PlayStation 5

The most exciting thing about the PS5 is the idea that the speeds of the SSD (with it’s direct relationship with the GPU and RAM), and how that can affect game design. Showing the main hub map for Jak II and noting how games today are STILL designed around the game loading in assets was fantastic.

The PS5 SSD could potentially eliminate a technical limitation in game design that’s existed since the beginning. This isn’t about walking sims being able to have less walking segments (side note: wouldn’t that be an overall positive for games like God of War 4? Being able to focus more on combat than traveling?), but games of all kinds having less unnecessary and forced game design.

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Starting this thread in the spirit of “this could be cool! Tech innovations are cool!”

Don’t really want this to become a shit-flinging, PS5 vs XSX thread...


You're getting hyped about hardware when there are no games. Stop.

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I know that's bait, but in case it isn't cuz the sonyfag brain has 2 digits of IQ

SSD does not affect in any way frame rates or graphics in-game of any game, just search on youtube "Can SSDs can boost game performance?" you will get a huge no.

at best, ps5 will have 1 or 2 seconds less loading time than xbox sex, and that's if the game uses it.

I’m getting hyped about ideas and possibilities.

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Is this your first "next-gen"? Focus on the games, don't get marketed like a goyim.

It can and will. Loading times will be down and you won't see embarrasing shit like this.

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the CPU is responsible for rendering distances, not the SSD

I’m not talking about framerate or graphics, I’m talking about game design. In games, there are usually stairways or winding roads or hallways or elevators made to mask the game dumping the assets from the last level, and loading the assets of the next. With this new speed of the SSD, those filler areas in games can be removed completely, resulting in a more focused, streamlined design. That, plus all the dev time needed to design AROUND that limitation. Isn't that interesting? Isn’t that exciting for gaming in general?

The entire system is responsible for it and this new hardware will improve it.

>In games, there are usually stairways or winding roads or hallways or elevators made to mask the game dumping the assets
This isn't even true stop being dumb.

I cannot believe how retarded some people are when they say the SSD has something to do with RENDER DISTANCES.

I swear bro people are getting more retarded as the days go by.

That's the way Sony is shilling it and fanboys are eating it up.

You're beyond retarded if you think an SSD will increase the render distance jesus christ. I hope covid 19 gets worse so it takes people like you.

I misspoke, the SSD doesn’t have to work to dump assets. Foolish.

Who the fuck said anything about render distances? Take your meds.

"loading times" is your dumbass way of saying render distance.

Why are there so many small brained dumb retards like you alive?

You're a mongoloid making yourself angry because you aren't thinking right.



Small brained retard is getting triggered lol. Covid 19 is coming for your dumbass soon thank god.

The faster SSD also removes a cap on how fast some characters in games can move, allowing for levels to be more detailed without the cap on movement speed and more open game design... but, please, everyone, turn this into a “REEEEEEE BUT THE SERIES X THOOOO” thread...

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This damage control is so pointless. Stop being a retard.

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Based digital foundry btfod flopfags sony wins as usual

lol you nihger how much sony semen have you drank recently

sad lil man

Former GPU driver developer here. Textures are clearly loading. It *could* be a GPU bandwidth limitation (RAM to GPU), but more likely the assets were queued for loading and it's drive limited.

You're the dumbass, but I don't wish for COVID-19 to take you, because retards of your caliber somehow are always in excellent health and get to live triple digits lives. So congrats, you probably get to pull the worldwide IQ median down a couple points for a while.

SSD has nothing to do with a game. Do you even know what a solid state drive is?

This is true. If PS5 games existed lmao.

>getting this mad for literally no reason

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fOrMeR gPu DeVlOpeR

covid 19 should kill you too lmao dumb retard king

>Sound simulation for individual rain drops for the ultimate immersion
Why would I play Cyberpunk 2077 in PC when I can now play it in PS5 with superior audio experience? PC has nothing like this.

I don’t understand how I’m the fool being marketed to with the possibilities of SSD when the same came be said about Xbox white knights being marketed to with the 12 Teraflops. We’re all being marketed to by that logic. I just thought that caps on game design potentially being eliminated was cool and interesting. Nonetheless, this thread immediately went down the drain and I’m seeing why people don’t try to talk about anything but how much they hate X game on here.

