are cats people?
kemba's tits would never be printable in today's mtg art...
Mistake is normalizing a game that sells 500 dollars DLCs every 3 months.
KYS fat fuck.
I hate Planeswalker in general. I wish they wouldn't be a thing.
Eldraine AND War of the Spark
100 percent. Forced me to quit after they banned all the insanely broken cards they printed that I KNEW were broken but refused to believe they'd ban even more after the FOTD stuff.
Not to mention it was the absolute worst limited format in history. It literally killed MTG for me. I'll probably be back in another year or two. Worst set imaginable.
Planeswalkers are the worst addition to MtG. Prove me wrong.
Not even remotely, Rise of the Eldrazi came out in 2010, World Wake came out in 2010, Innistrad came out in 2011
>creates food from nothing
>investorfags hate him
what a fucking sick card art tho at least
no, caw-blade was
Blame wotc for failing to create a set recognisable iconic characters and having to fall back on the magic equivalent power rangers
Ummmm if the characters aren't iconic how come when they were forced people complained about them?
This card right here is the worst thing to ever happen to MtG. Every single deck the few people who play Legacy and Vintage build is based around this card.
Oh.. you tapped out?
god damn classic blue cards are ignorant as fuck lmao
After this they made mental misstep which is almost just as retarded.
anything with phyrexian mana is retarded
This card is the only reason slow decks have a chance in older formats. It's either this, or getting assfucked by combo 24/7
It's arguably worse because at that point they should have known better.
But this is the same company that release Oko after "playtesting".
stop playing the shitty game and play real magic on xmage
I was having tons of fun with Mtg by the end of 2018. Every format was in a good place, felt unique, and had minor balance issues.
Then they fucked up hard for a whole year and I barely even want to touch the game anymore. There are so many new cards that are fucking awful to play against that there isn't even a point if you don't like them. I have like 2k dollars in Modern staples and I barely even use them, even less with Corona chan going around. I could probably sell them and buy a PS5 or whatever.
yes you are
FoW is one of the reasons why Legacy is not as degenerate as Modern.
but WAR has waifu PWs
eldraine is cool because food is the best mechanic
Mu Yangling is already a 10/10 qt and doesn't needs cowtits you utter shit taste hormonal teenager.
There's no way this is real.
>draw tax effect a-la Alms Collector
>but in blue because blue gets everything lmao
waifu =/= good
read the filename
You are right. It is not
>lmao reprint yawgmoth's will but cheaper
what were they thinking
Oi m8, would you prefer to draw a card, or make a 1/1? It's virtual card advantage, you just don't get it, white is completely fine when compared to blue and green.
Just print another epic UG mythic that draws a shit ton of cards and give W something that gains life and/or makes tokens again.
>This is going to sell so many packs
>Yawgmoth's will? Never heard of it, I started playing in 2012.
The world finals were WUR versus UW. Green is old news now.
they did not consider it for non-Standard environments, and currently standard has almost no wheels, no dredge/efficient self-mill, and Breach sees no play in standard
He's probably the single best card I've ever played with, since I didn't get to play with Jace the Mind Sculptor when it was around (teens can't afford $90 cards and Jace was almost immediately that price). Just completely dominates opponents, you get the value of a 6-7 mana spell out of a card that costs 3. Him being able to effortlessly remove artifacts/important creatures without losing loyalty was a huge mistake, any green deck in the world can beat a 3/3 without evasion and maintain card/mana advantage.
They are just playing white for T3feri. He's the only reason white has been relevant since WAR. A shitty wrath that draws your opponent a card and a 5mana exile effect are NOT the reasons white is relevant, but a PW that bounces a threat, draws a card, and makes all the opponent's counters blank cards for only 3 mana absolutely is.
Even better, it's a permanent and the casted spell isn't exiled.
Magics been shit since...... hmm... perhaps Kaladesh? I liked it cause i like cars but that's when the art started going downhill, the cards are literally made for brainlets, power creep started, etc.
