This thread is for posting tifa

this thread is for posting tifa
not for doomposting
not for barry's autistic screeching
not for Yas Forums arguing over race
this thread is for posting tifa

Attached: 75915330_p0.jpg (849x1200, 253.17K)

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very based AND coomerpilled

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Attached: Final-Fantasy-VII-Remake_2020_03-16-20_041.jpg (1920x1080, 774.01K)

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>Waaaaaaaa my safespace
You got BTFO on the last thread tranny keep crying like a pussy

Why are you so angry user?

Tifa is great but what about this cutie?

Attached: KYRIEEEEE.webm (330x488, 301.12K)

Remake fags and Berry should just fuck already

Attached: he mad.png (1257x1142, 147.02K)

Attached: 1583887305694.jpg (1178x668, 119.77K)

She looks like a ps2 model, is this the power of the remake?

Attached: 1570051215713.jpg (256x353, 16.83K)

>literally just teen tifa

Sonic Cycle and FF7 are one and the same. Oh hey, both have new games coming out. What are the odds?

>Game is announced
>Autists claim it's a ground breaking moment in the history of entertainment despite the track record supports otherwise
>Characters revealed and look inconsistent, which is passed off as a nitpick by shills
>Steel Donuts introduced, smart fans abandon ship, autists insist it'll be fine this time
>Arbitrarily padded content is announced, now even mildly interested players are leaving, autists stay faithful
>Game releases with mixed reviews, 10/10 metascores zerg rushed by autists to keep it up
>Dev rakes in autismbux and bail, no additional content or patches in sight
>Dust is settled, reviews that are closer to the truth come in
>Old fans pretend it never happened, coomers head to generals at /vg/ to farm porn
>The game essentially becomes a meme on Yas Forums
>Time passes
>Another game is announced

Advent Children, Before Crisis, Crisis Core, and Derge of Cerebus all have been shit. You have to be dumb to put faith in this series before release.


>thigh highs
>but sports bra as well
Did I just get monkey pawed?

Attached: 1584482396199.jpg (711x852, 124.07K)

footfag hijack

Attached: __tifa_lockhart_final_fantasy_and_1_more_drawn_by_eiji_eiji__d416a4c2c5d18f34089917273e4ffdec.png (734x900, 628.93K)

>Post my waifu. Stop shitting on her
Still crying tranny


>censors boobs
>doesn't censor pits
What the fuck were they thinking?

Attached: 1584485858189.jpg (900x1272, 207.37K)

Tifas thighs are so fine

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>goes into threads he doesn't like just to cry about it

Attached: 1575753743160.jpg (960x960, 83.13K)

>this thread is for posting tifa
>not for doomposting
>not for barry's autistic screeching
>not for Yas Forums arguing over race
>this thread is for posting tifa

Attached: 1584567655648.jpg (800x450, 74.18K)

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this image is too perfect

Attached: 1584572347292.jpg (1920x1080, 416.35K)

what's this angle called? Tag for finding similar images?

douche Cloud is best Cloud

Attached: 1562181058418.png (1280x938, 981.46K)

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Where were you for the past three berseria threads acefag
You owe me some magilou god damnit

Attached: 0 (2).jpg (1833x3000, 2.83M)

Maybe next time.


Attached: D9RhltwXsAIJpVA.jpg (780x1140, 175.87K)

ahhhh tifaaaaaaa

aceman, you are the only trip fag I know to be a real fag.

too many of these are me, lend me your support anons

Attached: ETEH-4RWkAEEmYq.jpg (2160x3840, 518.03K)

The way Tifa looks up here is probably the cutest shit I have ever seen

Attached: 1584361665866.webm (1920x1080, 726.38K)

Attached: 0 (2).jpg (2528x3500, 1.95M)

>you will never take off Tifa's sweaty thigh highs after a day of fighting

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Attached: j7u5adcfp0n41.jpg (1920x1080, 134.58K)

Make more images like this one retard. It’s a fucking hilarious failure, but I bet your life is full of those :)

Attached: 02F15F5A-B91D-4971-B5DD-1468475B4EDE.jpg (811x1024, 169.98K)

>that intentional look right into the camera so it feels like Tifa is looking straight towards the player
I know I'm being manipulated but I an't help myself

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Attached: kiscti6lq9i41.jpg (2304x4096, 543.6K)

>Season pass
You having fun describing XV there with all that shit?

