What would it take for a new MMO to become a mainstream hit and replace WoW?

What would it take for a new MMO to become a mainstream hit and replace WoW?

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Standalone GTA MMO.

Bring back RIFT. I don't care about WoW just bring this one back to how it was.

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Avatar MMO set slightly before ATLA, before air kingdom is fucked over. 4 factions, can opt out of factions and group up with others for shits and giggles and explore a vast amount of neutral territory.

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Well, grognardy social outcasts hate everything including each other now, so there is no decent community to get a quality MMO off the ground. Any new mainstream MMO would have to be built to attract the failed normalfags that play nuWoW and FF14, so it would basically a big mountain of shit built on top of a foundation of shit. So yeah, just make a big smelly pile of shit. And put lots of grinding and gambling in it.

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the MMO as we know it is dead, it's being replaced with GaaS games that milk you with thousands of dollars of mtx like Destiny and MHW that get updates for multiple years

WoW, and all of it's derivative shitty clones like XV and ESO are all dead and shit for retards.
Play a real MMO

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>What would it take for a new MMO to become a mainstream hit and replace WoW?
For it to be FFXIV, which has become a mainstream hit and replaced WoW.

this guy gets it, everyone wants a virtual platform that imitates real life except where they can finally become the billionaire chad movie star or maybe the dirty cop or crook, maybe they want to live the /out/doors life and live on the edge of the Alaskan territory. GTA MMO has HUGE HUGE HUGE potential if done right to last years on years and rake in BILLIONS. But with the technology we have today I still doubt they'll be able to pull that off.
Just notice how a lot of roleplay games get massive hype around it until the game actually drops. The games end up shit because they are way beyond ahead of their time, but the Idea is quite fascinating.

so just second life

I used this image in another thread so to get around the duplicate image issue I flipped it but it applies to your post so I feel inclined to post it again.

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they did that already though. and people played it for a bit but then got bored because it was old content. MMOs suffer from the fact that people expect unique content that keeps them occupied for 10 hours a day for years. why the fuck would any sane company pay people to make so much content when they can make a mobile game for 20 times fewer resources and make more money.

>people expect unique content that keeps them occupied for 10 hours a day for years
MUDs have the potential to be this.

This is not R9K

Are you retarded

Pretty much nothing. All you have to do is look at WoW/Tera/FF/Rift/TESO, then do the complete opposite.

To start, make sure you have zero UI.

No one cares about role play except autists

Move away from the theme park style. give players lots of options to play around in the game and make their character unique. dont base the entire game around raiding.
Then have crisp and customizable player movement similar to wow. A lot of mmos do cool things but they feel weird to play and it puts people off of them before they can even really give it a chance all because the devs thought it was a cool idea to force their preference for character movement controls and shitty camera.

Blizzdrone seething

but what would you do? There's no conflict

A literal Millionaire that make his own MMO without any investors telling him to make a WoW copy. As long as WoW exist, and publisher/investors demanding that a mmo existing is a WoW clone, its not going to happen any time soon.

Look at mabinogi, it was feeling fresh back then and it still does because of how different it is. Sure it's riddled with flaws like shitty engine and whatnot but it did right by not copying other MMOs.
The strongest pros of mabinogi is its horizontal progression. You can start game as warrior, do some story and then say fuck it I wanna be carpenter or a cook, or a merchant, or compose and play songs in cities.

role play autism is a strong force in gaming

fire nation would be invading plus there could be some spirit stuff maybe

Honestly you never can.

The fundamental problem with MMOs is that if you make it a themepark, then other singleplayer/coop RPGs will do it better. If you go sandbox, then every single thing revolves around fighting and everyone just goes into fights they can win. There is no skill in an MMO because we can sustain hundreds of people in skill based combat, so it comes down to number crunching, and everyone only bothers with a fight if their numbers are better than your numbers.

If that's true, why do I like role play so much?

yeah and we carry the gaming community on our backs, unless you want us to hand it over to the mobile gaming tier microtransaction filled gaming normies?

Put Pokemon in the title...


You don't want a mainstream mmo unless you want generic garbage. Small MMOs like EVE have been around for more than a decade because they cater to a niche audience.

What you really want is an MMO with a decently sized playerbase and a developer that supports the core of the game without turning it into pay to win garbage like so many others.

Teleport us all back to 2004 so there was no widespread social media yet and we were still somewhat optimistic. Then, kill all the Blizz employees and we'll go apeshit over City of Heroes.

Except GTAO fucking sucks, microtransaction hindered garbage, that was only fun when there were hackers flooding the servers with million dollar bounties.

