So now that the dust is starting to settle...

So now that the dust is starting to settle, is Doom Eternal as painfully slow as the 2016 game or is it more like the originals?

Attached: 1578555492237.webm (640x480, 2.93M)

Other urls found in this thread:

It is as fast as 2016 but has platforming and silly mechanics like a grappling hoo

Game is fast as fuck. Even faster than the originals

>bethesda bootlicker

Attached: mokou cringe.jpg (340x496, 44.36K)

>falseflagging with the shitaku vid

>Even faster than the originals
This is excellent shitposting

>not playing with the original HUD
disgusting and you look down on people for liking doom 4

imagine thinking doom2016 is slow because you fucking suck as it do bad

>suck as it do bad
looks like bethesda is outsourcing to india now...

Attached: Are you ready to die.gif (256x256, 51.81K)

why are doomfags so unbearably fucking autistic

Doom 1 and 2 are slow as fuck. You literally need to mod to bring it to any real pace.

>been playing the same game for 20+ years

They're master swordsmen, honing their craft until it's an art. But instead of anything cool it's a video game. Still, they know what they like.

base movement is still too slow imo but dashes help make up for it

well you're using footage from the 1st level retard

Doom 1, 2 and 64 your movement 500units per second
Doom 2016 and eternal is 250units per seconds

Its factually incorrect to say nudoom is faster

I know this is bait but it still made me laugh

If it starts slow and only gets faster over time something is fundamentally wrong with it

did you really use the fucking polygon footage as an argument on why 2016 is bad. You can do better than that

Show me where I said D44M and D55M are faster? I'll wait, you fucking stupid nigger.

OP's webm is impressively disingenuous. I think the 2016 footage is from the infamous Polygon(?) review, where the person playing seemed to be on a controller and only physically capable of using one joystick at a time. On top of that they're comparing wildly different points in the games, with the OG using much faster killing weapons against a variety of enemies while 2016 is using the widely agreed to be worst and slowest killing weapon against a couple imps on the first level.

Outstanding move, but still not worth a (You).

You aren’t going to see AAA shooters going too fast because it gets too annoying to play with sticks. Analog aiming is worse than steering a car with a d-pad.

>Countered by argument you cannot fight against
>Le shill buzzword
...Modding is gonna make shit even faster by the way, so sit down somewhere, child.

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Why won't we ever get another game like Doom?

See: Now this is the part where you pretend to be someone else

Because making the seried into a serious sam clone is more profitable

>OP's webm is impressively disingenuous
It’s a webm in response to another webm showing midgame NuDoom combat and someone sucking dick in classic Doom.
Essentially both games can be fast and both can be played by retards.

Except that's not me you fucking dumb black monkey.

>inb4 retard cries it's a CON-SPEAR-ASSY

Attached: Anon is a fucking moron.png (464x111, 5.77K)

Well then its disingenuous in context here because the other webm hasn't been posted for comparison.

Nice photoshop bud

>schizo thinks all anons are the same person
Take your meds.

COPE pussy nigger.

well if we play doom 2016 or doom eternal for 30 years then we could also probably speedrun the 3rd level

>What is a difficulty curve
It starts off slow because it doesn't throw fuck tons of enemies at you from the get go. Doom 1 & 2 are the same way in that you've only got a handful of enemies on Map01 and E1M1.

doom 2k16 speedruns are barely an hour long tho


>D44M and D55M
I've never heard of DAAM and DSSM, what are they?

Why would we ever need another game like Doom when we have the community making WADs forever? Also it feels like everyone has completely forgotten that Doom 64 is getting new content so at least look forward to that and hope it isn't shit.

SEETHE pussy nigger

Attached: Anon is still a fucking moron.png (363x101, 4.12K)

The runes that increase glory kill speed and give a speed boost after a glory kill make it almost as fast as Doom 1/2. Plus you have meat hook, monkey bars, jump pads, double dash, double jump.

nobody will be playing those mediocre games in 30 years though, they aren't genuinely good timeless classics like the first two Doom games

>fucking suck as it do bad

i hate how slow nudoom is
why won't these faggots add a rune that lets you run faster just like how there's a rune for air control

I think the real question is why do you think numbers are letters?


nudoomfags are literal children and brainless corporate drones
ogdoomfags are the smelliest of basement-dwelling neckbeards with autism honed to an atomic edge

Keep trying, maybe you won't be a faggot in one of the post! But probably not.

enjoy this (You)

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You don't need to mod it to get Nightmare monsters in UV. They added a command line edit to allow fast monsters in UV, it does not require a mod. It really never did unless you count editing a line of text as a "mod". I searched for an image on how to get them, but just got jewtoob shit. Here's a video.

I love this meme.
I waste from 15 to 20 minutes in each level on Doom because I want to find every secret, and get 100% kills.
This on Nightmare. But I guess shooting an Imp a few times, not killing it, then turning to other just for the DUDE IT'S FAST IT'S DOOM LMAO factor is much cooler huh?

Doom Eternal is genuinely far faster and more complicated than Doom 1 and 2 is despite the movement speed being slower. The simple addition of an extra axis makes it infinitely more complicated and that's not even considering the far more complicated new weapons, abilities, obstacles, enemy AI etc.

>Doom Eternal is genuinely far faster and more complicated than Doom 1 and 2 is despite the movement speed being slower
It fucking better, classy Doom was made by a small room of nerds in the early 90s.
It's more how well the gameplay of classic holds up, as well as the mountain of community content that perfects it, that the newer Dooms have to go up against.
Anyone try this out yet?

Neither Doom classic or new Doom are "fast"
and no, just having a high move speed doesn't make the game "fast"

>pro player on one of the later levels on the highest difficulty vs a game journalist on the literal first part of the game on probably the easiest difficulty

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But where's the webm where it combines both of the fast gameplay of the original Doom and Doom 2016

>fast gameplay
>Doom 2016

>Only 5 enemies at once because engine cant hold it
this is what killed it off for me

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>timeless classics like the first two Doom games
I can't play the first 2 DOOM without any mod. They are really slow.

This. As one of the few sorry souls who tried to make something good out of snapmap the 13 demon limit was a nightmare. Strategically unloading and loading demons as they player goes through the map was fucking horrible.

Attached: snapmaphell.jpg (1920x1080, 316.14K)

First and third clip are TAS, and second and fourth are from that one shitty game reviewer who couldn't play for shit. Nice false, nigger.

>later levels
The worst part of D44M.

In all honestly I actually think Snapmap was pretty cool, though it was horribly implemented and could have been much better. It's neat to be able to do this sort of thing at all.

Nowhere because nobody's interested in actually honestly comparing the games, preferring instead to just shitpost endlessly. Are you new to Yas Forums?

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Kill yourself, shill.