Alright Yas Forums. For some reason or another...

Alright Yas Forums. For some reason or another, Squeenix has decided to put you in charge of making a sequel/spin-off to the beloved cult classic game, The World Ends With You. You’re given free reign to do whatever you want with it as well as a reasonable enough budget to make your new ideas come to fruition. What would you guys do with it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

A new game set in an entirely new location/setting. The original game opened up the possibilities of multiple UGs happening across the world so it would be a great idea to expand on that.

>whole new cast
>3D cel-shaded graphics in the same vein as Jet Set Radio
>expanded world and map that’s filled to the brim with extra details and NPCs to meet and converse with, kind of like Yakuza
>partners now work as AI allies, similar to the party members in KH
>pins and brands now function as different combat styles instead of having an attack being mapped to one motion, with the brands being similar to Styles from DMC
>collaborative OST by Ishimoto, with guest musicians like Hideki Naganuma to boot

Keep Nomura away from the story. He was good as a creative producer but I don’t trust his writing skills that much.

Keep the 3 week setup. Entirely new cast.
>Week 1
You and your partner wake up in London. Standard gameplay, you bond with your partner and find out a bit more about the Reaper's Game. Day 7 you fight the composer + conductor in a 2v2 tag team fight (similar to the pink/lolipop duo in the first game). Right before you win there's a huge explosion of light and reality starts to fall away. The conductor and your partner are both swallowed up by the light and the composer tries to prevent it from engulfing him.
>Week 2
Opens with you passed out on the ground. The composer is with you and explains that the entire London UG is just gone. He escaped to another UG (San Francisco maybe? A city with a lot of character, landmarks, and a strong city feel) and you just happened to get dragged along. You and the composer team up to try and warn the composer of this game that something is hunting down Reaper Games but the composer doesn't initially believe you and forces you to compete in the game as normal. Around day 5 things start going wrong and a weird force is hunting you down specifically as well as killing reapers and shit. Day 7 you and both composers confront the antagonist. An angel that decided that second chances go against divine will and the entire game is a sin against God. Your composer sacrifices himself to protect you as the new UG is also destroyed.
>Week 3
You come to in a strange room. You are approached by Jonathon who tells you he has also been looking into this. He offers to partner up with you and you go UG hopping to a bunch of different areas to save composers/thwart the angel. At one point you go to Shibuya and Neku, Shiki, and Hanekoma cameo. Final day has you fighting the angel obviously and when you win there are a few different endings.

You get to choose to play as either a Player or Reaper. Whichever one you choose will have a different impact on the story and choices you make throughout the game.

>>pins and brands now function as different combat styles instead of having an attack being mapped to one motion, with the brands being similar to Styles from DMC

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Multiple insiders have said TWEWY2 will be announced this year in a Direct and there will probably be a Direct on the 26th because VentureBeat said there would be an Indie World showcase on the 17th (which turned out to be true) and a general Direct on the 26th

Jose Alamo also said Square Enix were planning on bringing TWEWY back and that TWEWY2 was in development but was shelved in 2015 because they felt it didn't suit the current market at the time

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Get Platinum to come on the project, copy and paste Astral Chain’s combat with some gameplay changes to fit TWEWY’s aesthetic, and boom, sequel made.

For starters, I would use 3D graphics so that you can actually see the clothing the characters have equipped on them.

Even barring that, is this Tansut guy even trustworthy?

He leaked Erdrick and Cloud coming to Smash

>he leaked Erdrick
Multiple people were banking on that
>and Cloud
Okay, little bit better but still. I ain’t buying it until I actually see proof.

Shopkeeper dating sim

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>all of those different responses they give you when you buy more of their shit
>some of them will even fall in love with you
TWEWY was a gem of a game

They shouldn't put someone who's never played a game in charge of making its sequel, I'l delegate all the work to another user.

>endings you choose will have you either decide to come back to life, become the Composer, rebel against the Angels, and more

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>Bleach is coming back
>there’s a chance that TWEWY 2 might be back
All I need is a JSR game and I’m good to go.
Please fuck off.

Full on Tin Pin Slammer game

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Based and inpincible

Will you apologize when TWEWY2 gets announced?

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>Your taste is impeccable!

No, because he’s a hack that would probably fuck it up.

I make it a music album

I’m honestly surprised that Square never made a gacha spin-off for this or something. That game is just begging for it.

