Is this really the best Zelda game?

Is this really the best Zelda game?

Attached: The Legend of Zelda - The Wind Waker.jpg (800x1141, 152.03K)

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No, and you knew that before you made this thread

Yes, and you knew that before you made this thread

*blocks your path*

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2nd best, but do you know which one is the best one? OoT is #3

The Triforce quest is fucking terrible and everyone knows it, but aside from that i would say this and Majora's Mask are the only Zelda games i actually enjoy replaying once in a while.

>Implying the sailing isn't the best part of the game

No, it's the worst one.
Outside of the aesthetic and a handful of charming moments, it's pretty weak. For being supposedly about exploration, it has a shocking amount of copypasted content with unsatisfying rewards. The combat and puzzles are both easy as shit. There are too few dungeons and what few exist are mostly underwhelming. The QTE combat gimmick is terrible and sometimes doesn't even work properly. It shamelessly copies most of its items from Ocarina of Time. It's blatantly unfinished. Its story pretends to be a departure from the franchise formula but it just ends up reinforcing it.

lol no don't set the bar so low Zelda has been capable of so much more

Oh yeah and the exploration-focus is also undermined by its almost completely linear progression and dungeon order. It's just as linear as Twilight Princess yet WW is considered the "open" one since you have a big blue ocean full of boilerplate content.

No, link between worlds is


Wind Waker has a lot going for it artistically and musically, and the characters are endearing, but it was so rushed. Why didn't they fix this in the HD remake? They could have added cut dungeons and got rid of obvious padding.

>The QTE combat gimmick is terrible and sometimes doesn't even work properly.
I'll never understand how the harmless, completely ignorable, innocent little parry command that you have to fucking wait for, can trigger so many smoothbrains

>*blocks your path*
>was absolute kino on your first blind run while filling out the map
Windwaker's two major flaws were just how barren the map sadly is, and not enough fucking dungeons. Not being able to traverse underwater Hyrule was also a crime in of itself.

The cut dungeons were already reworked into TP. And they did get rid of padding.

OoT is objectively the best Zelda and one of the best games of all time

Any answer that isn't BotW is just contrarian. No it's not WW, no it's not OoT, no it's not MM, and it's definitely not ALttP.

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I'm still on my first playthrough of it but the easiness of the combat is kind of annoying.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the "I win" button.

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combat is piss easy in every linear zelda

wind waker is the most smooth-brain zelda there is

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zoom zoom

Best leap forward in video game history but no it's not as good as BotW.

It has to be kinda empty otherwise it wouldn't feel like a vast ocean. If more was going to be added it should've been in the underwater kingdom, as you say.

Yeah, best soundtrack by far, best art, most adventure feel, some of the most fun items like the deku leaf and respetive segments.
These are the most important things for a good Zelda.

Don't listen to angry-Kirby Americans. They are in a cold war against WW forever.

No, it's the worst one
OoT says hi

WW is on another level. You used to at least have to use two buttons.
Literally the only possible reason you would disagree, besides contrarianism like I said.

lurk more before posting

>best soundtrack by far
>best art
>most adventure feel
>some of the most fun items like the deku leaf and respetive segments

Is Skyward Sword that bad? I've been thinking of playing it lately.

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I still find it crazy that for all it's "freedom" BotW still had these stupid "look retard can you see what happened? Here we'l pan the camera over retard" moments.

You know this part is optional, right?

here's your (you) faggot


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You can keep the (you) just learn how to properly quote a post newfag

Not really
It's a pretty good game but a mediocre Zelda for how large the scale was set for it

This is such a fucking meme answer. OoT's sound track is so damn meh. LttP is better. MM is better. WW is better. Fucking ST is better.

It alright but it makes me so sad they sacrificed the main quest for their "open world".

Dragon Roost is nice
Forest Haven is nice but a bit smaller
Then nuthin' for the rest of the game. It's obvious Greatfish being destroyed was part of the story which sets up Windfall as the third big island but without whatever dungeon Jabun had it just makes Outset moderately empty and useless. And whatever stovepipe island or whatever that was cut becomes even more glaring.

One water themed dungeon or whatever, that's several charts taken from the overworld, more photo ops, more to explore in Outset, better pacing, a use for the hammer. It would have made all the difference to Wind Waker's narrative I'm sure.

The story is actually pretty engaging, Zelda is a qt and Groose is the GOAT, but it has the most half-assed world and dungeon design of the franchise (there's only like 3 or 4 areas in total). I would recommend playing it but would not blame you if you get bored and drop it by the halfway point.

