Is Sony fucking retarded? this will literally bite them in the ass
No complete backward compatibility like Xbox??
Sony doesn't understand what customers want. The only thing keeping their game division alive is exclusives and Xbone's massive fuck up of a launch.
still no PS1-3 backwards compatibility
>Is Sony fucking retarded?
>Sony doesn't understand what customers want
right???? we want proprietary ssds goddamit!
Lots of PS1-3 games on the store you can play on PS4 alreaady. There is also PSNow.
>Is Sony fucking retarded?
If retarded PCKikes can get a halfassed emulator running on peanut budget then there's so reason Sony wouldn't be able to with in house resources and source code
That being said no it won't hurt them at all
A vocal minority will make some noise for a few weeks then it will be silence when actual PS5 games start being shown off
Would it be nice to have full BC? Absolutely, but it's not a deal breaker for 99% of buyers.
dumb Xgroid spic.
>PS1-3 games on the store you can play
You mean buy again and again each console release
Meanwhile Microsoft lets you use your discs, as well as providing enhancements to the games
>There is also PSNow
Should never have wasted my time responding to this bait
This is the only reason I won't buy ps5.
I have over 150 games on psn and I know most of them won't be playable on PS5.
Fuck Sony. I hope they go bankrupt.
Damn, that made me lose interest in it pretty quick. I've been thinking about going back to Xbox anyway.
for the millionth time, buying a newer version of an older game that has been adjusted and packed with an emulator that has been tweaked to run that specific title is NOT retro compatibility, it's making the old game compatible with the new system.
Retro compatibility is when its the system that is made so it can run the old games NATIVELY as they are with no modifications to the games code.
Cry harder.
>"people" actually thought there would be ps1-4 bc after that jim ryan quote
Loving every laigh
>Yas Forums acting like the PS5 won't break sales records
Every gen
Okay losers, keep crying. I'm going to go play Dark Cloud on my PS4 Pro and enjoy myself
Did we achieve peak zoomerdom? Do they really not know that Sony is one of the most anti-consumer companies out there?
>Is Sony fucking retarded?
Yes, very
Sony always wins. They also don’t see a dime on used shit you buy from eBay so they will focus on new games.
Thats fucking stupid. Only reason I had to consider getting a ps5 was because I dont have a ps4 and wanted to play some of its exclusives.
It plays PS4 games. These fucking idiots expected the entire PlayStation history.
Yeah, i sold my ps4 and thought if they add ps1-ps3, psp, vita catalog i would definitely buy the console, but now probably not.
Honestly I knew Sony were retarded but they usually have good specifications for their consoles even if they might be massively behind in other areas like software features but this time both the specifications and software is fucking garbage compared to the competition. How the fuck can Microsoft support all xbox one games and accessories day 1 including all the 360 and OG xbox games already supported on xbox one but sony can't get the same x86 code from ps4 to work on the PS5 without a fuckload of testing and shit. Which retard do they have running their hardware software divisions ffs.
Same exact boat here. I guess I'll be skipping the PS5 as well. Maybe once PS6 comes out, we'll get to play the handful of exclusive good games that PS4+PS5 will have.
For me it's the fact they couldnt do all PS4. Just "many of the top 100 games" whatever that means.
Xbox didn't have it either, not at all once. They are just years ahead of having an internal team check and update every single title. Its why it took years for some of the bigger 360 titles to be backwards compatible.
They said the top 100 by playtime should all work by launch, and I imagine exclusives from 2018, 2019 and 2020 will for sure work.
Playing at the very least the entirety of the PS4 library isn’t too much to ask. I wasn’t expecting compatibility for ps1-3 but it would have been nice to have
By playtime which means stuff like fortnite, gta online, etc. Probably going to be a large emphasis on multiplayer games
This is what happens when you let the American branch make a PlayStation, it needs to return to its homeland.
this wasnt the full reveal. that will be the one that ends all speculation
It plays PS4 games you retard
>Do they really not know that Sony is one of the most anti-consumer companies out there?
When their console market competition is Microsoft and Nintendo, they look like small time shoplifters compared to drug cartels.
>insert my game disc
>xbone installs cucked ios version of game
thanks mr. gates
>They said the top 100 by playtime should all work by launch
Awesome, I can't wait to play the PS4 versions of COD 324239458234458395 and FIFA 439-5834096845390684509645064560-45
wait. if you buy a PS5, they ban your PS4 account?
worried sonychad here
what if ps4 games dont get a boost. sex seems like it would boost bone titles but im not sure
And AA batteries in our controllers =/
I don’t think that’s what he’s saying, he’s saying the backwards compatibility will be so limited that most ps4 purchases won’t be compatible with ps5. At least that’s the way I understood mister sleepy voice earlier today
It didn't with the PS4, or the PS3 after launch models for that matter.
