So, what's the verdict?
I fucking love it
So, what's the verdict?
You lazy fucks only getting in after 8 years makes me cringe
I'll wait for PC.
It's 60FPS on Xbox
Imagine making a 10 year old game timed exclusive. Consoles are fucking garbage.
I don't have a gaybox
Just waiting for it to come out on pc. JP was fun, but not being able to communicate with anyone sucked a lot of the fun I had with psu and pso away. Not buying a fucking xbone for pso2, that's for sure.
Why didn't you just communicate with the English community?
Does it make you feel you wasted so much time or does it make you wonder if you should stay with the jp version or start all over?
Kill yourself retard
Is it out for Xbox already? Any news on a PC release?
I love it too.
Good stuff.
I'll play it on PC but I probably will glitterbomb SoA offices for making me wait so long. I would really like to know why that was. It's not like they broke up until right now.
Because there's like 10 people, and none of them actually play? They all log on, do their daily ticks and log off, if that, even.
Honestly this, as if waiting 8 years wasn't already a toture they do shit like this.
Not that I would play it now anyways, fuck sega I will never ever forgive those fucking jap niggers.
Post favorite race and EQ.
It's CAST and PD for me.
Open beta. I want to wait for the full game though before I binge it, after Destiny 2 I need a new replacement.
I wonder for how long they're going to hold off from releasing EP4+. Because I'm sure a lot of you retards still don't actually know the full extent of what you unnecessarily waited 8 years for. That will be fun to observe at least.
It’ll likely be out when the beta ends.
??? I never ever considered moving from JP as it's a fully translated superior version, enjoy the sloppy seconds featuring politics
I've been looking forward to the game since it was supposed to come out originally. Loved the shit out of PSO, but never bothered with playing it on Japanese servers. I'm honestly afraid I'll find it boring after waiting so long for it.
Deuman Braver of course
>Mining Base Despair
>fully translated
It's never been fully translated. all of the items are fucking server side and will never be translated fully. Not to mention all of the other shit that gets skipped.
Beta goes until "summer" when the pc release drops, I figure they'll probably drop ep4 as the sole content drop between now and then, then we'll see a more stable content drip. Probably every battle pass season being a new major patch.
Steam release when?
I played it for years right after it came out. They did everything in their power to make it more difficult for me to play and give them money so I gave up. Not to mention the game is mostly socializing and 99% of the people are Japanese.
I wish more people still played PSO ep1&2.
>dick around on schthack servers
>cliqued up
>try to install ephenia
>trojan in the installer
ain't meant to be bro
I tried to check on my level 180 on schthack and learned that the entire server got wiped..
I didn't feel like continuing at that point.
>>try to install ephenia
>>trojan in the installer
u wot m8?
>as it's a fully translated
way to expose yourself as not having played the game user. it was never and as far as i know still is not "fully" translated. the items were all moonrunes, the achievements section or whatever where you unlocked your first good armour set by doing certain shit was all moonrunes, only the bare minimum to make it semi playable was translated, but not fully enjoyable. also having to answer jap catchas was a pain in the tits, and vpns and shit.
still not playing it on garbage xbox though the fuck are they thinking man. i'll play it again on pc, it'll be fun for everyone to start fresh and not just be afking until eq's and blowing up falz without any difficult cause everyones miles above it
>as far as i know still
go try to install ephenia, everything from windows defender to malwarebytes will snag it.
it's shit.
you adhd riddled autsist who can't wait and play on scuffed asian servers make me cringe
PSO2 only has like two years left you know. The English server is a last ditch cash grab before they release PSO3.
I'm fairly excited to try it out. I played JP briefly a few years back when I only had a toaster of a laptop + 500kb/s connection on a good day. I've liked the videos I've seen of it so far, just need to take the time to get an Xbone.
No it doesn't.
Go look at their forums m8. Sorry you're trying to get people to install viruses and shit. Hopefully your life turns around.
He's right though, you fucking retard. There's actually quite a lot that hasn't been translated which is why I drop it every time I decide to give it another chance.
>no, mario, you are the FL00D now
Skimmed through most categories but couldn't find anything about a virus. Hit me up with a link
Addicted desu
>implying anybody with basic computer literacy would rely on bullshit fearmongering software to tell them what's safe
Use your head m8. Ephinea opens no dodgy processes at runtime, and I highly doubt the installer does anything but install the bloody game.
And inb4 you assume my computer is a virus ridden piece of shit, I run a MANUAL scan every now and again just in case, because only a absolute git lets software tell them what to do.
Yes, yes, it's totally safe, epic isn't harvesting your data, and google is totally fine, just give them your credit card number! It's okay, you're not hiding anything right?
retard. Literal, braindead, retard.
>Doesn't know what a false positive is
Works on my machine at least and I keep it clean, didn't even get a virus warning.
>all of the items are fucking server side and will never be translated
>it was never and as far as i know still is not "fully" translated. the items were all moonrunes
Nice xbox port faggot.
>series begins as first online console RPG
>sticks to those roots
That is literally proof enough for the translation not being complete.
Says the poofter using Windows Defender. You're the one feeding your info to Microsoft, you idiot. I'm actually a paranoia fag who avoids that shit and it's because I'm paranoid that I know when software ISN'T fucking me over and what a false positive is, you utter stooge.
pso ep 1&2 remake when
Don't be stirring shit and making me hope again, flicker.
Based retard.
>the fuck are they thinking man
PSU was more successful on xbox 360 than the PC+PS2 server.
That's because the PS2 server required a specific console, or a specific adapter to run, plus a network disk, and the PC version wouldn't even launch of 90% of the systems it was installed on as it was a buggy mess.
Still surprised it took them so long to release this shit when the game's only good for dressing your character up and they'll skip half the costume sets or release them in such bulk it's impossible to get any one set in full.
Played it last night and all day today. I really love it. But it's one of those games that the more you marathon the worse the burnout. It's pretty casual friendly.
Gunblades are GOAT
I played a bit of the jp version then it crashed, I said OOF and "guess I'll wait"
I can commit to a decision, I did it and now I play in pure comfy english, stay seething
Been playing JP for years. Got an Xbox just for this because I'm working from home until autumn anyway.
Leveled several jobs to 80, I really wish this shit got a graphical overhaul. Maps somehow feel more barren than on Dreamcast.