How were you supposed to know that you needed to avoid it??

How were you supposed to know that you needed to avoid it??

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When it killed you.

It said it in the manual

Because he looks mean >:(

you didn't

Do zoomers really give up on a game when they lose a single life?

You're supposed to run into it, observe that it was bad, and say "hmm I'll jump next time."
>h-how do i know how to jump
There were like 2 buttons.

it looks different than mario

>you're supposed to lose
this is artificial difficulty

Well designed trial and error

>you're supposed to run into him

How was I supposed to know I had to jump on it to kill it??

angry eyebrows

You read the manual

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Watch the demo that plays when you stare at the main menu for 3 seconds.

I don't care. NES games were not designed to be completed without deaths on the first attempt. Games back when were too short to allow that, and moreover, the player losing a life was not seen as a failure of game design back then because people actually liked games. They didn't pay $60 for cutscenes and achievements. Lick the shit out of my anus.

seething boomer
just admit that games released before 2007 are literally unplayable today

Because he looks fucking angry? Perhaps you have autism, but usually you try to avoid an angry faggot in real life; same shit here.

True and checked.


>nes games were not designed to be completed without death on the first try
Nobody said they were, but there's no need for a trial and error because games came with manuals and its designed to look like an enemy


In the world there are two types of people, those who are below, and those who are upwards.
Up is better than down, so you acquire the vertical advantage by mashing every button until you can consistently acquire a short burst of literal superiority.
Dunno how I was meant to know the stomping part, thats bad chink design there.
Well no one is perfect except me so I'll let it slide.


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That's a man

based, checked, and /thread

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how was i supposed to know that

we will see

>walk close and try to it hit
>still die
>never realize the game is about jumping as there's no clear indication

nigga looks angry

because if you didnt you die

>How were you supposed to know that you needed to avoid it??

He looks like a dick and you are gay for touching him

>Do zoomers really give up on a game when they lose a single life?


The entire warframe community recently lost their collective shit when an enemy was added to the game that guaranteed death.

There's two buttons not hard to know youre not supposed to touch angry man

Because it's brown, short and ugly. Just like OP

Attached: super mario in real life.jpg (400x379, 31.28K)

He has a unibrow that's how you know you were supposed to avoid him

Because every game back then came with a full manual that told you what to do. It was the norm of game design back then and when you look back at games, you need to take it in account

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>Push buttons.
>One of them causes your guy to jump, others are movement.
>Another guy is moving towards you.
>Cant move left, but can move right.
>Options are hitting him or not hitting him.
>Hit him, your score goes up.
>Potentially hit the flashing ? block in the process, learning their purpose.
It's not exactly rocket science when your options are so significantly limited.

because it moved and looked alive

There is literally a demo before you start the game.
>but I pressed start before demo starts!
If you are retarded enough to not know that enemy in platform game can kill you, you certainly can't find start button quick enough.

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From it killing you
As long as death isn't punishing being killed by lack of knowledge isn't particularly bad design

You have to read a book explaining how to play before you know what to do?

That's objectively bad game design.

because it looks like a nigger

People these days think they should be able to beat every game without dying once on first time.
If you never fail, you never really need to learn. If you don't have or need to learn, why play? Sounds like you are just watching a movie

waste of quints

You can still learn without dying stupid dumbass

You die if you don't.
Also, it looks angry, look at his eyebrows

I meant be forced to learn*

And the thread was over here, but we all love our snarky shitposting threads, don't we?

cute boi nice tuck

Quinty winty im a little pinkly chinkly whjeeopee whow whow weeahhooo

Fuck off dumb samefag coomer

evidently our gen x parents got it despite being drooling retards so I figure it was clear enough.

How were you supposed to know that you needed sit on it??

Attached: Empty-Chair.jpg (1115x896, 188.35K)

How were you supposed to know that could open it??

Attached: 10._John_M._Davies_House,_Door,_Second_Floor,_Northwest_Center_Room.jpg (3364x4777, 3.78M)

Angry eyes.

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It's got angry eyes

How were you supposed to know that the food inside was really hot after using it??

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How were you supposed to know that you needed to enter it????

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How were you supposed to know to not touch it??

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the angry face

How were you supposed to know that you should not put a toaster in the bathtub??

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don't know. i'm thinking just bad game design.

How were you supposed to know that app would not make your phone water proof??

Attached: ios-7-waterproof.jpg (640x441, 75.09K)

Tell us where the picture touched you and triggered your autism.

Why would you intentionally run into something?

How were you supposed to know that you needed to put it on your head??

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Hell I actually kinda like the liches. It's nice to have a thing that even your super kitted out weapons and frame might need help to take down mid-mission. Had my latest spawn in a 4 man and we were all darting around hammering it. Felt great to get all the Parazon parts right and finish the fucker.

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How were you supposed to know that you needed to put your hands inside them??

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The prompt asked you.


the attract screen shows mario jumping over and on several different enemies.

check mate reddit.

>first NPC in the game is a 1 hit KO boss
>can't even walk up and talk to him
>no QTE, no options, he just walks right into you
i was listening to the music and trying to interpret the clear symbolisms in the art and placement of the blocks. if you read the manual you would know the lore. these games are so deep and esoteric boomers like you wouldn't know you were just slobbering babies when you played it

i didn't post those females lol

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How were you supposed to know to jump into a painting in SM64?

>walk into enemy
>money stolen

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How were you supposed to know that you needed to avoid being stabbed??

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stop posting 3dpd garbage faggots


How were you supposed to know that you needed to press that button to turn it on??

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