26th March

Its been a while since I played so take this with a grain of salt.
>Make a sequel to TWEWY
My first instinct is "don't" but that's because sometimes a game doesn't need a sequel.
If I must then new cast. MAYBE some of the old cast can reappear as Reapers or optional boss fights. Ideally they'd just appear as cameos. This is of course the "players". Not sure if the Reapers from their game should appear.
New pins, new clothes and fashion.
The Noise come in a new art style. Maybe graffiti but definitely not just the same tribal designs from the first game.
Not sure whether it'd take place in Shibuya a few decades down the line, a previous Reaper's Game in the past taking advantage of people's love of historic settings, or in a Space Station "SH1-B4" to add an imaginative twist on futuristic fashion aesthetic.
If it is in another location near the events of TWETY, it'd focus on the consequences of the Shibuya game.
If it is in the past, I guess maybe ghost stories and urban legends as UG interaction with RG?
If it is in the future it'd be reflecting the changes in society and maybe tech has advanced to the point where real world non-players can actually reach into the UG and serve as another force to contend with in the struggle to survive.
Graphically it'd be a hybrid of 2.5D maps and 2D characters. Not sprites but animated images. I just like the look that things games Paper Mario had.

The Switch version ended on a cliffhanger.

>Space Station "SH1-B4" to add an imaginative twist on futuristic fashion aesthetic.
That would be pretty cool. I’d imagine it’d be similar to a JSRF kind of aesthetic.

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Prequel game focusing on the Reapers and their eventual rise to power.

>get to see how Uzuki and Kariya team up
>see how Sho became so insane
>see how Joshua became the Composer and Kitaniji became his Conductor
Would be kino

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>fighting these two in a chain battle at Level 1 Ultimate

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What will his role be in TWEWY2?

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Being a dick

Trolling Neku and Sho while being fab as fuck.

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>mfw he starts out with a good amount of Bravery at the start

Knowing Square, that’s actually pretty likely of them to do so.

>apologizing to Nomura

what's your favourite part of twewy?

i like the part where shiki strips neku lol

I like the part where you shut the fuck up

Fuck off autist

>wanting a TWEWY 2
Why? The first game ended perfectly.

Because SE wants money and would rather shit on old games for nostalgia than come up with something actually new?

People just want that unique experience TWEWY was able to provide when it came out. The fact that Squeenix never made another game like it is what hurts.

Ignoring your autistic obsession with Neku and Shiki, I love the part when it finally gets revealed on who killed Neku. Shit was a rollercoaster.

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Why is Joshua so based?

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Jesus Beams and smugness.

Oct. 27th Theory let's go dudes

rabla just uses tumblr as a convenient place to write bigger posts (and I think he stopped now anyway, place is dead and he never posted about this year's news)

he's more active on twitter

I am so glad that I was not the only person who played that and was like "Could this work for a TWEWY game..?"

The setting is cool, the gameplay is still unique (mainly the DS version) and people want more. More TWEWY doesn't have to be a sequel, it should be a different Game in a different place, exploring more of the UG setting and rules.

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He doesn’t give a fuck

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That’s oddly specific. Is there a reason for this or nah?

The date? It's mostly a joke but the dumb logic is explained in the tweet.

The 27th's just line up.

turn it into a porn game

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As long as we get the shopkeepers, Konishi, and Shiki in there, I’m all for it.

I liked almost every idea on this thread, the UG/RG concept plus the reapers game allows a lot of cool settings. The only thing I really want is neku and friends not being in the game story or at least nothing more than an easter egg or reference. Maybe Hanekoma or Joshua could appear though


>Joshua appears
>he’s a secret boss

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God, I hope we finally get it this time. Pic related and the ongoing JP website maintenance make it seem like so...

It’s why a TWEWY 2 would be kino if it was done with the same amount of passion as the original game. There’s a lot of cool ideas and concepts you can make revolving around the Reaper’s Game, whether it’s the entry fees, potential gameplay, the concept of the Angels, and parallel worlds. The setting is ripe for potential.

If the game takes place in Shibuya again it should feature a timeskip and have Shiki appear as a shopkeeper, just with general shopkeep dialog and fun nods that she knows what you're going through. No actual story appearances.

That's pretty much the only returning appearance I want other than Josh and Mr.H, since they're a big deal in the grander setting and would be weird to intentionally exclude.

No. Nomura took a shit on the story and wrote “New Day” on the turd with a Sharpie.

I would love to see her in her true form. Real Shiki a cute.

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>We see glimpses of what the main cast has been up to after the first game while our new character is saying the reapers game.