So thanks to the virus the beta weekend is exteneded for the rest of the week. What do you guys think of the new maps and modes?
What do you want to see added?
Other urls found in this thread:
>playerbase DOUBLED thanks to covid
>now it can fill a 16 player server
Hell yeah bros. Let's play Angry Balls With Funny Faces: The Game.
Actually the game has around half a million beta sign ups and you can find a game instantly indicating that it is extremely popular. Sorry user
>I-it's super alive!
>goes 4v4
Bro, that's a hilarious ball with a funny face you have.
That's how many players most Arena FPS modes have. Are you retarded or just a newfag?
>that artstyle
I understand that this is a shilling thread but game indeed looks like fucking shit
Too bad QC completely shit the bed to the point that this is the best the genre has to offer. Even with it's worse art style it's so much better than QC that even most of their playerbase moved to DBT.
>chooses 4 servers
>chooses every game mode but 1v1 (because he'd get smoked)
The more you sperg over this the more people will copy it. Especially when you can't prove anything wrong
>netcode is somewhere in between QC 2017 and QC now. perfect tracking, perfect rails, and perfect direct rockets go through players constantly. you get hit behind cover with any hitscan weapons and rl splash damage is bipolar. the devs have finally admitted to this with their official statement being, "until someone smarter than us comes along to tell us exactly what to do, we're gonna fling shit to a wall to see what sticks."
>lag comp is horrendous. doesn't matter if it's 120 or 20, the player with the higher ping has a huge advantage. an issue even reddit has documented
>code is so fucked to where 2 players can kill each other simultaneously with hitscan weapons. apparently i'm playing halo again
>in every mode there is 1 fairly decent map with the rest being fucking shit
>ffa is a clusterfuck. why are there 2 powerups on every map? why can't i hold both at the same time? why are the weapons scattered at random with no thought? the gimmick of respawning with the weapon that killed you makes it so most of your encounters are lg and rl and it gets very old, very quick.
>ca/wipeout is more boring and tedious than before and can drag on far too long. if there was a cap on time that increased with each death i think it could've worked
>ig screams a pretentious dev who wanted to make something different for the sake of it being different
>1v1 is the only fun mode so long as A) netcode is in your favor and B) you don't mind playing the same 10 or so people
>game is dead on yt, reddit, and twitch (was below 2k all weekend)
>james or some dedicated autist or 2 actively shills here. take a shot every time the thread goes below page 7, posts go up, but the poster # does not. fucker kept the saturday thread alive for 8-9 hours samefagging all day and samefagged the previous thread today for nearly 13 fucking hours
>Get's BTFO other thread so he has to say the same shit again
>common shill argument 1: muh 500k signups
A magical umber that has no sauce no matter how hard you pressure the shill yet gets brought up over and over again. This 250k is either complete horseshit in an attempt to make it seem the game is alive or is something only the devs have access to and unirionically means they are shilling here instead of working on their game
>common shill argument 2: muh que times
Sure, if you select every region in your area and every mode you can find a match almost immediately. But you could've done the same thing with other, nearly dead titles such as Dirty Bomb, Titanfall 2, Halo MCC, and so on before their players went away/official servers went away. It should also be noted that if you pick 1 specific mode, you can wait anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute and a half PLUS and additional 30-50 seconds. The game will just throw you into a server and does not give a fuck if someone is present. 1v1 is terrible with this. Other times it gets to TF2 levels of bad throwing you into a match that is already ongoing a quarter/halfway through.
>common shill argument 3: muh qc shills
Nobody gives a fuck about QC. Stop trying so desperately to 1up a shit game with your shit game. The game has been dead for months
>common shill argument 4: yt, twitch, and reddit don't matter
Name 1 (ONE) game where all 3 of these conditions are true yet the game is still popular. Better yet, it's a well documented fact that you shills and especially James want this to be the next big esport. How is that going to happen when nobody is watching or discussing it? How do you go from telling casuals to GTFO yet at the same time say this game is gonna make it big?
>common shill argument 5: muh pros play it and say it's good
The same way they did with QC? They could give less of a fuck so long as it is something they know how to play 90% already and can make money off of. When the esports scene for this fails, they will leave
>joke shitpost thread is entirely negative
>shill still posts in it shilling
>makes a new thread when we are at 50 posts
>every post here is shitting on the game too
>posts the same exact shill posts here
I genuinely hope the dev ODs on some shitty drugs after re-evaluating his failures in life.
>shill does exactly what an user claimed he would do - choose all game modes and all servers in his nation and claim its vibrant playerbase
how does you doing exactly what someone said you'd do when calling you a shill in any way me getting blown out.
