My little half sister can't possibly be this hot
Nioh 2
The unlockable Odachi skill is basically just Mad Spinner except it comes out faster. Skip the horrible farm if you aren't interested in that.
That's one skill but you can get another by killing your brother.
Back to the grind user.
*blocks ur path*
That's just an alternative grapple animation, I'm not going to bother.
*friendly gesture*
Well shit, go get the axe counter I guess?
Lucky for you both of the Glaives unlock skills are mid stance only. They aren't a game changer though.
*neutral gesture*
>that new 2kat grapple
Looks like the mass effect andromeda team animated this
Got it already. First one I got actually. I have Odachis, Switchglaives, Axe, and one of the Dual Sword moves.
*stops blocking ur path*
Does it really make sense that they can leave a soul core for that? Are they returning to hell or something?
I was gonna fall into that trap up until I unlocked the sweet ass flip you get for the scythe and low stance is great for building up status effects on enemies
Is there any up to date guides on all the smithing texts yet? I want to know all the cool shit I should be farming. I'm 1kat by the way.
Yes it does make sense because you satisfied them.
More an exorcism than a kill though, its implied that some a placed deliberately because you can take a talisman off their back. Which means its a familiar.
You should see the goofy swinging of Swirling Snow, it's pretty hilarious.
List for anyone who wants to know.
I have all but one of the 2kat.
Toki was good to me, but holy fuck the follow up on Sign of the Cross is powerful as fuck.
Has ANYONE unlocked the Kusa skills? i haven't heard or seen anyone mention them. It'd be nice to have a move that isn't high stance light spam
I'm almost done with every mission in ng+ and most of them I finished by just spamming high stance heavy attack with my axe. I just can't understand how people can be so shit at this game.
As much as I hate the loot posters I have kind of begun to agree with them. Knowing that all chests are worthless I pretty much speed through every level only worrying about finding all the kodamas and don't bother to explore the whole levels. Honestly it kind of makes the bigger level designs more tedious than anything imo. Are there any other secrets that pay off from exploring levels? I'm only at the 2nd stage of region 2, which I already beat in the beta.
I don't understand. Instead of fixing Raijin or buffing mortal flow they make Cross even better. These devs have an Iai fetish.
Fuck it's finally over
Wish there was more than one tonfa skill though. That's kinda wack.
You're gonna be in for a rude fucking awakening when you need to start making actual builds but skipped all the loot. You're supposed to collect that for dissasembling.
>No one drops Ninjitsu or Magic skills
That's pretty lame.
Is it at least good?
Plenty drops from enemies and I can also just farm revenants. Loot also doesn't matter much until NG+ if it's like the first game.
I prefer the gameplay of Nioh over souls mostly because it has more depth and still is quite rpg heavy while keeping the action fast and fun. But one thing that Nioh loses hard for me is in the art department, not that nioh is bad in any way in that sense more than miyazaki letting the extremely good art team go fucking wild with areas and enemy design, almost all concept art of souls could be hanged on a wall as a painting.
>Knowing that all chests are worthless
I wish I could go back to the point where I believed that.
Kodamas are the worst part of exploration. Chests are nice bonuses that sometimes give me my green gear/fragments. No matter what drops, I need that shit, because just like Nioh 1 you're constantly out of money forever while trying to get your gear in WotS up to a non shit + level
Then there's the fact that you need all of that shit to disassemble for the materials (at first) and then for rare materials once you unlock the ability to dismantle shit for them from grandpa.
Gear is inconsequential in your first loop since you're constantly replacing shit for shit with higher numbers. But WotS will educate you really badly on the things that you miss. Doubly so if you ain't got much patronage.
>get Spirit Storm first try, no grinding necessary
>STILL haven't gotten Swirling Snow
Will you niggers stop dying in co-op? Just fucking slow down you shits.
Keep working at it. It's basically Mad Spinner but it comes out instantly (one of Odachi's fastest attacks) and does really solid damage. It might even be better than Moonlit Snow.
it does give a lot of anima
>the sheer amount of ki damage Charging Bull does
Jesus fucking Christ
Have you applied Masterful Slice to it yet?
Looks good. We're about to find out though.
After putting some hours into Nioh 1.5, I must say it has become my favorite arpg series. It has its flaws, but its so addictive.
the list ain't complete. Kato has flying swallow and the ability to backflip and drop caltrops. The former has to be a skill and the later probably isn't but who knows.
So is there less armor sets/weapons this time around?
>green gear and fragments
I'm talking about just NG. Honestly I doubt I will autistically go through all of the NG+ cycles I tried doing it in the first game and by way of the wise I was just burnt out and bored sprinting through levels and sometimes dying to a boss with bloated stats that I had already beaten before. In the first game I combed every level with a fine tooth comb because it was fresh and new, but ultimately afterwards realized it didn't really matter. And yes I know about disassembling I made an actual build in the first game and spent a lot of time soul matching shit etc I think really I just want a new Ninja Gaiden I wish Nioh was just an action game with a lot more focus on combat and no RPG shit.
I like to combo them, it gives me a sensation of control, like imagine the dexterity needed to do that in real life
I have no fucking clue what the fuck you're supposed to do against Kasha. It's like having a Wheelmonk buffed up to a boss.
Sometimes she'll just randomly spin right into you immediately after she's done attack with zero telegraphing, which will blow through all your ki and deal half your health.
When she does the non-BC charge attack, half of the time the flames will block you from properly retaliating after dodging, or your hurtbox will clip with her wheels when attacking and you get lit on fire because fuck you. Also if you're not perfectly positioned she'll be too far out of reach to
Summons the spinners and Gakis seemingly for no reason other than to hope your lock-on gets fucked and you get killed because of it.
