Games only you played

>games only you played

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I played that one

based, how about this?

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Sorry I'm not a weeb

Fucking hard game

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I didn't know what a weeb was back then, I was 11 years old and the cover looked cool

Never finished it tho.

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what is it about?

decent game

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You deserved better, rest in peace

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literally no one

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Better than the movie.

The shortest I would describe is as "Monkey Island in Ancient Egypt". A guy throws party in a pyramid, gets cursed by mummy and so the goal is to lift the curse.

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I love this game, but its a PS2 launch title so I wouldn't call it obscure

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Tell me about your experience, this and educational games got me into gaming

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the Revenge of the Sith game for GBA

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>The Hobbit on consoles was an Zelda OoT clone
>The Hobbit on GBA was Zelda aLttP clone
Both were pretty competent and I enjoyed them as a kid.

Shame the sequel never made it to the west.

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I actually like this game.

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I played the superior DS version with 3d ship battles

loved it to death

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If I could go back in time and buy the sub for this, I would.

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Was a 7/10. Pretty good for a bargain bin game. Strange I can't find any info on it, other than a few screenshots. Not even a shitty 240p youtube video

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That was a thing? I never even knew

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It sucked.

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>What do you eat to make your breasts so large?!

Literally the only thing I remember from watching my brother play this game when he rented it

This or Hand of Fate 1 and 2.

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>tfw bought into the hype

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can someone help me identify a game i played when i was younger?
>RTS with hero characters

Age of Ethanols?

It's a furry nightmare

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Played that one. The gimmick was interesting but otherwise it was a pretty shallow skateboarding game when Tony Hawk 3 was available.

>Age of Ethanols
no, it looked better than that

I miss Argonaut

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my childhood

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I wish there were more games with a similar theme, I loved the halloween-fairytale aesthetic.

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Its the only flight game Ive ever played

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Never managed to get past the stupid goblin/troll thing with the wallet.

This is giving me some Heavenly Sword vibes

Holy shit, I remember that. Could you ever actually beat it? I vaguely remember the game would not so subtly hint that you "beat it" when a character says "If life is a game, thanks for playing.".But you could always go back and bigger threats would appear.

Anyways,here's mine. Enclave for the original xbox.

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Nah I played that. I remember thinking how sick his cape looked when you'd jump around.

Anyone know the name of that hoverboard arena/trick/racing game on the Dreamcast?
I played that

Pretty mediocre game over all, but hey,it came with a jeremy soule sound track.

neat game

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Forgot picture.

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that board game was legit pretty fun

Dreamcast has a lot of these. This one was a toughy.

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Played a demo of this that came with a magazine, the soundtrack is pretty fucking good.

Never see anyone talk about it. I remember it being fun but haven't played it in over a decade at least

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This and stubbs were the only games I would play on xbox. it's a shame everyone on Ebay tries to sell it at ridicules prices

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Games LITERALLY only you played

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League of Legends

I'm sure they're are some shitty rentals I don't recall easily that I played