>$2000 to run Doom Eternal at 4k 60fps on its highest setting (just gpu/cpu alone)
What the fuck happened to pc gaming prices?
>$2000 to run Doom Eternal at 4k 60fps on its highest setting (just gpu/cpu alone)
What the fuck happened to pc gaming prices?
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anything above 1080p is a meme unless you're playing on a big tv
I am playing on a big tv. I haven’t upgraded from my 970 meme card and i7 4790k yet.
the 970 was never a card designed for 4k
when will the mustard race admit that if you want a pc that will actually play games 60 fps at 1080 you WILL need to spend like $1000 dollars if not more?
4K is a meme
I didn’t say it was user.
1440p is the optimal PC screen size.
There is your problem nigger
>buying a gayming PC when Series X will run this easily at 4k for a fraction of the price
So fuck off you retarded little faggot. Jesus Christ you're so fuckin' stupid I'm surprised you've even managed to plug your gay ass cheap piece of fuckin' shit computer into the god damn outlet. Fuck you.
You ok bro?
Go cry about your shitty ass gpu you again you fuckin' loser. No one will ever love you.
You ok bro?
Nigger what do you expect? You can spend $5,000 on a PC and still not get solid 60+ fps at 4k. The tech isn’t there yet retard.
Of course I am you little fuck. My fuckin' laptop can run this god damn game at ultra. Fuckin' pussy piece of shit, you just be so fuckin' broke lmao. I love it.
4k 60fps is hardly the norm.
I know retailers and advertisements have been pushing 4k hard in the last couple of years, but the majority of people still use 1080p and half the people on 4k stuff are tech illiterates that got sold on bigger numbers=better logic.
4k is still a meme for people with more disposable income then they know what to do with.
>60fps 1080p
You can do that for $500-$800 depending on how thrifty you’re willing to be. I mean for fuck’s sake you could get a shitty office prebuilt somewhere for hardly anything and slap an rx 580 or something in it, you’ll get 1080p60 easy.
This is where the problems lie as even a toaster can run most shit if people are willing to accept console parity.
They are not.
You ok bro?
Nice specs, fag. Fuck you. Fuckin' schnorrer.
Need to talk user?
But will it run on a 750 ti?
You ok bro?
Hell I just spent around $800 to upgrade to a 1080p 144fps machine, my old parts were for just that 60fps and no overclocking to help so it might even be possible for under $500 now.
1050 Ti is the recommended GPU for Low 1080p 60FPS, so maybe at ~720p lowest you'll hit a fluctuating 60.
Based schizo
Honestly I'm fine with Medium/Low details
>durrr just get teh latest epixx hardware for ULTRA graphixxxx
>1050 Ti is the recommended GPU
What GPU should I get for a 7600k?
1440p for games is a meme. But it's pretty good if your work/other hobby demands lots of screen space like cluttered UI of an average 3D software.
oh no no no no
VR is cheaper than Doom Eternal... no excuses now bros..
t. poor
>Id put out an announcement featuring known issues before launch
>they recommend using drivers that don't even exist
1660Ti or 2070 depending on your budget.
I have 1440p monitor though. I know it's a meme (for games) because I fell for it.
still looks like an android game on ultra-nightmare
just downsampled more
the 750ti already runs 2016 on medium with dynamic resolution from 900 to 1080p at 60fps, so yeah.
I got a office PC with an i5-2320 and slapped a AMD HD 7850 in it and I played most games at 1080/60, granted this was normally low settings but in some games it ran better than my xbone, destiny 2 is only 30fps on consoles which is sickening, in total it was $180 so its not super expensive.
1440p ultra here I come
t. 1060 3gb
I fell for it and absolutely adore it. I don't get eyestrain anymore. I'm also a PhD student though so I spend a lot of time staring at the monitor.
it's free on youtube
>radeon vii
why does it have so high requirements? It really doesn't look that much better than 2016.
I have all that except the GPU
>2000$ pc to play on current xbox levels
lol, you mustardd are really gonna have some fun once the next gen rolls around
whatever helps you sleep at night.
A whole thread full of shitbrats made by a shitbrat.
I bet you confused little fucks don't even know anymore that you are full of shit.
Doom games have always required a high end pc at launch
Even a 1650 does almost 4K highest settings, as always, this shit is overblown.
You seem asshurt to reply twice.
in 60 FPS*
We grew up.
>almost 4K highest settings
>most settings low/medium
>40fps max
Though, with an i3, that is decent.
hello everyjuan
Shitcoin pajeets happened.
>Radeon VII - $600
>Ryzen 7 3700X - $300
How about you just play on 1440 like a standard person and stop complaining that youre too poor to afford the best of the best
Or buy the cheaper amd alternatives instead of $1000 intel cpu and $1400 nvidia gpu?
Hey hey hold your fucking horses. This is a pc thread. Everyone here can afford shit.
On the contrary really huge tvs you dont need 4k because then you have to start making some distance away from the screen and further away you won't see the difference.
Its the same effect as with road sign advertisements, they are huge but they are generally printed in surprisingly low dot resolution. But you won't be able to tell the difference from your car.
how will I fare?
700-800 if you already own a tv or a screen.
Its a meme resolution you dip. With that spec you will get 144hz in 1440p