ITT: Characters from your country

Shartmartians tells us their state instead.
I will start.

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doom guy is brazilian based

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Brazil in one picture

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based and pic related

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clean it up janny


I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill them all!

>k...k...kill them all, right guys?
Trying so hard to be an edgy contrarian makes you a shit wit.

t. whitest man in argentina

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Stop what you're doing and watch Starship Troopers, dumbass.

Dump the Uma Delicía memes

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he was making a joke about a movie and doom guy you fucking autist

Fucking chinks of South Amareeka

>implying this is worse than being an Amerimutt and eating preprocessed junk food all the time
Lol, go have a heart attack and end up have to sell your house due to the expenses of medical care

How's Argentina doing these days? I remember a couple years ago when the Kircheners were finally voted out of office everyone was really optimistic

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>he doesnt know where the reference is from
fucking zoomers i swear to god

>yes goy make fun of other culture's foods while we fill you up with pink slime meat and transfats

t. ugly britmutt

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>post monkey meme
>hernandez starts talking about food

Rasgar E rasgar

I get it eating monkeys is bad and all but hypocritical to post when you guys literally eat mass produced beef and other animals. I'd wager to say American kill factories are more of a health hazard than a wild animal that was caught and killed in the wild

Trying a little too hard

I guess this explains why he’s so good at shooting people

this is a brazilian girl
say something nice about her

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nobody can truly be this obsessed and deluded, right?

The Kirchners are now back and Argentina doesn't have a functional economy anymore, might default again soon.

>laughs at other culture's foods
>has type 2 diabetes and is 400 pounds
Amerimutts have no self awareness
>wahhh anything that challenges my world view is bait!
This is your mind on McDonald's and Mtn Dew

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He's only Irish in the game though, in real life he was English and Edward Kelley was the (allegedy) Anglo-Irish one.

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sure kike, i prefer pink slime than literally shit, i know israel is #1 scat fetish country in the world
also eat a dick rabbi, you deserve it

Die of diabetes filthy American maggot

Americans eat hot dogs, don't even try and tell me this is worse. Atleast its natural

Americans also eat your mum's snatch lol
t. Britbong that hates HueHues more than Americunts

she looks like a man

>americans eat hot dogs

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He's a redhead so your graph is off.

>Shartmartians tells us their state instead.
Shart and parcel, go get coronavirus.

Reimu es argentina!

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>Macri's gone and Kirchner is vice president
Fucking gross. Political religion is some serious cancer, did the boomers vote the Peronists back in?

>Ameicans eat hot dogs

Literally made from the trimmings of beef you sperg, cope more you monkey eating retard.

i'm not american kiki, go and jump from tree to tree if you like delicia monkeys so much

You act like Amerimutt cancer hasn't spread everywhere in the world. The worst invader in Europe besides sandnigger terrorists is McDonald's and other Amerishite "cuisine"
Bankrupt culture full of violent mutts and obese ingrates

>tfw haven't lived near a Sheetz in decades

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Shut up fat amerimutt. They full them with pinkslime, bones and gizzards of diseased animals. Not to mention the nitrates in them. Basically like eating a cigarette
This is you as you copy and pasted that into the text box. Stupid mongrel

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>Implying hot dogs aren't peak poverty food

I ate monkey once with some brazilian friends in guiné-bissau. it wasn't all that bad, tasted alot like chicken.

Sheetz > WAWA
God I miss Western PA like a mother fucker

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retard. kill yourself

i dont remember why but there is a thing about a bunch of shit tasting like chicken, i remember eating a armadillo some years ago and it too tasted like chicken.

Reminder that all Americans are inbred fat scum that deserved to be nuked into oblivion.

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>1% Jewish
Uhhhmmm Doombros?...

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does that app even have my cunt ?

>tfw this is the average voter that votes to "protect" the "white" race
Lol fucking stupid mutts

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