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Ignorant shills spewing stupidity to people deserve to get trashed.

What is up with this thread and people being simultaneously angry and deeply technologically impared. The dude's right, game designers have to work around tech limitations, often by reducing character speed, adding buffer areas, cutscenes with slowed movement, and straight up loading screens.

even sata SSDs have proven easily fast enough to stream assets for games that require them, let alone 3GBPS NVME drives.

i hope it's the case that sony are getting the 5GB drives for essentially the same price because it's PS3 tier levels of wasteful fuckery if not. it's purpose is still to shuffle assets to and from the RAM.

that's my hunch anyway, they've found one area where the price is only slightly higher for them to can claim a big "win" over MS despite putting out an inferior machine across the board.


me big brain.

The PS5 marketing push is trying to illustrate how between the new GPU, the additional RAM, and the fancy utilization of modern SSDs(which PCs currently do not have) will eliminate such issues with rendering. It has little to do with distances or whatever the fuck that retard was talking about.

I'm not being marketed on, I came to tell OP to stop getting hyped over small hardware improvements which is all this is at the end of the day. And with 0 gameplay footage it's very likely pure bullshit.

Spastic fucker.

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It does when asset loading speed is effected by the speed of the drive.

The problem is that games are going to be designed with both the Xbox and PS5s limitations in mind. Only first party stuff is going to be designed to take advantage of each systems strengths. So the majority of games will stay the same.

yes, that's to make up for mechanical drives or off the disk streaming.

the difference between 3 and 5GBPS on your SSD will never become even slightly noticeable in gaming.

There is no point trashing shills, lmao they're too small brained to see reason.

nope it does not, stop shilling for gaystation5

Thank fuck 40+ second load times will be over, as will long empty corridors between areas to mask load times.

The BEST case scenario for this tech boost they are promoting is some pod racing tier game that has insane graphical detail and zero pop-in despite you moving through the world at 9000mph. Otherwise it's literally fucking nothing tier, maybe in RDR3 the PS5 will have no grass pop-in when the Xbox has worse or sometthing insignificant like that.

This is garbage and nothing to get excited over.

I am the OP in both your responses lol But I’m saying, the idea of possibilities with the SSD is exciting. If utilized correctly (based off of the raw numbers), the remove of the speed cap could possibly change how games are designed from here on out. It’s all about the possibilities, man.

pop in is almost never to do with asset capacity and more with having to render said assets.

you'd have to have a machine of absolute NASA tier processing power to have to worry about the NVME drive being the overall rendering bottleneck for an open world scene.

I wish this wasn’t true, but it’s a likely possibility. :(

First of all, I haven't seen the PS5 announcement, so I don't know anything about the tech, just jumped in because I get angry when people talk out their asses. I somehow doubt that the PS5 uses SSDs that PCs don't have access to, but even if they did nvme drives can already easily achieve 30 Gbps, which is more than enough to load a whole level's worth of geometry, textures, sound and animation assets in under a second.

Anyway, the screenshot the other user posted is clearly of textures loading. It's got nothing to do with render distance. And even what you're talking about (LODing) has nothing to do with render distance technically, but I guess people use it interchangeably so I'll give you a pass.

With limited VRAM the CPU has to constantly balance RAM and VRAM usage by dynamically loading assets into RAM and uploading them to VRAM (modern techniques can circumvent some of those issues, but they aren't part of the APIs used on consoles afaik). Since RAM->GPU bandwidth is much higher than harddrive bandwidth, the trick is usually to fill the RAM with as much useful data as possible so that it's ready for consumption by the GPU (obviously this is more of a problem on openworld games). Shitty textures showing up for a bit before loading are almost always due to harddrive limitations on consoles (and PC with harddrives).

The GPU has a direct relationship with the SSD in the PS5.