Even with those codes
>Fi will still hold your hand in dungeons and re-explain items
>still have to dowse
>still have to revisit the same three repeatedly gated off locations
>can't do anything out of order or ahead of time like picking up the pinwheel just lying out in the open
>you'll have to fight The Imprisoned thrice because
>flight controls are gimmicky
>can't fly at night
>Sky has almost nothing to do
>items still useless in combat

it's not even the best zelda game, much less the best zelda game

>OoT's sound track is so damn meh.

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underrated game it shit stomps WW

>The story is actually pretty engaging
Until the part where it wrecks all present and future incarnations of Link and Zelda with it's crap lore. Even organic relationships like the ones they had in WW and ST were just Hylia craving Hero dick.

To people that aren't Zelda fans, so yes.

>The story is actually pretty engaging
Not a fan of how hard it tried to be an origin story and how basically everything was a plan by the Goddess and Link was just going around checking off her chores list because he had the okay.

The best tracks are taken from LttP. It started the trend of Zelda games not featuring the main Zelda theme. Its original "songs" are repetitive 3 note Jingles. Gerudo Valley can't carry the whole thing

>OoT's sound track is so damn meh.
You can like the others better but this seems like a pretty contrarian opinion.

>Song of storms
>Gerudo valley
>Hyrule field
>Kakariko village
>Temple of time
>Lon Lon ranch
>Lost woods


>best soundtrack by far
Majora's Mask ost shits all over OoT and that was only a year later plus I'll never forgive OoT for its Lost Woods music while ALTTP's is miles better and it just faded into obscurity because of Saria's song

It's true. Vastly overrated. A handful of decent melodies don't make up for short tracks, lazy sampling, and failure to work around the limits of the sound card. Compare OoT's sound track to Star Fox 64 or Goldeneye and it's night and day.

>These piece of shit reefs take up 12% of the game's islands

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covered that whole list here

Sorry I forgot my meme arrow user, but I hope you enjoyed your first time calling someone a newfag

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I didn't play the 64 games growing up and having gone back, Majora blew it out of the water. Shit, just the mid-boss theme alone.

>Sector Y
>Area 6
>Star Wolf
Absolutely shits on OoT

I'll agree with some of this but
>The QTE combat gimmick is terrible and sometimes doesn't even work properly
You tried killing that one Magtail in the center platform at Dragoon Roost didn't you? Spacing and crowd control is key. Multiple enemies can just cockblock your "parry," especially Darknuts
>It shamelessly copies most of its items from Ocarina of Time
This is both plain wrong and a clear indicator you've never touched Zelda games asides maybe these two. You could do more combat shit with the hookshot and not be braindead about it like in OoT although.
>Its story pretends to be a departure from the franchise formula but it just ends up reinforcing it
From the standpoint of playing prior games of WW, I can see why one would think this but as of today it's fine. If anything, it makes for a good hook to the series for newcomers to the series. Also note this game's a start of a new timeline making it sensical to pull the move off

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>mfw I've seen Anons here defend the reefs and single switch islands

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These games are meant for kids lol.

The reefs house special charts that tell you where to find certain other shit like hearts. If you don't want them, you never have to bother.

oh and i just remembered those three sorry excuses for archipelagos that are just a bunch of spikes with no actual land. What the fuck man?

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>The reefs house special charts that tell you where to find certain other shit like hearts
Put them elsewhere. You don't need six samey islands with garbage enemy cannon AI whiffing every shot.

>Its story pretends to be a departure from the franchise formula but it just ends up reinforcing it.
Because the stupid fanbase missed the message, they shoehorned Ganondorf into TP, and it was all downhill from there.

Y'all niggas got any art?

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place the charts on other islands that barely have anything on them then
next you'll tell me the fairy islands were ok

Day of the flush soon for WW niggers

The only thing that wasn't okay is the Mother and Child Isles since you couldn't use it as an actual warp point after your required visit

sorry b0ss but ice caps melting, we're only getting more ocean here on out

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The charts are moderately useless because they don't check off places you've already been or count the number of heart pieces or charts you got from Windfall Island. I don't know if HD fixed that or not.

Not for a thread this awful.

It didn't.

>Water Temple
>Spirit Temple
>Forest Temple
>Zora’s Domain
Alttp and MM ost does not even hold a candle to these. Only good mm song was Song of healing and Astral Clocktower