Yeah, because they really hurt the Switch oh wait
Those 20 Oxbox games will really pick up the slack though
There's no full reveal because Sony are scrambling to make something out of nothing
more like sony itself said it'd have "retro compatibility with the entire playstation catalog from multiple generationS", regardless if anyone thought it'd actually have it or not
Most people don't give a shit, as long as it can do previous gen games everything else is largely inconsequential.
Damn. Mods leave this up but delete that anons pic? Sure is neogaf in here.
>It didn't with the PS4, or the PS3 after launch models for that matter.
Neither did the Xbox launch. Back then, it literally boiled down to the company that didn't fuck up their presentations & marketing. Xbox One BC was added a few years down the line, and even then, it was still libraries of selected titles before they stopped adding more games.
The Series X may take a more broader approach with adding even more BC games, which is why the first year will have little to no true exclusives until they start dropping bombshells in 2021 and beyond. Microsoft didn't just acquire those studios for nothing. First year will strictly focus on BC & Game Pass, since legacy titles + streaming = the future of gaming.
Sony is fucked in that regard. PS5 is fucked. PS5 will only be BC with PS4 titles. Also, it'll only be a selection of 100 titles as opposed to the thousands found on Xbox, and from that meager library of 100, it'll be very few at a time. Plus, knowing Sony's tendency to give up like Google, they'll only support the BC games on PS5 for so long before inevitably abandoning it, unlike Microsoft, AKA the company that actually CARES about true gamers.
At the end of the day, Microsoft wins and Sony loses forever. The PS5 will be Sony's last console. Horizon going to Steam is a proof that they're not confident with the console. Meanwhile, Microsoft doesn't have to worry about exclusives going to PC because they are a monopoly in the PC market + they invented personal computer to begin with. Xbox + PC is a genuine ecosystem. PlayStation + PC is Sony knowing they'll go bankrupt, yet another win for Microsoft since they own Steam through select ex-employees running Valve. I look forward to the return of Xbox and the fall of PlayStation for the sake of true, powerful gaming for all.
>Yas Forumsincels will now resort to falseflagging as ps4 users to shit on no full BC
It's different now. More and more people are buying digital versions of games now for full price, and they expect the libraries they've invested so much money in to carry over. No one expects them to continue carrying over forever, but it's certainly reasonable to expect them all to carry over to the next console.
They want to push their shitty PSNow subscription. Anyone with common sense knew this was going to happen.
Companies will just release 'remastered' editions of their PS4 games on PS5. All for the low price of $60, of course.
I will carr when i can play
Breath of fire 3
Final fantasy tactics
Parasite eve
A dogs life
Robot alchemic drive
Disaster report
Fur fighters
Unironically why haven't they shown us at least the visual design of the console? I really do get the feeling that this is going to be a disaster.
probably not going to happen unless Nintendo plans on making PS5 games
Do you fucks even need PS1-2 compatibility when you can emulate them on PC?
>Another console fag war is on the horizon
Because they've always done that in E3 in June? Retard
Ps2 emulation for some games is shit. Once it is better, yes. Will not need a playstation.
You talking about the port of San Andreas? That's all Rockstar bro. As much as you think it was ms' fault, they were likely told to do that.
You say this now but Xbox SSDs will be cheaper. Screenshot this post.
>not wanting immortal wireless controllers
Yeah whatever fag
>this will literally bite them in the ass
No it will not. 98% of snoy playerbase only cares about latest Fifa or Madden.
>sony can't get the same x86 code from ps4 to work on the PS5 without a fuckload of testing and shit.
Because PS5 is literally too fast.
this desu. the retards are usually the loudest.
There's not going to be a war because XBOX already destroyed Sony.
Xbox sex is even faster and still manages it just fine. Faster CPU, GPU, memory and slower SSD but that SSD is still 40x faster than the xbox one x.
This, Cerny fucking explained it already.
I'm starting to think that Yas Forumstards got filtered by a basic GDC-style talk.
What about PS Now
It's worse than that, they let amd do all the heavy lifting to ensure compatibility for ps4, sony is run by incompetent trannies, they don't even know their own hardware or software for fucks sakes and will leave that to devs to do all the work themselves, again. had they any brains or balls
>they have neither
they wouldve hired the autists that worked on cemu/dolphin, or at least snag some microsoft engineers, release a better system than this dog's shit pile they call the ps5, and have all those monkeys working top to bottom on getting ps1, ps2, ps3 working around the clock.
As far as I understand this it's all about the ssd and bandwidth. I think sony might have some trick in their sleave.