Magic is a terrible fucking game unless you play EDH or pioneer. I still have no idea why pioneer is a thing on paper and Historic is a thing on arena, how fucking dumb is WOTC
The UW deck had more white cards than cards. White is fine, stop being a EDH babby.
yeah, because they banned the stupidly OP green cards they printed in ELD and M20. Realistically, Field of the Dead would still be dominating standard were it not banned because it could efficiently play Oko and Teferi in the same deck while also presenting a difficult-to-remove win condition. Also, once upon a time broke that deck sideways since the only real defense against greedy decks like Golos/Field was how rocky their initial draws could be.
>one of the oldest popular characters in magic is a black woman
>players will complain that in the last few years is wizards forcing diversity
Once upon a time is a balanced card, the problem was that Arena rigged ass shuffler always tried to gave you a curve. The % of drawing a card with 4 copies on a 60 deck is 10%, which is acceptable.
>Once upon a time is balanced
Nigga it not only broke Standard but also Modern. Eldrazi decks were playing it despite playing ONE forest juuust in case. Because it was free. Free. Your opponent looks at 6-7 cards for his initial hand, while you can sculpt your perfect 6-7 hand out of looking at 11-12 cards if you play OuAT. It was absolutely retarded regarding consistency, and was one of thr main reasons Green was so dominant last year.
Pioneer means they have to program old sets into arena, which is apparently a lot of work (not really, it just takes more than the bare minimum of effort they've been putting in so far). This isn't even some typical Yas Forums take of "This game didn't cater to my exact preferences and is therefore trash PS: fuck these tranny devs that slave away for endless hours to entertain me". Arena is a horrifically low quality product that depends entirely on MtG being a fun card game that is unbelievable expensive to play competitively IRL.
ELD was good for EDH Chads.
Post you're commanders.
>Effectively gives you a 12 card starting hand
>Makes even the jankiest of jack decks consistent
>Balanced card
Sisay had character. Kaya was literally designed by committee in order to draw in a new crowd. It's not about them being black, it's about how they're handled. Teferi is an OG and is great, Samut has no character apart from being Black Flash from Egypt.
The other user already said it, Once Upon a Time is busted because it's free and sculpts opening hands better than anything else. The card is banned in modern for a reason.
The biggest problem i have is that magic is no longer "magic" in it's artwork, most of the cards depict a regular human or humanoid drawn digitally in the most stale of ways.
I don't care about the set having enough niggers and no white people unless they are old to get your quota and a good ratio of multiculturalism, cause there's no need in humans, get rid of humans and have actual fantasy in your soulless chink fantasy. art
Here are mine.
Reminder that an over reliance on precon commnaders is a telltale sign of a bad deckbuilder.
Please understand, Hasbro is a small indie company.
I agree, but there's 0 reason for pioneer to be a thing when Historic exists, historic is better.
Pioneer isn't for you arena baby
this is kind of the thing, most "nerd" pursuits have always had a pretty healthy mix of people, because the nerds of the time were the outcasts. now because these things are mainstream, the new women don't know that women have been here since day one, and they have to tell all the icky boys that women and blacks can play too.
also f you op for making this thread every day, cast abrupt decay and get over it.
pic related, its op
i have a pioneer deck mono red lel and 2 modern decks.
Historic was their chance to start anew, to clean the slate and let the meta evolve with new cards until we reached a new point of breaking the game, but noooo let's play modern without fetchlands XD!
A lot of the women who participate in nerd hobbies can be outside the public-facing areas of the hobby. Women in Western society are less likely to pursue games like Magic competitively and are often less vocal in areas like online forums. Therefore, it's difficult to tell how many women are participating in decentralized hobbies like Magic or comic books if you're an outsider or new to the hobby. Shit, my sister owns almost the entire Mignolaverse in trade paperbacks but she never participates in 'comics culture' as a whole. Women engage in these nerdly pursuits and always have, but often in a different way than men do.