Animal Crossing

Dawn of the final day edition
Post everything you are gonna do once it drops NOW user

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Other urls found in this thread: Trigger 2:36 Slow Map


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Play a better game.

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I can't wait to spend hours continuing to try and figure out what my island and character names are going to be!

Amazon still says delivering Friday. Am I safe Bros?

Surround a campsite and pic related with a bamboo forest

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if the leakfags are right, all you can do is pick weeds the first night

Just got it delivered, time to get comfy.

likely spend 30 minutes at the island name screen wracking my brain for ideas

I'm naming my island Amber Isle and this is the tune now just need a flag

Take it over to brother's house and play with our group. Only he and I are into vidya so it'll be really fun playing something our other friends enjoy.

Get really excited, play it, and then feel bummed out because there's no point in TTing anymore and you can barely do anything on the first day and everyone will be asleep at 12am in the game

Collect all the branches & fruit before the REAL first day.

What is this 2016

anons I can't decide if I want animal crossing physically or digitally
I want the convenience of digital because I'm severely depressed and already have no motivation to lay vidya and get put off just by having to change carts for everything but I'm really attached to physical copies and the thought of paying full price for a first party game and not even having a copy to put on my shelf or hold in my hand makes me physically ill
I don't know what to fucking do and I'm about to have a nervous breakdown over this shit and I don't have anyone to talk to about it who understands my severe autism over this so please help me
I promise I'll stop posting this when I can finally decide but I'm getting desperate

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>no TTing
Gonna cry? Piss your pants maybe?

I wish copypasta pasters could be banned.

A simpler time

if youre a PST chad, digital unlocks tomorrow at 9 PM

>anons I can't decide if I want animal crossing physically or digitally
>I want the convenience of digital because I'm severely depressed and already have no motivation to lay vidya and get put off just by having to change carts for everything but I'm really attached to physical copies and the thought of paying full price for a first party game and not even having a copy to put on my shelf or hold in my hand makes me physically ill
>I don't know what to fucking do and I'm about to have a nervous breakdown over this shit and I don't have anyone to talk to about it who understands my severe autism over this so please help me
>I promise I'll stop posting this when I can finally decide but I'm getting desperate

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I'm going to go to work. Come back and play it for a few hours and go to bed. Then go back to work. If I get the coof I'm going to keep it in my ICU and pray I don't die.

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Yes I will, and I'll record it too!

I'm getting anxiety about my town design.

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How long until the game is out? Trigger 2:36 Slow
Get crazy hype

I was the same, got digital, already preloaded and ready to FUCKING GO in less than 24 hours.
Join us, user. Let us be comfy.

23 hrs, 20 minutes

You can get infinite branches whenever. Just walk circles around a tree while shaking it

>Pre-ordered from best buy
>All restaurants, theaters, and bars have closed
>Some retail stores are starting to close
I'm afraid, friends. I have a shit feeling they're going to close up all stores in NY tomorrow or some shit and then I'll be fucked or it Best Buy does it themselves; they already reduced hours.

for aussies? 6 hours. Everyone else?9pm PST tomorrow Map

Get digital. Then buy a random loose case on eBay 4 years later for 7 bucks. Whats that, you want the tiny cartridge art too? Lmao what is the point if this shit

Sounds like you want digital dude.

>Pre-order physical
>Delivery guy just tosses it in the lobby of apartment complex instead of mailbox located a few feet inside
>at 5 in the morning
>This is acceptable because of corona, I guess
Thank fuck I was awake to grab it before another tenant or some random nigger stole it.

>live in LA
>la the city is already on lockdown
>already preordered physical when i went to get the switch lite
>today the cases and deaths in US jump dramatically
>panic buy the digital again just in case gamestop pulls the plug friday
no chances. i can always get my money back if gamestop survives this.

Get digital. This is the kind of game you'll want to play for a few hours then easily switch over to another game

>living in LA


tell me about it

>Best Buy hasn't even shipped my order yet

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NY has been going full nazi-mode as of late and I will fucking find the governor and coof on him if I can't leave my house

any idea which villagers are available from the start?

I need you, Ankha

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So any of you willing to get coroona over the physical copy or are you just gonna go digitalchads like everyone else?

all uchi and jock villagers

i have no interest in the game but i could go out an get a copy tomorrow from my local gamestore and beat you you "digitalchads" by more than 12 hours

you think she can appear without having the amiibo?

Yes, the map is a little small. But what exactly were you expecting? A massive open world like Pokemon or Breath of the Wild? Personally I thought New Leaf was a bit overwhelming in its scale, and I'm grateful to have it toned down. Same with the furniture - as far as I'm concerned, losing half of the catalogue is a small price to pay when you consider that the good stuff will show up at Nook's more often. I don't think anyone realistically needs more than 10 villagers either. Stop being entitled and understand that these games are made with care.

Thanks! Then there's a chance to get my jock bro right from the start.

>Not having restless nights thinking about names the past two weeks
Rookie mistake desu-senpai

I've got the island name on lock, but I can never decide whether to give my character a normal name or use my username.

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I'm gonna go to Walmart to get it because it's $10 there and catch the coronavirus.

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Do we know if we can immediately visit other towns once we get past the tutorial? Bunch of friends are getting it and playing the moment it releases digitally, and it would suck if we have to wait a day to be able to do that.

its 6am and I can't sleep anymore and my head hurts because I'm on a 3 day fast, help

please be bait

So whats the fastest way to effectively reset in case i get a shit villager?

she should, she's just a regular villager

what does 'uchi' mean?

Is it 2 hours before for kiwis?

Next line from him is: "Sorry 'bout that. Should be open for flights tomorrow, though, so be sure to come back then!"

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"Big sister"

I can't do it anons
I literally got one button press away from buying it on the eshop and I couldn't make myself do it
it doesn't feel right
I don't know what to do

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"Big sister/tomboy" type personality

Remember that days in Animal Crossing start at 6am! So even though there are no hourly music at the start, that should be fixed at 6am! So starting at 12am is actually optimal for your real first day!

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Damn that's a shame. Thanks for the heads up.

>"Big sister/tomboy"

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nah im in auckland and it drops in about 5 hours

What's the character limit for island names? 10? 12?


Damn, I can't fit Peach Beach without omitting the space character

look up how to get the ability to use qr codes

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Fuck yes, mate!

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Every villager should, but I'm going to guess some of the van villagers from AC:HHD would be exclusive. Don't quote me on that

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I think we can mix capital and lowercase so it should still work for you. But yeah, would be nice to have a proper space in there.

>download game around 11PM
>download update
>disconnect from internet
>Set date back by one day
>Play and enjoy game
>Save and quit
>Reconnect to internet
>Set clock back to normal
>Enjoy game the next day

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>pick up phone
>open app
>sign in
>scan code
There you go

Did a patch come out or something? My game mysteriously just started to download data.

Does anyone know when target sends out digital game orders?

yeah yesterday

yeah its a pretty small day one patch that came out a few days ago.

I already have it, it’s a blast. Everyone should hack their switch

wow, so no need to go through all the shop upgrades like in new leaf? nice

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Yes, it patched in the Easter event, some fixes, and some preliminary blathers/gyroid information I think

I have no plans, I will be going in blind and just going with the flow.