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Early Steam release when?!

Wooow reggie is really stepping it up.
>use corona as an excuse to sell doom a day earlier than everyone else

>we're worried about a big group gathering, so we're making two big group gatherings!
Why is GameStop so dumb?

who the fuck still goes to launch parties? it's just a game lmao

>Doom given priority
Animal trannies on suicide watch

Because there would have been two groups of fat autist on the same day, retard.

to separate the normal regular people from the ones that don't shower and are likely infected


aw, fuck now I have to work a major release during the plague. I get goobers that come into the store just to fucking browse and touch shit they won't buy.

gotta spread the virus evenly user

They aren't doing midnight releases for either, it's just come in, pick up your game and go.

>physical copy

My gf wants to get the Animal Crossing journal bonus from target, but how? Do we have to go early morning on Friday?

What the fuck is a social distancing, are goverments having to use baby words so that the dumbass masses can understand now?


Doom is only 35 GB. Can't these faggots just download it from the internet?

Get back in your cagie wagie.

apparently, if you can't parse the definition of social distancing yourself

They're not talking two midnight launch parties, they're just talking normal business.

Keeping a distance of 6 feet to keep coofers away.

person buying both games
now 2x the chance to catch the wuflu

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The shitty part about being a pc gamer. Everything's behind launcher drm like steam. I doubt you can play the pc version before Friday

Don`t get your hopes up for an early Digital release too, Publishers are fucking strict with this stuff.

Doom fags are a fucking steaming pile of garlic mouth breathing nerds
AC people are cute sexy girls

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normal people will get the doom game first and will be safe and the degenerates that will buy the animal crossdressing will get infected by corona later

I work at Petsmart and the amount of people that have come in with their kids just to "browse" because they were bored at home during the last few days boggles the mind, and asking to pet hamsters and shit. I understand us staying open during this since pet food is pretty essential, but god, I wish they'd shut down the dog grooming and training classes and just do curbside pick-up orders only for the moment.

because they need the money

You mean """girls""".

>retards that still go to gamestop will congregate em masse and die off
This is a good thing

don't go outside you dumb fuck

Wait... Who the fuck still goes out and buys games?

Heck no I mean actual born with a vagina slim trimmed women the likes you have never dared to dream about

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Not going to bars, not eating out with friends, not gathering around big crowds, something you already never did.

Why not buy both on the 20th like you originally planned to? Are panic buyers going to be hoarding copies of Doom?

im not getting either i was making a general statement
there will be someone who wants to play a game the day it releases and not wait another day "just because"

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>he hasn't stacked copies of doom eternal to barter for cans of beans
never gonna make it

>risking getting infected just to get a physical copy when you could stay at home and get a digital one

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bottom text

Stop posting her; I’m getting sad just thinking about how she ended up

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>buying games intended for people with vagina
You're still a fag proto tranny, bruh.

i have to remember at her best tho

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>GameStop is still open

They dont give two shits about their minimum wage slaves huh?

>I’m getting sad just thinking about how she ended up

How did she end up?

>Reggie purposefully releasing Eternal earlier to kill "le Doomguy and Isabelle are friends xD" meme
Holy based Regginator!

Wrong, they do give a shit. That's why they are still open.

Not bowing to leftist hysteria, and paying their employees is a good thing, you socialist cuck.

Who? Explain.

retard i dont have to work and they're still paying me for it

Furfags btfo.

nani youre fuck?

retail stores are still open
drive thru and delivery places still open

gamestop having a huge crowd? yeah. naw.

A lot of people don't want to sit on their ass in a house.

>leftist hysteria
Are you retarded?

So I can buy it when they open tomorrow or is it Thursday night

when they open for business tomorrow, you can buy it. go early to avoid crowds and lessen your chance of plague germs

All the DOOM chads will infect the 500 lbs nintendo fans and get them killed

>cute sexy girls

imagine buying air, dum fuck

>social distancing
What's with these Orwellian newspeak terms?

most reatail stores will stay open

Midnight releases are cancelled for the time being.

more like 12 year olds vs fat chicks

Nah user, a lot of them are closing or going to curbside pick-up only. At least the stuff that isn't grocery stores or general stores.

just shut the fuck up and get chipped goy-lemming.

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Some people like to go out and buy a box, it makes them feel like they actually did something.

Honestly Game Stop's clients aren't really vectors of transmission since this will probably be the first days out of their mom's houses.

oh boy, who is going to tell him?

It's a politically correct way of saying quarantine without making everyone think we're living in the end times.

Only Essentials like grocery stores or the truly desperate like Gamestop

>impeachment saga ends
>corona saga begins
literally right after impeachment fails corona pops up
that isnt a coincidence

It's part that and part that quarantine implies you have to stay in your house. You're still out allowed outside, you're still allowed to go do essential shopping, you're just supposed to stay away from other people.

quarantine is for infected people, social distancing/self-isolation is to avoid spreading it

Yes, because the rest of the world is trying to make Trump look bad. All those Italian boomers were happy to give their lives if makes people believe in the hoax.