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why does it need to be a thing?



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that's fucking gay, i bet some faggots here would love to jerk to this shit


Unironically rather this than OP's nightmare.

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Because they haven't quite ruined everything yet.

I want to get pegged by a woman taller than me
I would

>men with a womans face
>Women with a mans face

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>slouched meth addict

>tfw Marvel hired that man

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Umm, because it smashes misogynistic standards of beauty used to devalue women??? Duh.

yay...more sex negative feminism...

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I'm glad Stan and Steve didn't live to see this.

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>"Safespace is a big, burly, sort of stereotypical jock. He can create forcefields, but he can only trigger them if he's protecting somebody else. Snowflake is non-binary and goes by they/them, and has the power to generate individual crystalized snowflake-shaped shurikens. The connotations of the word 'snowflake' in our culture right now are something fragile, and this is a character who is turning it into something sharp.
>"Snowflake is the person who has the more offensive power, and Safespace is the person who has the more defensive power. The idea is that they would mirror each other and complement each other."
wtf lol



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I don't know what the fascination is with people wanting to give women masculine facial structures. Idk if it's some conscious desire to make characters uglier or some deep-seated fixation on men being the action-role, but it is entirely possible to make a character look average and practical without making them outright repellant

I hate gay people and will never accept them.

>When you accidentally horseshoe around to making a Yas Forums character

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> Platinum white hair
> Military cut
> scarred eyebrow
> tattoo
> unfitting suit
Why is twitter retarded, this may as well be a completely separate character given it doesn't adhere to any element of Samus' design outside of blue garment.

You could tell me that's just a guy and I'd believe you. What a perfectly androgynous, sexless entity.

these niggas just want to turn every single character into monstrosities.

>Safespace is a big, burly, sort of stereotypical jock
Jocks have certainly changed in the last 10 years since I graduated...

wtf ahahahah

Because traditional femininity is weakness, and weak people can't be bounty hunters

Not muscular or tall enough

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Yeah let's just make her look like Eminem. That just screams "strong woman".

Why is the nintendo playerbase only consisted of nintenyear0lds, nincels, and nintrannies? OH NO NO NINTENBROS WHERE ARE MY NINTENCHADS???

That artist draws some chins that could cut steel.

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unironcally more femenine than op.


Designs per se aren't that bad. But holy fucking shit.

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and the left obsession for ugly females continues
(because pretty, vain ones like 99% of instagram do not exist)

I main race hustler

So basically Reese Witherspoon?

You're surprised that the "adults" playing on a console mainly aimed at children are in actuality degenerates, manchildren and trannies?

That is true misogyny.

Prove me wrong.

Oh god why..

Yes, except sharper.

>Designs per se aren't that bad
they're fucking horrid dude. no memorable features. nothing reflects their personalities (which are nonexistant anything) or super powers. it fucking sucks.

>A strong independent Woman is just a man

Thread theme

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It's almost like tumblrfags have infiltrated cartoons and comic books and are polluting it with their shitty art designs and political ideologies.
I don't understand how these people are getting jobs.

Tweak snowflake a bit and is passable, the other is shit.

Don't act holier than thou when playabase from "adult" games consist in screaming 13 year olds.

The designs are fucking awful what are you going on about? The color scheme barely goes together and the armor design is just ugly.

>women are strong and powerful!
>but only if they look like men

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No they're definitely bad

Except Zero Suit Samus looks physically more built than that twink the twitterfag posted.

prince zuko's diet doesn't seem to be going as well as his transitioning

Take away the Zero Suit reference and it's unrecognizable as Samus. Also, the type of asshole who would sincerely give a character calf warmers while making their character wear spats and a short top is a genuinely fucking idiot who shouldn't design characters anymore.


Women ironically had more power and influence over the world when they were predominantly wives and mothers.

why should that matter in a video game?

Even all the muscle girls who lift and have giant thighs still look feminine and beautiful.

Micro Agressor is based

>misogynistic standards of beauty

What about Barbie? They have never changed her lmao.

Jesus Christ how fucking repulsive. How can any individual look at this putrid shit of a drawing and think to themselves that it looks better than original?

