>ITT: Early bosses you got stuck on that forced you to abandon a game.
ITT: Early bosses you got stuck on that forced you to abandon a game
literally you posted it
I feel like 90% of the things people complain about in KH1 are because of Deep Jungle.
*Doesn't block your path thereby making it impossible to hit*
what was wrong with him?
No one played this game and its not that good but Anime Gate of Memories 2nd Boss, Jonathan Kappel.
It's just a tough early game fight, right before you get Cure so you have to rely on potions only (or Tarzan) to heal. Plus the start of the first phase puts you at a really silly camera angle, facing away from the boss.
absolutely filtered and I admit it
>deep jungle
what the actual FUCK were they thinking?
>spam magic
wow, i almost had to think
Sekiro’s insanely tough until it finally clicks, but it can take hours and hours for it to actually click.
I hate to admit it but this fucker made me give up on playing Nioh 1 for more than a year. When I returned to the game I instantly figured out what I was doing wrong and I ended up beating Way of the Nioh
I have to wait until november for nioh 2 on PC though, it's agony
W we as there actually any rhyme or reason to that shit? I remember just running back and forth desperately trying to trigger cutscenes every time I went through KH1 and I’m still not sure if I was being an idiot or if the level was shit.
KH1 is a bad game untill the second TT visit, not clayton is the last thing before this so not only are you already fucking sick of the game at this point but it throws you a hard as hell boss fight to filter you. If your several hours into a game and your not enjoying it, why the fuck would you spend time grinding out a boss fight to continue?
>has the weakness to the brand new party character that you can't even swap out for lmao
You do have this accomplishment on your gamer card right Yas Forums?
use block retard
The level is confusing as fuck, walk here to trigger cutscene, go back to do this, go into the tent, jump down from the treehouse or whatever.
Fuck that thing.
His balls always got invisible for me.
>I have to wait until november for nioh 2 on PC though, it's agony
Time to take care of that backlog.
i believe this fat fuck is the first boss in the game?
fuck him man. just fuck this game.
game was a solid 9/10 for me but he had to ruin it
I've been thinking of retrying it. I had just beaten Bloodborne (about a week before), then played Sekiro. I think now I've not played any souls for a while is a good time to give it another go
Oops I musta forgot to put that one on there haha
50% Deep Jungle 40% Atlantica.
Or ranged weapons. Like holy shit Spikey Tiger was piss easy, I think user was just a brainlet as a kid.
>kill all the things
Gave up after that, I could barely kill the first set.
not earl, but i was gatekept but this fucker
He's optional content but the first few times I played Dead Rising I'd avoid facing him because of his obnoxious damage and item destruction
The beast in witcher 1. i dont want to reload an old save file just to beat this piece of shit boss
The first mook general after the Big Black Cock in the first area of Sekiro.
Glad I pirated that shit.
Prince of Persia Warrior Within or whatever that game was called. I never ragequit a game like that before, but that boss fight after just going through the basics was absolute bullshit. I know, I probably got pleb filtered, BUT COME THE FUCK ON. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT SHIT?!
OOH OOH AH AH Not Clayton!
The boss fight isn't even remotely hard once you know what to do.
I don't understand where the problem comes from with this boss. The world itself is absolute dogshit, but I only died once to Clayton before figuring out "Oh, I gotta kill the guy, not the lizard."
The fight itself isn't bad once you get Clayton in a corner away from his shitty lizard.
I did it eventually but this fucking nigger.
Also this
are you having a gaff? This nigger was a pushover in 1 and Kiwami, but he was a slog in the latter due to Kiryu's shit damage
Rescue the two japs nearby. Give them a pistol each.
They just shoot him to shit with infinite ammo.
Yes but only because i cheesed him with the wall attack
Literal casual filter
Still the greatest wall in any video game ever. 95% of Tri's online population was permanently stuck at HR8 because of this thing.
I'm an mhw babby, what made this one so hard?
lmao people actually had trouble with Clayton?
Having played pretty much every MH to G-rank (where available) I don't know why Barroth would be a wall to anyone. That fucker is so predictable it's not even funny.
Lone Shadow Longswordsman in Sekiro.
He really forced me to change my mindset in how I play. Being a souls veteran, I had been struggling playing super aggressive, but this fucker is unbeatable if you don't go all-out on his ass. Felt really fucking good when I finally beat him, though, can't remember how many tries it took.
He got nerfed to hell after Tri. In Tri he's more aggressive than most endgame monsters, has a wombo combo, which doesn't matter because his regular attacks do like 70% of your healthbar. Also Tri's weapons have super poor sharpness so you bounce off of everything after a few hits, setting you up for aformentioned wombo combo. It's telling that 4 hunters literally could not beat the motherfucker with any sort of consistency, because every time he did the wombo combo, someone would cart.
I bet it wasn't as hard as i made it out to be back then.
I would have to dig out my wii and check but I'm 99% sure I got past HR8 on that game as well, mostly solo, too because I didn't have an adapter at the time. People online tend to suck anyway, judging from the amount of carts I've seen in my lifetime.
Hes just reused mr shakedown
>being "forced to abandon" babby's first action RPG at all
No adapter, no online. You didn't get past shit.
>play legend of legaia
>get to first boss
>require an item that reduces damage by 90%, otherwise you die instantly
>easy to miss, have to buy it yourself from a merchant
i dont know why jrpg's love these obtuse mechanics
Phase 2 filters me hard.
That fucking chrono trigger dragon tank
I played lance and never had an issue with him. Is he why so many random groups on endgame hunts were surprisingly good? Just filtering shitters?
Not even a boss but anytime i start a new game on dragons dogma i run into some stupid overpowered ba dits in the beginning areas if the game that one shot me and take 40 years worth of attacks to kill.
Thinking about that shit makes me not want to play it.
Amazing fucking game that is what final fantasy should be like.
Shit boss fight at the beginning though
Phase 2 is the easiest one
Just because you're trash and got stuck on a harder-than-usual Barroth doesn't mean I did, user :^)