"You can climb and jump"

>"You can climb and jump"
Wow! What a novelty!

Attached: you_can_climb_and_jump.png (598x818, 546.42K)

Other urls found in this thread:



What a game changing mechanic!

I will now buy your movie

Attached: 1546909925813.png (988x1059, 497.7K)

i thought ellie was white

imagine a world where the last of us has more maneuverability than God of war

that's what people said about breath of the wild.

Truly redefining AAA gaming.

beta samefag

Said no person ever

Attached: 1536500265006.png (3312x2480, 1.38M)

And you can shut the fuck up, OP! Try that game mechanic!

Attached: cunt.jpg (640x640, 20.71K)

no no no, you dont get it, you can jumb and climb while youre in a mushroom infected apocalyptic world, no, they're not zobies! these are different i swear

>"Muh samefag!"

Attached: 1546365895741.jpg (558x845, 214.72K)

*queue 1 minute tutorial on climbing followed by two minute tutorial on jumping

I like how even on Twitter most people are shitting on them

Attached: __junko_touhou_drawn_by_okema__d0318b543e8cd7e3114a2bde105ad460.jpg (600x600, 118.03K)

faggot lol

Apparently not even Sonyfags can defend this

Attached: 1557852890352.png (395x540, 15.41K)

Attached: 35672.png (579x673, 66.83K)

Wtf is that snow, it looks worse than Uncharted 2.

What the fuck happened to Naughty Dog?


Unironically has this defence ever worked out for these fancucks?

>black text on a white background

Daily seethe threads and the game isn't even out yet

Attached: 1528422327428.jpg (640x467, 131.26K)

>Climbing and jumping? woah! who gives a shit
Yas Forumsintendogaf as usual



>You can't jump at previous game
>Now Jewish Dog talks about jumping feature like it's the novelty of the century

>take common feature out of game
>wow so brave so innovative so immersive
>reintroduce same feature later
>wow so brave so innovative so immersive

Attached: 1552258059823.png (369x373, 191.25K)

damn, they couldn't have said that more obnoxiously if they tried

Attached: Jordan Amaro explains the different between Japanese and Western games.png (683x616, 89.64K)

urm, no 3D sound? No buy.

>Some journalist cannot comprehend and runs in circles for half an hour

The point is that you couldn't do that in the original. Square Enix also advertised that you could jump in Final Fantasy XIII-2 when it was about to come out, because you couldn't do it in the original FFXIII.

I know this is just a shitposting "FUCK SNOY" thread but come on.

Also a reminder that they keep bragging about the Last of Us 2 being the first mainstream game with lesbian protagonists while countless Japanese games are doing that for a long time and Fear Effect 2 did that before from western games without making a huge deal about it.

Attached: 45530-fear-effect-2-retro-helix-playstation-front-cover.jpg (730x623, 136.94K)

God, this is going to be like those awful God of War climbing segments I bet.

>>Yas Forums

>michael on the comments
I am scared i recognized him

they have no shame lmao
gow has better snow

serious answer?

it's a project based industry that's overcrowded and therefore ridiculously competitive, not just as a sum of its parts but each individual person is constantly angling to create their dream game
after a successful project most people shotgun applications to leadership roles at the next "level" down - i.e. if you worked on TLOU with Naughty Dog you could easily get a job leading a project at say, Respawn Entertainment

by the time you get this far into a game developer's success the only people left doing actual work and not just production planning are selected from the 1000s of applicants that started applying after the latest wave of successes

so you probably have a bunch of middling talent lefty art college types with equally unimressive dedication to technical skill fiddling around with a bunch of tools they don't really understand and that are too expensive or integrated with the engine/monolith to replace

>they keep bragging about the Last of Us 2 being the first mainstream game with lesbian protagonists

They who? I haven't seen anyone make that claim.

Sony literally never won

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-18 qe9cJi7 png (PNG Image, 800 × 800 pixels).png (545x799, 95.67K)

This is a big and moment when they're finally adding some gameplay to Sony exclusives. Not too much though. People hate change.

We don't talk about fun.
We crunch so hard we have to hire movie maker newbies because all real developers flee from us.

>The Last of Jews
That was a good one

>6 Sony exclusives on that list
>"Sony never won"

Also aren't all good reviews paid for according to fags like you?

> 7 Zelda games but no Majora Mask
> FF4 ahead of FF7
> Mario World ahead of every Mario game
> Metroid Prime 2 but no Metroid Prime

>4 marios and zeldas

I-is this...OC?
Just a shitty ms paint stickman comic?
God this feels so nice to see something that isn't a fucking wojak and frog again.

Attached: D-UCgsMU8AE24xS.jpg (904x1200, 59.66K)

Majora Mask is the 2nd worst mainline Zelda
FF7 was a downgrade from FF6
Mario World is the best game in the series behind Mario RPG
Prime 2 is shit though

>There is no such thing as Nintendo bon-

I'm pretty sure the text was generated by AI, and this poster's point is that it sounds like a lot like OP's screencap. Showing how journalists are fucking brain dead.

Pay denbts.

At least the top liked comments in this god awful tweet is people making fun of how innovative is jump and climb in videogames
These fuckers at naughty dog don't have any shame huh? Normies treat the last of us specifically like the second coming of christ and they actually believe they are some kind of top of the line studio

Attached: 1575590091144.gif (500x281, 958.15K)

Pokemon is literally their best selling franchise if bonus existed there would be like 4 Pokemon games

I don't think normies really care. They had fun with the first game and moved on. It's the game reviewers who sucked this game's dick really hard.

the snow looks mediocre after playing rdr2. aren't linear games supposed to be better looking and more filled with details? even the shadows seemed kinda off to me, like the whole thing was rushed, which is ironic since they're torturing their devs to shit the game out on date

Tekken on older gens had better snow lmao.

>seemed rushed
>which is ironic since they're torturing their devs to rush.

what is samus laughing at

Only fun about the first game is the multiplayer

yea i def tripped over my words there, my bad

Fighting games have singular set piece arenas with glorified skybox backdrops. Why on Earth would you compare a linear action game with a fighting game? Bizarre.


Your dick