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Pass is vee
Damn, when was the last time I shielded 66B and got a punish

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What killed the dinosaurs? The ICE AGE!

Gonna skip the lobby tonight to try and fix my sleep schedule, but here's something I thought you would appreciate Hippie

Attached: Rock vs Laser.webm (1280x720, 1.02M)

I will get these new BnBs down

Attached: 1562842816344.png (480x480, 154.69K)

The secret is always 236x~A

Since GG Strive is confirmed to have rollback, I'm linking a questionnaire that French bread posted a week ago for feedback on CL-R. Please go beg for rollback. business.form-mailer.jp/fms/fa389844117898

Attached: IMG_20190318_142311.png (197x240, 62.31K)

My game just got a patch. What changed?


1.03 notation means that they're the newest changes while the others are what's new with clr

I need to figure out a way to deal with these backdashes. They're killing me

Yeah, that was not gonna work there after so many of em haha.

Oh yeah, apparently EVO isn't entirely canceled despite the MGM hotels being empty as a ghost town like I linked yesterday.
If my friend decides to go, and if this shit blows over by July, I'll probably end up going too

I just hope that if they don't end up canceling that plane tickets won't be so expensive later on with the low number of travelers.

Maybe they'll be on sale due to loewr number of travelers? Gotta make some money back and all that.

that or just start canceling/having fewer flights available. I'm not sure how much money you make flying all of 6 people across the country, pretty sure that doesn't even cover the fuel.

That was a cool conversion off the second part of grimu reapah.

New j.3[C] is fun, I gotta get used to it

What even is Phonon's j3C

It's j.C but it flings you forward with momentum. So you can do jumpback j.3[c] and convert it in to j.2[b] -> BnB. Also allows for meterless conversions off j.22a now too.

Gordeau being more consistent is going to be a nightmare for me who rarely gets to fight one and because there's a gord at my local who's been annoying to deal with

>mfw wrong IW

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One of these days I'll just IWEXS on YOUR wakeup

Fuck, I didn't mean to win

That connection was worse off than before


going to lose it all buying options in robinhood

All in on LINK.

Can't believe you jumped in time there to dodge the 2C

You weren't going to 2A from that range so there was only one thing you'd resort to

Shit, meant for


Fuck, I really didn't expect that 66b to hit. Probably could've done j236c to save me there after the CS but ah well.

Preposterous, 5C/2C might as well be your favorite button outside of mash out 2As

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>last second 66C clutch

You're right, I really need to fix that

God, why is Mika Missile so fast

Thought I had a good feeling for those FFs this time too. Ah well.

Haha, Lond has no anti-airs

Can't wait for the overtune where 3C hits the top of the screen and I get to combo after FF

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Maybe if you're lucky, they'll make him playable 2 patches down the line

>FF into 66B acting as a good starter

He desperately needs some air specials

dunno if he's in lobby but congrats to lamp for getting top 3 in that netplay tourney.

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Oh, thank you. Don't know who this is but thanks for watching. I definitely got carried hard by netplay lag though, that Eltnum I fought early on usually kicks my ass

Can't wait for regular FF to be buffed and the 2nd hit to be its own 4FF that just spawns a hitbox at the top of the screen

>1 bar
Here goes nothin

what a nice connection i have at 3:28 am.

Something updating in the background maybe?

nah my internet is just randomly crapping out recently. Idk if it's my router or what. I have pretty good internet normally so.

That sucks. Hopefully it's not too expensive of a fix if that's the case. Might not matter much but are you self-isolating with others near you right now? Maybe the router is seeing more usage than normal.

I live with boomers who hardly use the internet. Also I aint self isolating lmao. I work retail

Ah I see haha. Well then maybe it is a hardware thing. Also, hope it hasn't been too crazy out there for you (unless your location doesn't have people going crazy for essentials).

They're going pretty crazy for the essentials, but thankfully it's been pretty chill. Nobody getting into any fights or anything yet. Just got some extra work to do which I don't mind.

Those FFs nailed me to the ground good in that one.

A 20% success rate and growing with those links

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Good to hear. Places near me are also beginning to get less hectic even though most are still out of essentials and some are even doing "boomer hours" where elderly people get to shop an hour before opening.

Not sure how safe of an idea that is though if even one of them turns out to be infected but maybe the shopping around other older people is less intense.

>Gord FF is a projectile

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What the fuck I feel so retarded for respecting that thing all this time.

Anybody still taffin' about?

Hey Hippie
Gord throw > down drop > assimilation

There's seven in lobby

If sai fucking stood still I could probably pull it off

>back to back B assimilation
>all the 66Cs
What even was that match?

Sai's admittedly a bad choice for that

Hot damn, this whole quarantine thing has really bolstered the late lobby's numbers.

Im just a closing shift wagie so Im late by default

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I finished the whole survey, and then they wanted my address? I'm not letting these guys know where I live!

It's optional

>Not using your tenso address

Say Hippie, any chance you can make a webm (if you don't already have one) of one of those routes that lets you continue to combo off of Enkidu 236BA? I believe it usually is followed with 2B > 2C. Would appreciate it.