Is there any hope left for video game translation when even fan translations are rewriting everything to try and be funny?
Is there any hope left for video game translation when even fan translations are rewriting everything to try and be...
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To be honest, a faithful tl of that line would sound unnatural as fuck in English.
Gimme it in english as close as you can.
oh no no no no
what does it say?
Why do they do this?
>...Her breasts, she got goddamn huge breasts, you know?!!
man what, please tell me that's faked for fucks sake
Easy, just make it "Wowza, she's got some real milk trucks, really fuckin huge ones"
Most translators are actually the worst kinds of people.
They want to be writers but they don't know how to write.
They want to be comedians but they're not funny.
All they can brag about is that they wasted a bunch of time learning a dying language, and will exploit the fuck out of that in order to force people to experience their poor writing and comedy.
Is he referring to Ellie? If so lol
> implying this is worse than Japanese people talking like retarded niggers and spics
Just fuck off you tranny. Everyone in the world hates you.
Knowing Tio that doesn't bother me much
fucking why though
No fucking idea man, I don't even know what gaem it is.
All the context I got is that he's talking about someone's milk jugs.
You're so boring.
You are just disgusting.
haha... that's our Geofront!
Never said it was better, just saying that a literal translation could also generate some debate.
Dunno why I'm explaining nuance to you, you're obviously a discord tranny trying to bait.
That's not real right?
You have a partner named Ellie and she has huge tits.
She's also a good character in the first game atleast.
That's not real, fuck off there's no way
What's that supposed to mean exactly? She remains a good character in the second game too.
I'm rolling my eyes out of my skull.
translators have always been massively unfunny try hard failed standup faggots even back in the day, look no further than Working Designs, these morons have been fucking up translations before most posters on this board were even born.
I played Ao no Kiseki with the wonky translation and idk, it felt like she was barely given time to speak or have any spotlight.
She wasn't bad in it but definitely had way less going on than anyone else.
We need to be more active and learn japanese and go into the translation scene.
It's nice to have a normal human being in Kiseki every once in a while. I mean shit dude, look at Rixia.
Literal translations are unironically the worst option like 99% of the time. You wanna hear a scenario where Sky never gets off the ground? If XSEED released it while trying to be as faithful as possible to Japanese syntax and grammar with no attempt at localization.
It is
Yeah you are right, we are getting the crossbell games in the west officially in the future right? I'll give it another shot and maybe change my mind.
I wanted to play the geofront translation but idk about this memey shit, it almost looks fake.
Most EOPs are actually the worst kinds of people.
They want to play games, but they're too lazy to do so.
They bitch about "mistakes", when half the time they're not even real.
All they can do is piss and moan on an imageboard about how they don't want to waste their time learning a dying language, while they seethe harder than the Fox and the grapes at people who bothered to do so.
And for the record, I don't translate anything. I think it's fundamentally butchery, because even a god AI wouldn't get above 90% parity, good human translators rarely get above 80%, and the dreck who do minimum wage ESL tier work on your favorite games barely hit 70. And even if I was too dumb to understand this, I still wouldn't translate because EOPs are the most entitled faggots around. Every single H-game thread now is filled with children crying about how nobody has cleaned up an MTL for them yet whenever anyone wants to discuss an actual new game. Instead, 95% of the posts are about shit that came out years ago because now it has an awful ESL "translation" so they're all playing it.
It's not fake senpai
the last one is accurate.
Faggots, the Geocucks literally said they would change Guren's script to read like an XSEED one, i.e, 65% rewritten dialog. Also, have they given credit to the original translators yet or are they still letting reddit ride their dicks like it's a brand new translation and has nothing to do with THAT BAD ONE THAT SUCKS THAT YOU SAID TO SKIP AND WAIT FOR OURS?
When three houses came out, i saw lots of people bitching about "bad translations" for edelgard and while they might be right sometimes, they act like they can do a better job and provide "correct" translations which are almost always horse shit.
i hate these people.
They gave a very nice credit to the work of the original team.
Why do translators have a seething hatred for the source material?
Is there a way to play without memes, i was actually looking forward to playing zero again
The one in the OP isn't the result of a translator fucking up, but an editor. The actual fan translation is overly literal. This one replaces the dialog with memes that "read well in english."
memes are better than actually translations
It's mainly just Randy in the final product, someone really had it in for him apparently because he comes off looking like a retard
Cucking with Elie!
The patches that came out a few years ago
oh so the one i played 2 years ago, i'm gonna screech
Lmao get mad nerd. True chads play games without reading anyway, the gameplay, music, and imagery should carry a game, not the text which is 100% irrelevant to genuine enjoyment.