Her BCs are just completely fucked outside of the please-hit-me spinner one. You can go THROUGH her legs while she's spinning or slamming the whip and it doesn't count as a counter, and then it sets you on fire to boot.
With every other boss it's just a manner of learning when you can consistently punish them and capitalizing on those opportunities while avoiding their attacks. But with Kasha the optimal strategy seems to be drawing out a 20 minute fight because you can't afford to punish any of her attacks since she has instant start up on half her moves and 2/3 of the Burst Counters are completely unreliable. I want to know what fucking universe the people who claim the snake is even close to this bullshit are from.
Does Faster Winded Recovery stack?
Trying to go a Ninjitsu build with lots of throwing. Should I respec the points out of magic? Also what's a good set for Ninjitsu?
Is there a better set than obsidian for axe later on? Its a great set for my build, but I hate how the full bonus requires both melee weapon slots to be filled by mediocre weapons.
Hug at her feet then lowstance dash behind her.
Burst when she does her glow at the appropriate time and rip her apart.
Use yokai skills to dip her ki faster.
It's stylish as fuck, but gets tiring to play for me. I don't mind the loot too much, but it does get old.
Alright Odachi bros I just did some testing and can easily say Swirling Snow is absolutely a necessity and you need to grind for it right now. It's the most busted thing in the Odachi's kit by a fucking mile. At first I was impressed by how fast it comes out and how much damage it does, about as much as a high stance light attack, but then I realized it tracks really well too. Then I tried it on a human boss and it turns out it also does fucking massive Ki damage on blocks. You can literally hold triangle and beat human bosses by doing nothing else. They're probably going to nerf this, it feels way overtuned.
I'm convinced the Flying Kato set diagram doesn't exist
in fact I don't think any of them do
please respond
The Arcana skills are my favorite thing in this game. Being able to apply an element to just a single skill and having your weapon light up in flames or lightning whenever you use it is so cool
>might even better than Moonlit Snow
Shiiiiiit I need this skill
Although I'll always love MS just because it's fun.
What's the button command for Swirling Snow by the way?
flying kato seems to be the only relevant ninja set if you want to throw shit.
don't forget to set nekomata as your guardian spirit, you get anima by using ninjutsu, which is extremely OP, you can just spam the snake yokai ability like crazy
i unlocked water drop while just doing the main mission
it's shit so don't bother
Hold triangle. It's way better than mega thrust so I don't feel bad giving it up. Seriosuly, this shit is amazing. You're gonna be blown away by how good it is.
>it's shit so don't bother
Why is Kusa cursed like this? They should just buff Blade Spin back to its former glory
Thats because diablo loot is legitimately not good. I say this as a huge fan of both games too. Team ninja makes good action games, they have no idea what they're doing when it comes to RPG equipment systems. I still love Nioh because the combat is so good but it could be much, much better with fixed gear. Diablo loot directly ties into level design as well. Let me tell everyone a little secret, the level design in Nioh is not bad. Its not as good as what From does but its still good. The issue is that exploration is poorly rewarded. The reality is that the ultra cool legendary weapon you find really isn't that special or rare. You can make managing the loot as quick and painless as possible with all the sort and auto select options in the world but that only serves as a bandaid for poor design. Nioh is not Souls and nor should it be. Its similar but is its own distinct thing. However, if theres one thing team ninja should copy off of From, its the loot. And believe me, I'm not the kind of person whos constantly bitching about the loot in Nioh either. Its not bad enough to completely destroy the game but team ninja needs to realize that this game has much higher potential. If they do make a 3, they're going to need to address this. For now I'll continue to enjoy 2.
just ran him like 15 times, got his set in level 70 green items, got a shit ton of tea utensils, got some random gear
not a single fucking skill or smith text though
running 4 kodama hunter bonus and kodama bowl as well, not sure if it effects the dojo though
I've never used them because people said they were not worth it, are they actually that good? I can see how they might be cool but that stamina cost seems a bit much to ask.
Pretty sure the axe parry and riposte is completely reused animations yet it looks fucking baller
I heard there's air juggles in this one
It allows multi hit weapon skills to apply element without buffs or having that element on the weapon. It's probably only worth it for applying lighting but I still think it's cool as fuck, and you know what? Looking cool is what matters to me.
I like Kintoki's set for axe, if you have a yasakani magatama you can pair it with the GOLDEN boy set (bow + armor piece of choice) for extra lightning damage which goes well with the lightning axe.
There were juggles in 1, they just never happen. Spear is the only weapon that can do them whenever, other weapons require you to hit falling enemies.
I already said why the burst counters don't work half the time, I literally was just facing her head on and Feral counter sent me careening towards her wheel and lit me on fire while she went past me.
Fair enough, maybe I'll try some out too.
>all these 2kat bosses
>havent seen not (1) one single fucking tonfa boss
brehs, where is the tonfa set at?
So are Hiddy & Yoshitatsu twins? If so, did Hiddy's mom only take him/her & left Yoshi with Dosan? Shit's confusing
Doesn't she straight up say all that in a cutscene?
>from has good level design
I think there's one single Kusa and Hatchet boss in the game. Nioh 2 is Spear and Dual Sword territory. Dual Sword also gets the most unlockable weapon skills.
I'm super tempted to buy and play this, but I also have nioh: complete edition sitting untouched in steam. Should I just go play that or is the difference between 1 and 2 big enough?
Might have and it went over my head
>fighting kato danzo
>use ground finisher on him after he pops his quickchange
>he dies and reappears, mission complete
>he can still attack me but is invincible
>can hold O to talk to him
>hes now running in circles around me as fast as possible and cant hit me
>keeps pushing me out of the mission complete circle