Fuck, was this the from software tech demo Deep or something? That game looked so fucking good

Yeah, and this is usually why private server tend to be successful, at first. You generally don't need 102524250432467234689576325863905862398475632 players if you're not going to interact with one players. If the game doesn't encourage interaction, there no point in having 458230945923875923579230572390752390 players. The reason I say at first is that if the person doesn't do anything with the private server, like adding content or updates, it will die.

>Except GTAO fucking sucks
I know user, I know... =(
>tfw still carry memories from GTA SA and GTA 4 roleplaying servers
Those were moments to cherish forever boys, consolefags attempting to roleplay only experienced 4% of what we really experienced on PC back in the days, I miss it so much.

Substantial development resources being put into normally autopiloted dev's systems like threat/enemy ai, quest writing, crafting/trading and a bunch of other stuff would be required to make a much better MMO than wow. The MMO consumer base in general has been content to eat shit for decades so I can't tell you if they'd like a 'good' mmo as a game.

An MMO with mod support. Think about it.

The grind is actually satisfying and doesn't feel like pointless filler between the start and endgame.

FFXIV has more active subs than WoW does these days
If you mean prime era WoW then it would have to be full-on SAO shit

I thought about it and ESO definitely sucks.

Second Life?

You have absolutely no proof of this and never will because XIV has never put out accurate active sub counts, and WoW hasn't put out accurate counts in over a decade.
Don't try to hamfist some community census bullshit either because even a brain dead vegetable knows how fucking inaccurate their counts are.

>What would it take for a new MMO to become a mainstream hit and replace WoW?
It would have to be free to play to lure people in
It would have to have an addictive gameplay cycle of some sort
I don't think it can be the old 'press 1 and wait for cooldown' style because, frankly, that shit's boring. Might have to be a bit more action-y
it'll need some instanced content because guild spawn-campnig bosses will drive newbies away
It'll need to let players create their own fun somehow without that fun ruining the newbie experience because games need something at the endgame to keep people around

>everyone wants
Apparently not, I don't really want that.
The setting doesn't appeal to me.
Why play a game that's not part of reality to just imitate reality but pretend you're successful? Why not do something different entirely?

I'm still waiting for Deep Down. They keep refreshing the trademark.

Ah, another optimist like me. Here's hoping we can one day crawl through dungeons with bros, friend.

Ah yes, having our hopes up just by a trademark.

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Fuck Deep Down give me Dragon's Dogma 2 already for fuck sake

Give me Dragon Nest 2. I need that satisfying juice and crunchiness in my attacks. Even grinding was fun with it.

Is there any mmo like darkfall that isnt dead?

>real mmo
>game is entirely single player now besides pvp
Good one

>thousands of dollars of mtx
Are you just pretending to be retarded or do you think Monster Hunter hasn't always been a 'live service' style game with monthly quest releases? Because it was and they've had time limited events for fucking ages too.
>tfw going to the online hub in tri and a sandstorm is raging because Jhen is back
Absolute comfy

by the end of its life it'll be up there, and everyone hated Tri for the timed events, you can't even do a lot of HR content now that the servers are head, handhelds were the best MH has been because you could unlock the monthly quests that were already in the game files

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>a bunch of pendant recolours
Well fuck me, I guess they upped the jew in iceborne.


Better than anti social dungeon diving with forced grouping that just leads to silently going through the dungeon.
In Runescape, you play solo and when you make a friend, you actually make a friend, not because you have to.

Wouldn't exactly call FF14 mainstream.

I'm an OSRS player and I think its a great game until end game. End game for OSRS is pretty bad.

Well it would have to be good. But MMOs can't be good.

>make a fucking great RPG
>make multiplayer director which selects players active in the same area to encounter each other under a huge variety of different circumstances where they're very likely to interact
>shadowban furries, avoidant silent autists, and erpfags

did any of you guys play APB? or APB:Reloaded? it kinda fit the build of a GTA MMO. cops and robbers style, it was great. unfortunately the game crashed and burned and went on to become p2w garbage under some new china ownership.

Even back in the late 2000s where MMOs were constantly trying to dethrone WoW failed because there was always the question of "why should I move to X game when WoW has way more content and the guildmates I play with regularly are there?" constantly looming over prospective newcomers.
You see the same trends now with the more popular MMOs, where their brand name and accumulated content over the years makes it hard for new MMOs to break in and become mainstream unless they have something big like a popular brand name to help them.
It's even harder now when you have numerous other games that aren't MMOs looking to fulfill a certain niche like Destiny 2 and whatever else.