This is worse than the Dex Cut...

This is worse than the Dex Cut. Entire CATEGORIES of content have been cut and reviewers are just going on as if nothing fucking happened. This needs to be put to an end. Here are the facts.

Animal Crossing New Leaf (2012)
>400+ villagers
>130+ gyroids
>60+ nintendo-related items

Animal Crossing: New Horizons
>300 villagers
>0 gyroids
>0 nintendo-related items

How the FUCKK does Nintendo keep getting away with this BULLSHIT!!?

No other publisher gets away with charging MORE for sequels with so much CUT content. I guess Pokemon wasn't enough.


Attached: ACNH.png (793x422, 658.02K)

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nice try snoy shill, still won't buy your console that will be outdated in a year

Not really worse than the Dex cut considering Sword and Shield removed more content once again for the 4th Gen in a row.

There are literally about 7 DOZEN things removed from modern Pokémon games that once existed and should've existed again from Gen 6 on because file size was no longer a concern.

There was 333 pre-amiibo update.
Considering that datamining has revealed the cafe and gyroids and Nintendo already updated to add s special NPC and an event which in turn will have more furniture it's likely more shit will be added with updates and Nintendo is going to keep the game thriving for a long time with regular updates.

Why do Nintendo fags accept this and actually THANK GF for this chicanery?

>datamining has revealed the cafe
Sauce? I haven't seen this anywhere.

They don't. Dexit revealed a clear split between Nintendofags and pokefags.

Because they're children and don't understand you can still criticize a good or okay game.

They enjoy SS so therefore the game is perfect and everyone complaining about things like framerate, content cuts, etc are just looking for any excuse to complain and drag their game down.
Seems like a trusrable source, can't confirm it myself though.

Your doomposting already got btfo when they released the bunny day update and it was datamined. Move along now.

>and don't understand you can still criticize a good or okay game.
They do that all the time user.

You're under the false impression that more always equals better OP. Sometimes cutting things out delivers a more concise experience. I've been playing New Horizons for a couple of days there is still tons to do.

Based. Thanks desu.

paying more for less is so cool you guys

Yes, the map is a little small.

But what exactly were you expecting?

A massive open world like Pokemon or Breath of the Wild?

Personally I thought New Leaf was a bit overwhelming in its scale, and I'm grateful to have it toned down. Same with the furniture - as far as I'm concerned, losing half of the catalogue is a small price to pay when you consider that the good stuff will show up at Nook's more often.

I don't think anyone realistically needs more than 10 villagers either.

Stop being entitled and understand that these games are made with care.

This is a retarded argument. Nowhere is OP saying that you should buy snoy.

Of course its a retarded argument. Do you think snoy posters are being genuine?

>This is worse than the Dex Cut.
Dex Cut: Over 50% of Pokemon cut, the Pokémon that are present are just resumed assets from the 3DS games anyway.
New Horizons: 383 villagers at launch, 50+ more than what New Leaf had at launch. Every villager has been given an updated HD model with a new skeleton and new animations.

who even gives a fuck about animal crossing lmao fzero when

So now you can't criticise a game because it means you're shilling for the alternate console. Uh-huh. Consider roping yourself.

>0 gyroids
Good. They were literally useless and a pointless collectible.
>0 nintendo items
Good. You couldn't order them, hard to decorate with and generally a waste of space.
>100 less villagers = bad
Arguable. A lot of the designs were shit.

>people now make a big deal out of gyroids
>Somehow the entire things that were added compared to New Leaf are never mentioned

Really makes you think

Attached: ReactionImage_0097.jpg (344x345, 31.87K)

God what a stupid name for something as cool as Haniwa


>Haven't played since GC
>Buying it anyways don't give a fuck.
>Did the same for SWSH and ended up being one of in my top 3 pokemon games.
The only game I'm gonna refuse to buy cause of this gay shit is if Smash cuts my main. I don't give a shit. I buy games that I like.

Attached: 1584200408572.jpg (1024x1024, 80.29K)

We've moved on from gloating about the datamines to ignoring them, I see.

Attached: file_71.png (1597x562, 36.39K)

Are you being retarded on purpose? I'm talking about people who use snoy as a term you moron. It's always, without question, shitposting.


Same happened with Splatoon, S2 stated out with less content than S1 ended with too. But unlike Gamefreak, Nogami's team aren't fuckwits. Expect all the old stuff to be gradually reintroduced for free.

Attached: +7pBxcO9.gif (390x400, 714.42K)

>open world
>like Pokemon

Most games have some degree of content not carried over between sequels.

>avatar is LITERALLY the fucking DISCORD LOGO with a RAINBOW FLAG and his twitter bio mentions his faggot boyfriend


Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-19 at 09.36.13.png (1396x752, 178.23K)

This game is giong to be so good. I am loving the seething.

Now now user for the comparison to be fair you need to list all the stuff they added in NH in place of Gyroids

I think the criticisms are very valid but still got the game and enjoyed it a lot

Smallbrain here, what does this mean?

stop making this thread

FUCKING JEWTENDO WANTS ME TO ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME WITHOUT CHEATING?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Imagine thinking that a game that's already been delayed for a year should get a free pass to add basic shit like gyroids as DLC.

The fact they're not in at launch is damning evidence that this game is an unfinished turd. Sure, in 2 years, maybe this game will be worth playing. Right now? It's just a drip feed of content to keep the smoothbrains coming back, this is a gacha game you pay full price for, complete with login bonuses.

3/10, you need to be a tad more subtle

I've played the game, mate. The whole miles system is designed to keep you playing so you don't miss out on your 2x bonuses, the terminal gives you an increasing number of free miles for consecutive days, the whole thing is soulless.

>There are literally about 7 DOZEN things removed from modern Pokémon games that once existed and should've existed again from Gen 6 on because file size was no longer a concern.
>we want to add some features to regions to let them feel unique
>nooo you are just lazyyyy
>we can‘t change and test every fucking model for them not to be even used, we want to limit it and try to let some other pokemon shine. Instead we added 90 new Pokemon
>nooooo you are just lazyyyyyy

>this is a gacha game
I can't wait for the eventual day when gacha becomes a meaningless word applied to every game because of anons like this.
After all Persona 5 Royal can be considered a gacha using this logic.

>No gyroid
wtf is this real? fucking dropped


No its not. They and a place for them in the museum have been datamined.

>cut content
>turn it into DLC


FOR PLAYING IT????????????


>oh splatoon? Sure senpai do whatever
what did they mean by this

pokemon fans have been indoctrinated since birth

These games already incentivized playing every day by other means, who gives a shit? I'm not even buying this, I played AC GCN and WW and that's enough AC for a lifetime imo, but even I who has no horse on this race can tell your arguments are really shitty

A place name for them in the museum has been datamined, as in they're coming in an update in a month or two. They're not in at launch.

of course they are in, you just need to pay a little ;)


What are you even saying

There is no source.

I know.

but it's free updates, the game has 0 paid dlc

they've been playing pokemon games they were able to walk
pokemon is their childhood
they defend gamefreak with their life because they perceive criticism of pokemon as a personal attack

Welcome to literally every game with dlc.

>they've been playing pokemon games they were able to walk
They also only played one game in the series. They aren't what you would call fans.

There's nothing wrong at all with free DLC.

These people call any kind of dlc, free or otherwise, cut content simply to shitpost.

Faggots can datamine user