It's a 2D dark souls clone with pixel art

>it's a 2D dark souls clone with pixel art

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Other urls found in this thread:

Madoka is shit

>It's a dark souls game but with waifus

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no u

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name three

>dark antihero or villain does irl savescumming
More games with this? Only one I can think of is undertale

Hey fuck you kid no I'm not

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No, Madoka is aotd. And Rebellion is as good or even better than the TV series. Don't let plebs tell you otherwise just because they didn't get it.

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>Rebellion is as good or even better than the TV series
Rebellion ruined everything. Fuck Rebellion.
Magia Record is pretty good though.

It is uninspired garbage that falls flat entirely when it tries to be "deep", which is the bulk of it
only saving grace of the show was this cutie

high-tier brainletposting

Rebellion was a mistake, and an excuse for stupid fan-pandering.
The TV ending was perfect.

Magia Record is a meandering mess.

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>it's an Yas Forums thread on Yas Forums
>Magia Record is a meandering mess.
I agree. I still enjoy it though.
A step down, but still good.

Rebellion is too high-IQ for this board

Madoka is based but the new anime is shit.

Name one game with that premise for the first painted square of a chess board, then twice then two games for the second square, then twice that for the third, and twice THAT for the fourth, and so on and so on until you reach the very last square on the board and can finally compile a satisfactory list of games where that description applies.

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MM is like Lain in that a lot of the fans are mentally deranged people who insert inside the main character(s)
They are good shows though

Salt and Sanctuary
Death's Gambit
Dead Cells

Rebellion is as low IQ as it gets.

>omg mumi and charlotte 2gether!
>omg mumi fightan hameru!!
>omg sayeku and kyogo 3gether!!1

It's just a checklist of fan pandering.

Remember lainchan and the transhumanist suicide cult?

Salt and Sanctuary isn't pixel art. It's... something else, but not that.

Unfortunately I do

lainchan is still up

>only know about this show because of the amv with It's Always Sunny music

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>faggots that can't handle rebellion
Double points if you're some anti-yuri fucking shits

Madoka has at least one chan but it never really got any traction, I wonder why.

Magia record is shit. And yes, I played the gacha, and yes, the story is shit there too.
The TV ending was great, but the Rebellion ending was cathartic and it really satisfied me whereas the TV ending left me hollow and unhappy. I hear a lot of people complain about pandering but I never saw an issue, maybe the pandering got to me lmao

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Found it:

I like yuri.
I don't like the incubators suffering forever.

It has this

It's not people complaining about pandering, it's people complaining about yuri. Some fags can't handle cute girls loving each other instead of boys (like them)
The curse of waifuing, as it were

>Dead Cells
>Dark Souls clone
it's definitely inspired by them, but it plays nothing like Dark Souls, not even remotely outside of the flask

imagine watching the original anime and not seeing how fucking gay homura and madoka already were

Literally got what they deserve for fucking with a race they did not truly try to understand
Playing with emotional energy was their version of playing with fire and they got burned

Thankfully Magia Record is full of gay girls

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>y-you like being pandered to

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imagine watching the original anime and thinking madoka is gay

its much faster paced I'll grant you that

Madoka is too stupid to have a sexuality.
Kyouko and Sayaka's chemistry didn't feel sexual at all.
Mami seems like she might have some kind of libido, but doesn't express it.
Homura is a psycho lesbian yandere,I'll give you that one.

Medukas aren't gay, the fans are just coomers.

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The show ending was nice. Madoka found a way to deal with entropy that didn't require girls to suffer. Her solution was good for everyone.

>yurifags enjoy a high quality series
>it turns into fast food schlock by pandering to them
Every. Single. Time.

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Why is Madoka so popular? I stopped watching after a handful of episodes as all I saw was some magic girls shit but with a dark and edgy twist.

>Her solution was good for everyone.
Not for Homura who inadvertently pushed her into fate of nonexistence after suffering god knows how much on the road to save her. Not for herself who had to suffer nonexistence instead of growing up and enjoying a normal life.

>Not for herself who had to suffer nonexistence instead of growing up and enjoying a normal life.
That was kino. Madoka's entire character arc is about making herself suffer so others don't have to.
You missed the good shit

myakko-senpai is right, there's no way that sort of thing is gross

>Everyone says Dark Souls is brutally hard
>Turns out you can grind and summon to make it easier
>The 2d pixel games that try to strive to become more like Dark Souls to be hard were unironically harder back when they were on the NES/SNES

Any other good anime where the protagonist is a femboy? I love Nagisa so much.

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If madoka pandered to yurifags for real, we would've had a masterpiece right now instead of magia record.

If you're talking about Rebellion then you're just another filtered low IQtard, if you mean Magia Record that was the fault of gachafags. I will say that many yurifags are awful and obnoxious but they aren't to blame here.

>completely justified fight scene is pandering
>implying homu saved madoka when that ending is ambiguous but definitely skewed to the negative

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Literally everyone is gay in magireco, even the 'straight' girls (not sayaka)

A lot of people didnt know shit about magical girls so to them it was a big deal. It didn't necessarily do anything super original but it was well executed and tightly paced, made great use of the episodes it had. Art direction was pleasant too. I thoroughly enjoyed it.


*blocks your path

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Also Charlotte is there to make the viewer immediately suspicious and uncomfortable and the Kyouko/Sayaka stuff is fucking nothing. Just another brainlet filtered. Many such cases

video games

I was referring to her, yes
>faggots still think she's straight
>mfw they eventually play her MSS

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I have a dream
A yurifag pandering sol madoka spin-off focusing on just the holy quintet, with retard gachagirls as occasional side characters. Like the drama CDs but animated

Honestly not worth going after the muh yuri points, if user blinded himself to red/blue symbolism in the series there's no way he'd survive rebellion

this thread is about 2D pixel art dark souls clones

Just give me a RikaRen OVA

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masakoko > rikaren

>tfw no 2D pixel art madoka dark souls clone
>tfw no good madoka games at all aside from grief syndrome

lmaoing at these literal fucking retards saying rebellion is good, it's the avengers of anime

>its and anime shit thread

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MasaKoko is great too but RikaRen has more romantic tension, MasaKoko feel like they're already dating

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That AMV made me watch Madoka which by extension got me into anime as a whole and I don't even remember why I watched the thing, I don't even like AMVs. It changed my life

Magia Record is a video game

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>le bait

as if there was any doubt for people who can think that rebellion defenders were redditors

>avengers of anime
>look at that redditor here, he thinks I'm baiting
Never go full retard.

You got filtered hard m8, give it a rewatch sometime

I bet you think eva is actually above average, lmao.