I noticed you didn't go post the archives of the old threads when I said the blatant shitpost thread was exactly like the genuine threads.
You are hot to post stuff that supports you but anything that points out the shillery you just ignore.
The way this shill is talking makes me think it is James on a big fat line of crack. Like, as someone who has had this unfortunate experience of dealing with crack heads in the past, this shill acts like 1 to a T
Was it autism?
>Joke shitpost
It would be a joke if he (you) weren't seething.for hours on end.
It sucks.
Keep dabbing on autistics James
Explain. It's the best AFPS since UT4 in my opinion.
There is a nationwide quarantine you clown. We all have time on our hands. If you think this is seething I don't know what to tell you.
I have nothing riding on this. Its funposting. You clearly have skin in this game though.
You spent the entire time in the other thread trying to make it seem like 1 user is picking your shitty game for his years long quest to shitpost.
You know what the other game that user was obsessed with. Half-Life.
Motherfucking Half-Life. You are attempting to pair your game up with Half-Life, Team Fortress 2, Quake Champions, anything.
You are desperate for validation. And you simply don't get that you don't have the skill to make something on that caliber, so you keep trying to staple your shitty game onto other actual games.
There is a weird warped pathology there.
>I-It's not seething if I am butthurt for hours and hour on end for weeks because the virus!
Post eggs
you seem upset.
>Concept art shows jetpacks
Tribes gamemode when?
Not at all. I love documenting autistic rage. You and Half-Life autistic are the most interesting things to happen on this board in a while.
James won't keep anything in the game that would easily allow someone to equate it with other more fun games.
He is going to completely neuter rockets because the rocket jumping is too skill intensive and its scaring away the normies.
The whole game was based around it and he is gutting it.
Rocket has been waaaaaay too OP in ever AFPS that has one. Him nerfing it is a good thing.
He isn't nerfing it, he is gutting it.
I went to Wal-Mart today for supplies and they even have Wal-Mart of all places in their pocket.
They were giving out free Diabotical swag just for walking in the door.
I asked him not to give me one.
>not being a backer
No, i'm not a good goy
the netcode is a fucking mess. look at the shot delay and then it triggering twice when you shoot once.
Give me ranked duel James
He shoots 1 shot, the shot happens a full second later, then a second phantom shot hits the target a half second after the first missed.
And he titled it mega yeet like its skill.
they need to buff shaft
lol u one dum nigg
Cute game
then explain what happened. It looked like some korean f2p tier lag.
explain it to me in simple terms.
Imagine being a struggling game dev. You are making the game of your dreams but all publishers turn you down. You turn to crowdfunding - the whoring of the business world. This level of self deprecation gets your game funded. You can start rolling out your beta. Someone you trust tells you they know a great way to get alot of marketing for a low investment. You think of your backers and their money since you technically have none and do the prudent thing. You hire indian telecom tier shills to market your game online.
There is only one problem, but its 2 fold. They are terrible at social interaction or blending in with communities naturally. Everyone that could have been a customer now hates your game for no reason other than being panhandled at.
The phone rings again, its almost 11pm on a wednesday. You've been doing coke all day anyway so you bust out the 8ball and answer the phone. Its Awanabanapur, he says he might have messed up slightly, everywhere he goes people can instantly out him as a marketer.
You sigh a deep breath, you take off your shoe and pound that 8ball with the heel. As you ready up your spoon you type Yas Forums into google. You simmer that mix over the spoon confused as there is nowhere to log in or sign up. In your confusion you overcook the coke.
The entire night is ruined.
I just want a battle royale mode
>when you post it again when nobody gave you a reply
there you go man, have one on me
theres 3 explosions
and yet he fired once?
Why did 2 lasers come out?
Why did they come out so late?
Why was one wildly off target but the other one wasn't?
Why would anyone play a game where any of this was present?
why is pacman the only playable character?
because pewdiepie hates jews
so you are just out of excuses for what happens in the webm and its exactly as I originally stated.
subscribe to pewdie*ie and youll find out
Make your own pacman
>Egg game managed to destroy fucking Quake
Its a cripple fight. Everyone but spectators lose.
maybe soon i wont have a .5 K/D, still having fun. movement is a lot easier than in Q:C or Q3
because nobody plays quake
they just say that they do for gamer cred
This. 99/100 "quake players" are larpers trying to attach themselves to a dead but classic game, and the others are russians that have been playing for 20 years.
tribes egg game when?
>he chewed through 7 accounts already
>keeps coming back thinking he wont get banned
what goes through these people's brain