>looks like shit on any modern television
>have to go dumpster diving to find a 50 kg CRT just to make your games not look like shit
Looks like shit on any modern television
just emulate and upscale the internal resolution bro
>20 fucking 20 and PCSX2 still hasn't fixed the garbled sound in Mega Man X7 or the mirror house effect in GTA:SA
PS2 emulator is garbage
>or the black plane in AC4
jesus fucking christ
Yas Forums is too retarded to manage that.
I wish I bought a CRT five years ago. It's so damn difficult now to get a decent one.
>ps5 is only backwards compatible with ps4
Sony blew it.
>mirror house effect in GTA:SA
Why would you play GTA:SA on an emulator? Are you retarded?
Not him, but the PS2 has some exclusive lightning effects, it looks good. Also I really like the auto-aim on that game.
>Are you retarded?
You could have just answeres "yes."
It just personal taste, don't need to be a petty child.
Rockstar PC ports are actual shit.
They're always worse on console. Always. Over twice as worse in fact.
Why is the base PS2 such a good looking console?
Get a decent external upscaler and shut the fuck up.
no really I recommend the ossc with optimal timings. Also the mclassic does decent work for old signals as long as they're not some weird fucking oblong resolution.
Can someone teach me how to use CRT filters on emulators, specifically PCSX2/Dolphin? Is it reshade?
reshade has access to some but the good ones are exclusive to retroarch pretty much, some retroarch shaders are on the reshade forums though.
Games are always worse on console, some are so bad the hurt the game itself for pc ports like invisible war
But isn't it recommend to run the development builds of those emulators, but retroarch uses their own (outdated?) version of them?
Yes and retroarc doesn't support either of those iirc.
There's a super simple mod that puts in the PS2 lighting into the PC version. Also adds in the really high Res crisp ui elements from the mobile versions too. Game looks great.
ssx3 is the only game i've tried that works perfectly. smt nocturne has some visual glitches with shadows/text and the baldur's gate dark alliance games UI is all weird looking too. playable but not perfect
i played pc gta3 recently and followed the guide on pcgamingwiki.com
Why is ps2 emulation still so shit? Feel like I have to spend forever to get games to work and they still don’t even work as well as they did on ps2.
>salvation army
>27"crt on sale for $12
It's not that hard, my dude, and worth it for the best console ever made.
takes talented people to work on the programs for free and make every game individually compatible. for less popular games there's less demand, there's a priority list of things they want to get working first etc
that's a result of the emulator deinterlacer. There's a cheat file you can download that stops interlacing from happening in the first place, and that fixes the black plane issue.
because HD wasn’t really a thing back then
>have a backwards compatible PS3 with the PS2 chip in it for hardware emulation
>too scared to use it because it freezes all the time and runs really hot
any advice? none of the custom cooling parts for PS3s have been available in years
Which is why I have an old Acer notebook running Samba hooked up to my PS2 slim. Haven't really had any issues with it.
Maybe open her up and see if the fans are clogged with dust or see if the thermal paste needs to be replaced on the fans.
Boomer collector retards on Yas Forums have convinced themselves that emulation is always dogshit to justify their thousands worth in antiquated hardware. They'd rather play around with this ancient shit until it works than admit they could do literally every console on a computer.
It's not. You're just retarded.
Wow such an insightful post take all my upvotes and gold fellow 4channeler!
You’re probably right. I put off doing it because it looks like a pain to do, but it’s better than it being a paperweight.
Unfortunately there’s nothing you can do with the fat backcompat PS3, that said you should be fine if you just play PS1&2 games on it.
Whatever you do don’t play CoD Bops 2, that game is an infamous system killer, it’s what killed my backcompat PS3, and many people who worked console repair during the time can tell you Bops2 killed so many X360 and PS3 its not even funny.
>Boomer collector retards
Collector sounds like someone collecting something of value that can't be replaced. Having useless plastic junk at your house like old video games that can easily be torrented and stored on a couple of external drives instead of taking up your entire basement doesn't make you a collector, it makes you a hoarder.
Yeah, I bought the thing to play Demon’s Souls and MGS4 on, but the freezes made me have to stop using it. I kind of just want to use it for PS2 games now because native HDMI makes it more convenient these days.
This, it takes hours upon hours of fucking around, searching for solutions, and getting lucky to run like half of the games. I gave up trying to play Jak 3 because the textures turned into rainbow vomit and I drew the line at downloading rolled back legacy texture packs from 2017
If I was able to emulate most of the PS2 games back in 2007, you can do it 13 years later. No excuses.
But it’s hard
so when do the rainbows come out?
weird, no rainbows.
DMC3 was near unplayable on PC until like 5 years ago when the style switcher mod launched and contained all sorts of fixes with it
Actually I played it when it came out. That was one of the rare ports that was better on console if you like janky frame rates at 480p or whatever.
a lot of bugs do end up getting fixed in later version of pcsx2 so if you tried a game years ago and it didn't work, try it again or check out the compatibility wiki
But that would require being intelligent and learning about the software you're trying to use.
I played the PC port in like 2010 with a keyboard and it was an experience
I still have no clue how the fuck they messed up so bad tying the framerate to the music
Granted it was ubisoft who did the port so its not like they know how to make anything of worth to begin with
Why is PS2 emulation so difficult compared to NES, SNES, N64 and Gamecube emulation?
I never got it to work. Why the fuck do I need to download bios files? Why can't I just boot PS2 games like with Nintendo ROMs which literally takes 2 seconds?
It's not, you're just retarded. N64 and GC are both more complicated.
Ive seen people complain about issues that are solved on a build they are using they just didnt tool around with settings at all because dealing with plug ins is too much for them I guess
My friend just wanted to play god of war 1 and 2 and I set everything up for him but mapping his controller and setting an ISO as the current game was too much for him so he got flustered and quit after asking "why cant I just click [pcsx2] it and play the game"
He also doesnt touch any settings ingame and Ive caught him playing shit at like 480p stretched to 1080 because he couldnt go into resolution menu
How? With N64 it's just install, open, press file>Open ROM and open up the folder with said ROM.
The options are convoluted.
the PS2 was kinda hacky and tons of games had unique ways of handling things through the emotion engine
PCSX2 is also old as dirt at this point and built on multiple layers of duct tape so its amazing it has as much shit playable as it does
Also most nintendo emulators have the bios files inside them but thats actually illegal
PCSX2 is 100% legal because you are ""supposed"" to dump your own bios
Yuzu needs system files off a switch and I think citra needs decryption keys but my knowledge isnt very intimate with those
I tried playing Vice City on the PS4 last week and its unplayable, the controls, aiming, driving are all abysmal.
>install new pcsx2 version
>put in Jak 3 to see how it runs after user says it runs badly
>runs almost perfectly, some slight mipmapping bugs making it the only Jak game that has an unfixed emulation bug
>perfectly playable, getting good speed too
If you spend 5 minutes setting up your plug ins you can play like 90% of games without touching shit again
PCSX2 just requires you to actually have basic knowledge of computer "skills" which is mostly just file management and light menu options
I've recently replayed P4 and it looked really good on a 40 inch 1080p TV with a composite cable. Guess I'm just not a complete zoomer.
It was on PC.
I never played the Jak games, they are similiar to ratchet and clank right?
I might try them out, ive been replaying some stuff but mostly trying to find games I missed out on
Get a scaler dumbass
just switch to software mode if you want a PS2 experience with no hassle jesus christ
Yeah they're just like Ratchet games. The first one is primarily a platformer, the second one is a weird GTA clone with shooting, and the third one is like a racing game on top of being a GTA clone with platforming. There's also Jak X, an actual racing game.