So, Switch of PS4?
So, Switch of PS4?
>switch is blurry shit
>3.2 MB
Switch because not censored.
I'm staring at both chests and not noticing a difference.
Oh god...did those liberal fucking bastards finally make me blind to their censorship?!
switch so I can play it in handheld mode
They look identical where it matters.
they... look the same
What exactly is the shoulder armor attached to?
It's anime female "armor", you're not supposed to point those things out.
arm band
Fused directly to the bone
The shoulders
PS4 because I'm not a pedophile
her tits
PC. Not because I'm a pedophile, though.
Its not censored on ps4 but keep coping.
>ps4 has more defined armpits
The choice is obvious.
switch, to keep the fact of it being a nintendo franchise in the same family.
fuck you
It's coming out on PC. Who gives a fuck about either of those?
Either Switch or PC, no point getting the snoycensored version.
its already censored you stupid sony.gger
I don't even know what game this is
Switch because I can pirate it for free and play in handheld mode.
They're 90's shoulder pads, user. They're attatched to nothing.
Is that you on the bottom left
PC version. Whenever I see Switchtards and PS4tards arguing over which console's better, it's like seeing two downies arguing who's smarter.
This tbqh.
That shit was fake
What? It's a direct print screen from jewtube into 1,000,000 hours on MSPaint & saved as a .png. You know what MSPaint is like.
>PC. Not because I'm a pedophile, though.
But that would make you a pedophile though?
Meh, vid didn't have a PC comparison for the console versions.
Some of the English voice acting is solid, but some of it is painful
One of Angela's grunts for jumping/rolling is really bad
And Chawwotte weminds be a bit too much of a cewtain single-ish no-armed whitey
Isn't the OP kind of misleading? That's not what it would really look like.
Doesn't matter because we all know PC version of a multiplat will always be the definitive edition anyway. Best graphics, best FPS, best controls, you name it. You buy a console to play its exclusives.
From the videos I saw it seems the skirts are more rigid on PS4 to prevent pantyshots.
To be fair, its only the ponies who try to make these kinds of threads.
For me it's switch vs pc, i get the switch version cause that's where i play most of the games right now
Not always. Usually the PC version has a few more bugs than the console version.
PC because 4K 120fps and MODS.
I still need to play the demo, will see if I notice something odd
>saving .jpg as .png
Neck yourself.
I finished Charlotte's demo and it was a lot of fun.
Who should I try next?
Why is this little gremlin Elmer Fudd like this?
They're referred to as bugs with the pc release because of issues making it similar to the dogshit standards which is the norm for the console release. Said bugs get fixed unlike the console version, which will always remain dogshit.
Soul Soulless
Gonna main her when her game releases.
ohh she stanky
PC with 120FPS and mods.
Yes, you are a gay now
Seems liek the only real difference is resolution and fps. And portability.
Will probably go for Switch version.
I love this slutty magic-less magician.
I'm playing through her little intro chapter right now and holy shit why is it so fucking bad
>Switch is a portable system.
is there boob jiggle?
So Switch is 30 fps right? I was hoping to get a physical copy but I don't have my own ps4
Guys I want to make love to Charlotte please send help
Switch. Because if I wanted to play it on a non-portable system I'd play on PC. It's literally not a fair comparison.
Because you chose the jack-of-all-trades character. Have fun!
I guess it's not getting censored because square is such a big company and last time they censored a major release with dmc5 everybody laughed at them, ff7 remake still gets censored because Sony is footing the bill for it.
I meant more from a Story standpoint. I picked Kevin for my main character
I'll help you alright, I claim the ass.
I've been playing it on switch all day. I have a pc, but it just feels better to play this type of game on a console imo. Fucking 6 hours into this demo and it still ain't done yet. I love it so far, and it is going to be a long wait until the end of april for me :
There are cases to be made for both PC and Switch, but I'll never understand why you'd ever opt for the best of no worlds PS4.
Oh. Well, it's because she's akin to a Mary Sue character. Literally no one dislikes her in–universe, barring the villains. It should say something that she's the most popular main character to come out of Seiken Densetsu 3.
Hacked switch or PC because that means the howwiwble baby-speak can get modded out.
I odd how Nintendo and PC always make the best combo possible.
However switch is shit, too bad the 3DS is dead best partner for PC.
There is a staggering amount of porn of her already. I look forward to a new onslaught of it.
I feel I've made a mistake picking her for a party member now
Is DQs extra content exclusive to Switch? Or does the steam version also have it?
>It's anime female "armor", you're not supposed to point those things out.
The same thing happens in mmos like WoW, regardless of sex. Don't get your panties in a twist and dial 8.