You forgot they used to make the games harder (sometimes unwinnabley so). But I'd still take a bunch of Bill Clinton jokes over memes anyday
Or translators can be fucking translate
Yeah, that might've been true 30 years ago, buddy. These days, 99% of games are basically unplayable trash, because all the old arcade mentalities of balancing the fine line between unfair and cakewalk have died off. Now, games just care about getting you in the door, which means themepark gameplay and 90% of the budget going to advertisement instead of development.
If these games don't have a story, they don't have anything worth experiencing. What, do you play DQ for the fucking combat?
Make that
>Oh wow, she's got some huge breasts
and you're good to go.
I did, 3rd best decision of my life.
>Her breasts are huge!
Wow, you're right, that's completely unnatural. Better turn it into some absolutely retarded rewrite.
What was the second best decision of your life?
I know that sucking your first BBC was the best.
what's the first and second
>I waited years for this
Whoever told me that the Guren release was full of errors and untranslated lines can go eat shit. If I'd known before a few weeks ago that the Geofront release wasn't a finished translation but rather taking the old patch and editing it into XSEED-tier fanfiction I would've played Guren's version years ago.
>2020 Kiseki thread
What in unholy fuck is going on here?
t. faggot butthurt translators
I get your point, and normally I would agree with it. If you don't want to deal with "inaccurate" translations, you should cut out the middle man and learn to read Japanese yourself.
But realistically, not everyone has the time to do that. And it's not like the shit being posted in this thread is mild stuff that doesn't really deserve people throwing a shitfit over. All of this is just flagrantly awful, it's inexcusable and it's deliberate. I don't care if this is a fan translation, it's unprofessional as fuck, and it's insulting to both the fans playing it and the developers that made the game. It's fucking embarrassing. Is this really the hill you want to fucking die on? I'd get making this post in a thread where people are whining about honorifics being left in, or whining about someone given a Texan drawl or other sorts of mild localization complaints you typically see here. Look at the fucking screenshots in this thread. Explain to me how any of that shit is acceptable. You faggots should be ashamed of yourselves for defending this kind of shit.
Memes now are just what we used to call pop culture references back then.
Well thats the translators job to fucking translate it into something we can understand
Us Senchads have annexed these threads for their own good, you'd best be grateful that your series is still alive thanks to us haha...
I can't be the only one who thinks these are genuinely funny, right?
>realistically, not everyone has the time to do that.
>Is willing to put thousands of hours into videogames that won't teach him anything
>not willing to spend a portion of that learning something useful
stay eop, eop.
Cowabunga dude
Jesus, I never thought I'd look forward to official translation this much.
Except that's an oversimplification compared to the more literal TL of
>Her breasts, she got goddamn huge breasts, you know?!!
Rewriting has to be involved on some level to make the line sound proper in English. Literal and natural sounding don't always go hand in hand.
The first was learning how to be responsible with money at a young age, the second was picking the optimal career to slack and still earn lots of money.
Until we can get old treehouse back who would be willing to be based and not cucked, localization is dead.
fuck off geotranny. Nobody likes your shit.
>But realistically, not everyone has the time to do that.
I disagree. You can learn a language with 30 minutes of free time a day, and if you're shitposting here, you've absolutely got enough free time.
>Is this really the hill you want to fucking die on?
I legitimately don't care. The difference between this and someone bitching about honorifics is not an order of magnitude, although it might seem that way to you. It's a couple of degrees. Is this shit egregious? Absolutely. But you have to understand that I find J-E translation in general absolutely disgusting, because I can see both sides. You view all this shit through a distorted lens, which is why you don't really get it, and it's why you'll spend the rest of your life thinking that learning a new language is just too much hassle.
>in literally every single one of these threads, localizationfags pull the “it would look awkward if directly translated!” card
>Takajun’s translation of Fate/Stay Night is often cited as a prominent example, being way too literal
>mfw I read through all of FSN, and found that it read just fine
I legitimately don’t get what you fags mean when you say literal translations are bad.
They dont have memes
You fail to grasp the distinction between translating the line in a way that retains the meaning while also flowing naturally in English and blatantly changing the line into something that it never was in the first place.
100x better
I really love back then when people complain about "weeb-translation" being unnatural, and modern day we have nigger and spic lingo in japanese games.
Holy fuck, it's just literally hatred of japanese.
Or you could just get the Guren patch which is an actual translation.
I read F/SN back when it came out in English, and more recently, in Japanese. Takajun's translation is pretty fucking soulless.
*flap flap*
Speaking like a nigger is not "fluent" in English.
Great game, weebs
>But realistically, not everyone has the time to do that.
So you have time to play video games, watch anime/movies, discuss them on 4chinchin of all places, and do whatever you usually do, but you don't have time to learn Japanese? Seriously?
F/SN has a lot of awkward, stilted dialogue.
A better example is Sengoku Rance which was originally translated by TakaJun and recently localised by Arunaru. Aside from a handful of weird choices like Okera car, TakaJun's version reads a million times better.
Define soulless?
>"Her breasts are huge!" is speaking like a nigger