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that's a guy right?


name a single character whose design wouldn't be improved with the addition of a gigantic pair of tits

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based wtf ahahahah poster

Barbie is grandfathered in at this point. The only thing stronger than whiny snowflakes are stubborn boomers.


Twinker belle

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>ZSS is fine if its an ugly meth addicted dyke wearing it

Great Mighty Poo


>The only thing stronger than whiny snowflakes are stubborn boomers.
Until they all get removed by Covid-19.

>It's almost like tumblrfags have infiltrated cartoons and comic books and are polluting it with their shitty art designs and political ideologies.
Yeah, cuz, it's not like this place isn't swimming in their garbage ideologies...

Anyone who likes short hair on a girl deserves the rope


Actually it’s the other way around. The week ones fear beauty, because beauty is strength.

here's your new super hero, bro

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Man, these designs arent bad at all, kinda disappointed for the lack of a snoy drinker though.


diversity quota

I know because I pretended to be queer transgender and now I am sitting on an office doing jack shit while getting free money.

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Pajama Man is literally me.

mario if he real

>he doesn't main ape

Her power is literally a magical backpack..

The fuck man.

Mario if he real

flat is justice bro

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How can you make a design that is so flamboyant yet so painfully boring and unmemorable at the same time?

I want to see the Social Justice Warriors in a cross-over with White Guy Defense Force.

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I just don’t know who I want to main!

And they wonder why anime is outselling comics by gorillions.

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i know you're baiting, but good thing shes not traditionally feminine

>Bland Doraemon wannabe
>Experimental internet gas
>"Warriors were too cool for me"
This is the gift that keeps on giving beyond the duo.

I unironically like this design. The rough-cut Ellen Ripley look. Don't think it should replace the original, though.

>liking short hair
In short, it’s a cope. As feminism grows and grows in power, women seek to “stick it to the man”, and destroy femininity. One way they do this is with hideous short hair, since it makes them look like a man.

Aside from feminism, it’s also laziness. Women are growing more lazy in the current age, too lazy to even maintain long beautiful hair. Too much work for them. They rather just look like a boy and cut their beautiful hair.

How do men deal with the onslaught of hideous short hair women? Deny them? Don’t date them? Be honest that it isn’t attractive?

Of course not. The white knights not only accept it, but convince themselves that they actually LIKE short dyke hair on women. It’s pathetic and beta as fuck. You can tell a lot about a man’s confidence and masculinity if he claims he has “a thing for short hair” on girls.

It means you a gutless little bitch who can’t even speak up against a woman so you convince yourself you like it.

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mario if he real

Oh, I see where this is goin-
>they kill the black man
the hell?

>is bad because i can’t coom

>Don't act holier than thou when playabase from "adult" games consist in screaming 13 year olds.
I mean, there are a lot of kids who play Skyrim, Brutal Doom, Mount and Blade, and such. But they're not the neurotic screamer type. In fact they're more creative than fans of other games because these games encourage them to explore the game lore, learn modding, and make their own mods.

I'm sure this guy doesn't actually want to work for Nintendo. But that would be entirely precluded by sharing this online. Nintendo is well aware of internet culture, and wouldn't sacrifice their reputation with such a low-profile hire.

Here is the synopsis.
The fucking state of american comics, holy fucking hell.

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It's mostly burgerland problem, I'm not saying that those retards don't exist in rest of world, but it don't make that big fuzz around.

>is good because I can't coom

It's ironic since North America's favorite games are almost all japanese, yet they constantly cry about nip games not being similar to western garbage
> The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
> Final Fantasy VI
> Chrono Trigger
> Metroid Prime
> Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
> SoulCalibur
> Super Metroid
> The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
> Panzer Dragoon Saga
> Super Mario World
> Resident Evil 4
> Shadow of the Colossus
> Super Mario World
> Metal Gear Solid
> The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild

why does it matter that samus can't look like that then

mario if he real

So i got word from nintedo ceo
That the indie showcase video was also going to introduce TEN NEW smash characthers.

But because of cornana and other stuff they decided to postpone it.
Now they will only release TWO smash charachters in december Gnawty and

Because she already has an established design and that one looks like a meth adict

It's ugly on purpose.

why does that matter in a video game?

I have a 7 year old daughter and trust me they have changed. Not only has she gotten uglier, she now is every skin tone under the sun and can change sexes.