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Every game made after the SNES uses asynchronous loading. If what you mean is that gameplay will be tuned for the lowest common hardware denominator, then yeah that's probably the case to some extent. But increasing the resolution of textures, the LOD level of geometry, enabling or disabling material/postprocess shaders, tesselation and minimizing pop-in are all things that games will naturally handle (I mean they have to handle this even WITHIN a console generation since they keep making pro versions of their consoles).

Anyway, obligatory "get a PC you cunts".

It's just slightly better hardware, nothing exciting compared to what we've already seen. TES6 will have no loading screens so it's caught up with current gen open world standards or last-gen outliers. Very amazing.

You need memory to store data that games render off in the distance, current gen had no memory so you end up with hilarious Dying Light draw distances and laughing PC players. Then you need speed to get that data into the ram which many factors play a part in and all those are being updated with the PS5 and apparently Sony wants games to load up from nothing really quickly which is good, console games take aeons to load even on SSDs currently. It's always mind blowing for me since I only own a PC.

They've made a custom GPU to properly interface with modern SSDs. PCs don't have that. They could just be talking out of their ass of course.

All parts help with these issues but like I basically said earlier it's just incremental and nothing worth getting excited over. It sort of reminds me of the Cloud marketing.
>we'll render backgrounds 4 u in the CLOUD get hype !

Attached: no pop-in they said.webm (640x360, 2.9M)

this board is actually so assblasted about sony stomping down on soitendo and microshit's throats that they turn into flaming gwafix fags everytime sony starts teasing it's next hundred million seller console lol

Realistically what could a game even need this for? The system has 16gb ram full up on stuff. What assets could any game pull from this fancy SSD that wouldn't be in ram?

That’s what’s exciting!

Nothing is exciting though, there's no realistic benefit.

exclusives aren't numerous enough for the fast ssd to matter really

what does matter however is this fuckery

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And that’s why games aren’t interesting anymore. That mentality.

any PC CPU directly interfaces with their pcie lanes and nvme drives on those lanes

please if you're a poverty box owner shut the fuck up you have no idea what you're talking about

PS5 will be garbage. Lets stop speaking loads of fake news.

No mate, your head is just up in the clouds imagining fancy graphics.
>damn son look at dose textures
>ye nibba my ssd b streaming dose 1 second a time
>*ssd dies*

yes I said GPU not CPU.

Ok I've seen the announcement now (still former GPU dev..etc..etc)

The GPU doesn't have a direct relationship with the SSD. What they're saying is that because bandiwidth is much higher and the seek time is almost nonexistent (because SSDs don't have to physically move an arm over a rotating platter, but instead just address the memory directly) they can stream the data instead of preloading it and filling the ram with it.

Unfortunately this is not news. All they're saying is mentioning how much a game changer SSDs are, which they are. But again, SSDs have been on the market for two decades, and have started being commonplace in PCs for about 8 years.
There's no special tech, all they've done is putting an SSD in their console, all the special handling is still on the devs. Is it gonna make a big difference? Absolutely. Could this have been introduced in the last generation and are Sony unwarrantedly patting themselves on the back and lowkey selling this is as their own insane technology? Definitely sounds like it to me.

RAM is mostly used for assets in video games, very little space is required for the rest. So ultimately I can tell you for a fact that no developper is gonna bother about streaming assets as aggressively as this, because they don't need to do it to get the benefits. I'm almost certain Sony is even gonna tell them to avoid that because SSDs still suffer from excessive reads/writes at the same place (even if it's not as much as problem these days as it used to be).

TL;DR: They added an SSD, no state of the art tech, just plain old SSDs that PC gamers have had for a while.

Graphics are the least interesting part for me in the next gen of home consoles. If I really cared THAT MUCH about graphics, I’d be leaving “just buy a PC console fags” comments on all threads like this one lol This thread is supposed to be about loading times, and their relation to game and level design. How faster loading times can effectively change how devs design games from here on out. But I guess that didn’t really happen...

Shout out to all the people that actually talked tech and not XBX vs PS5 vs PC.

subhuman room temperature iq retard bought into Sony's 'power of the cloud the next watercooler' meme.

