Has anyone outside North America ever bought a Xbox?

Has anyone outside North America ever bought a Xbox?

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Who fucking cares what people outside of America do?

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I don't really care.

Xbox One X and Series X are the consoles to buy.

No surprise here. The PlayStation brand mostly appeals to niggers and spics

>Faggot liberal shitholes are where all the sonybros come from
Who would have guessed.

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snoys confirmed for niggers and spics

Childish as fuck.


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Europe goes with whatever is cheaper and plays FIFA
Japan doesn't buy non japanese

once in the park


>Deciding which console to buy before the games are even announced.

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the xbox generally does well in the rest of the anglosphere. the US is the only market where it is so dominant, but it's big in UK, aus, etc. not sure if it's bigger than playstation over there like it is here but it's not nonexistent like japan or continental europe.

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>t. cletus

cry more nigspic

Who cares, in my country is cheaper to buy a Gamer PC. Only kids care about exclusives.

I have a 360 and a gamecube. Never owned a playstation.
I was introduced to gayman on PC when I was a kid. My dad's co-worker used to give him these burned CD's with ripped DOS games like Blus Brothers, Doom and Raptor.
Went back to PC this gen and already upgraded it for next gen. Probably won't be getting an underpowered shitbox considering I'm not 13 anymore and pretty much all games get ported anyway.

You ain't fooling anyone Jamal.

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this is the funny part. any game worth playing is multiplat people stop doing exclusive deals becuase it isn't worth wile in the long run. Think of the like 2-3m sales bloodborne got. imagine if it was multi plat instead PlayStation literally had to give it away for free to get people to play it

>Never owned a playstation.
Oh my god it must suck to be this dumb

Bloodborne sold 3 million as of 2017 and that number has certainly gotten higher since it's still one of the most talked about games today.

Would it be as revered without the first party prestige and console warriors putting it on a pedestal? Probably not.

>not owning a product makes you dumb

My friend owned one. Crash, God of War and DMC were prety neat but I was never into gay animeshit and JRPGs anyway. Already played Demon Souls RPCS3 too.

>Flyover uneducated retards like X-bawks
Shocked I tell you absolutely shocked.

360 was the hardcore gamer choice in Japan.

>t. nigger

No because we arent deluded into buying Washington state basedboy hardware.

All the PS4s in cali are from journos who were forced to play the first three hours of the exclusives and then give it a 10/10 because there was a homosexual in it

This honestly explains a lot about the retardation of sonnygers

All you mutts are retarded uneducated cunts.
fuck off

People bought the 360 in Russia sometimes.

>All you mutts are retarded uneducated cunts.
>fuck off
Shut the fuck up europoor. You're not even people.

It's one of the most talked about games to this day because it's the only truly great PS4 exclusive. God of War, Spider-Man, Horizon, etc. just can't compare with it and it absolutely would be talked about today even if it weren't multiplat like Dark Souls and Demons Souls before it.

And what will become of the PS4's legacy when (not if) Bloodborne comes to PC?

Reminder that Europeans do not have culture and should let people in need into their countries

Has anyone outside of north america ever mattered?

>implying mutts are human
Self-awareness isn't your strong suit buddy.

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Yellow hands typed this post

Joseph Smith was a prophet, dum dum dum-dum-dum.

>the nation that built the airplane, telephone, vaccines for numerous diseases like polio aren't human

I don't know anything about you so I guess you win.

>implying xbox will ever have any games to announce

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It will have the entire PC library which is exclusively not on PS5

Enjoy Knack 3 nigger

>Has anyone outside North America ever bought a Xbox?
Only in mexico. Europe, Latin America and Asia are all PS territory (china is mainly PC though)

she looks like she is really enjoying video games.

Original Xbox and 360 were pretty good
They were the last good console interfaces IMO
I don't see any point in owning a b0ne though

Haha majority of Xbox users are from inbred hick states! Hahaha... Probably buy it cause it’s AMERICAN like their truck and their sister wife.

every day I understand what commies meant a bit more.

of course America is white, when all of the blacks are in jail, yellows are dying to chinese virus, and spics are still trying to figure out how to climb the wall

>all black or mexican shitholes

>No surprise here. The PlayStation brand mostly appeals to niggers and spics
I think you mean Libtards.

>Niggers prefer PS4
Wooowwwww who woulda guessed?!

>the nation where people stab each other over toilet paper
Truly the peak of educated society.

More games than the moviestation 5.

Where do you live?
A land that riots when they win a World Cup?
A land that throws ten million dollars to release a terrorist and "rehab him" on the expense of taxpayers, and suck dog dicks on the side?
A land that has grenade attacks but does nothing about them?
A land that believes herding each other together is the best way to combat a pandemic?

Mexico is Xbox territory


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damn, the south is finally based

>el ogro americano pretending to be white
every time

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Thats not PC

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believe or not Mexicans love Xbox, something to do with spic dubs