>What they're saying is that because bandiwidth is much higher and the seek time is almost nonexistent (because SSDs don't have to physically move an arm over a rotating platter, but instead just address the memory directly) they can stream the data instead of preloading it and filling the ram with it.
This can be interpreted as a direct relationship though!

Just try to keep your imagination under control and glare at Sony for having literally zero games to show off. Gameplay isn't about to change, it'll just have less pop-in and less loading times(remember Bloodborne pre-patch and MHW?)

>(side note: wouldn’t that be an overall positive for games like God of War 4? Being able to focus more on combat than traveling?
unironically kill yourself you shit eating fuckhead.
Cory Ballsuck and Santa Faggotry decided to turn God Of War into a third person cinematic walking simulator. They deliberately chose to design the game as cinematic trash. kill yourself.

I was disappointed with the lack of gameplay to show off. Lip service sucks with things like this. I understand the advice to keep my imagination under control, but I’ve done that my entire life, and all it did was make me miserable lol All we can do is hope, but I’d rather be optimistic and excited about things than not. At the very least, Sony first party devs will hopefully get creative and take full advantage of the hardware.

It's not direct because it's the exact same two step process that have always existed:

- Read data from disk to RAM
- DMA data from RAM to GPU

Only difference now is that the first step is not bottlenecking the whole process. What pisses me off is that they mention streaming assets as some kind of new technology, but not only has that been around for decades, virtually every game in the last 3 generations are already doing it. They'll just do it faster now.

I WILL say though that if the numbers aren't total bullshit, we *are* talking about pretty speedy nvme SSDs.
You still don't need to upload data at that speed to the GPU to eliminate loading times, buffer zones and all that shit, but if you needed to for some odd reason, I guess you can.

Jak II is a PS2 game loading off a disc where data is placed in toward the outer layer.

There is literally and objectively nothing, NOTHING that the PS5 SSD is going to bring to games aside from faster load times. The half speed XBSX SSD drive is so fast nobody will notice it’s half the speed. These aren’t RAM discs either, the RAM is still 100x faster.

Any hypothetical SSD-favoring streaming asset load scenario which causes a traditional hard drive to choke and is designed around leveraging the SSD will run similarly on all SSDs because they’re already very fucking fast. And the same goddamn game will still “surprisingly” run off a hard drive with stuttering. This SSD marketing hype is total and complete nonsense. The SSD is definitely a huge upgrade over a hard drive. And the XBSX one is 200GB bigger than the PS5 so it will automatically win out. I mean the PS5 lets you add in much slower SSDs for additional storage. There is no magic SSD fairy powder sauce

Doesn't mean shit if theres going to be fuck all support for it. You won't get anything more than a couple seconds faster loading time in most games across the gen because no dev is going to build a game around PS5 SSD speeds if the rest of their customers like PC players are going to overwhelmingly be using slower storage. This is another "power of the cell" situation where developers won't bother building their games around it. Very few games last gen were actually build around the ps3 from the ground up like vanquish or GTA 5. Most ps3 games were just 360 ports and the same will happen next gen.

okay I will thank you

Other way around chief, it's been nothing but cope with an occasional "muh SSD" from the snoybois. Ironically, the underwhelming show really humbled them, usually they would be flooding the catalog with yellow snojacks, though eurocucks are starting to wake up, so that may change.

Mate it's 3am in euroland what are you talking about.

>I'd rather be ignorant
That's not the path to happiness my dude.

Gotcha, thanks.

SSD is for storage. There won’t be any new gameplay possibilities.

Anytime my dude.

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nice try sweetie, i'll trust the game developers on this one who say I/O is a major bottleneck

>There won’t be any new gameplay possibilities.
well you're wrong here.

console gamers will no longer fall asleep during minute long loading times

I think the fact that consoles are the lowest common denominator when it comes to modern gaming - and that they’re getting 2.5GB+/s speeds with SSDs - unlocks possibilities never before seen in gaming. The same games that would be gimped because they’re stuck with the hard cap that comes with 5400rpm drives are now free to explore the possibilities that come from a minimum drive speed vs a maximum drive speed.

it is in that currently console games run and look like absolute shit

you're basically at the level of PC 8 years ago, congratulations