Attached: tifa.jpg (981x925, 209.05K)

Attached: 34528945_p3.jpg (700x700, 269.49K)

I bet her sweat smells like rosewater.

Tifa's fine and all but you people need to commit suicide.

Attached: 1583042441087.png (900x1272, 1.11M)

she reminds me of my 3DPD ex

Attached: tifa2.jpg (2894x4093, 2.72M)

Attached: Tifa by Sachimachan.jpg (2841x2000, 1.33M)

I'm a high test male and I will be maining Tifa in the remake.

too fucking pure

Attached: 1562539547879.jpg (526x701, 48.28K)

Post her pics so we can make sure your not full of shit

excuse me

I hope people like you start committing mass suicide in the years to come

Attached: 05_Tifa_Limit_Stance_EN.jpg (1920x1080, 629.94K)

Attached: tifa4.jpg (1920x1200, 1.24M)

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Attached: 6I014gg8DwN7TtTIEK1tNcZU9bj0F0tzy_WcbBasMrs.jpg (1911x2701, 609.62K)

holy fuckamoly

Read the post before getting triggered by an absolutely retarded image made by an equally retarded burka wearing tranny.

what, why?

Attached: 7ru5joz44f441.jpg (1080x1920, 261.18K)

The first time I jacked off to anime was to a picture of Tifa pissing on Areth.

Attached: 29ch2qar8nm41.jpg (891x1377, 709.98K)

an aerith is fine too right?

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Attached: D827zmxV4AA1YtU.jpg orig.jpg (1116x1500, 139.63K)

i'm picky about tifa pics so i only have 23 in my folder. i always try to dump and hope to add one or two to my folder.

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Attached: 1584446877984.png (720x2160, 1.28M)

Pretty sure for me it was the one of Yuffie, Tifa, and Aerith shoving Materia up each other's pussies and asses.

Attached: 75220847_p0.jpg (1254x1771, 1.96M)

Tifa in FF7R looks like a generic yakuza female character

>still no feet hd renders anywhere in this thread

Attached: 1580635680881.jpg (707x1000, 436.99K)

Not going to lie, this is probably the best Tifa dump I've seen in months.

I like her a lot but her tits do look Hanks ass.

Attached: hank ass.png (600x315, 133.46K)

Attached: 75391898_p0.jpg (900x1200, 740.06K)

>when you realise the average age of people posting in this thread is 30+

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Grand Blue - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.40_[2019.01.17_03.11.28].jpg (1920x1080, 230.22K)

Same here, except it was instead a picture of Tifa getting attacked by tentacles. I think she said "Yan" or something like that.
Man, what's more, it was on WebTV... I forgot that even existed back in the day.

I love her so fucking much

Attached: 35d4b416fd0ca9717a749a3d57dcde88.jpg (800x1335, 876.73K)

the likeness in this remake to yakuza is the best part

Attached: 1575367987302.webm (502x464, 418.21K)

Hey fuck you, you don’t ever post shit like this in my Ace Attorney threads, just cutesy pie bullshit. I feel betrayed. I thought we were friends

And how old are you, user?

Welcome to hell buddy, soon you'll be just like them.

Attached: __tifa_lockhart_final_fantasy_vii_remake_and_etc_drawn_by_mushisotisis__cb695eea9b792a04866e1238e0d2febe.png (900x1170, 468.7K)

25 here

Attached: remake tifa.jpg (733x1100, 337.37K)

My wife is THICC

Attached: 1584540914900.jpg (880x1698, 1.23M)

Because AA doesn't have much lewds. Maybe someday

Attached: 72795328_p0.jpg (800x1333, 748.53K)

>looks up for source
>its mostly futa garbage

yeah, no

Okay anons, I dumped all I had. Keep it going

You're such a gay faggot for having that picture.

>being 23

Attached: 1574404049059.gif (160x160, 996.61K)

>black panties
what the hell Nomura???

Attached: Aerisu_lick.webm (702x548, 2.57M)

I found mine on, now that was a website.

Attached: __tifa_lockhart_final_fantasy_and_final_fantasy_vii_drawn_by_mirco_cabbia__217aa46d19dc2099050d43ac9e7c9965.jpg (1010x1400, 708.78K)

Isn't it gayer that Aeriths tits are exactly shaped like the ass of a middle aged Texan? And aren't you the gayest of all fags for fapping to them?

How do you feel about Tifa's earrings? Small things like that can get left out in fan art a lot of times, but the vast majority of Tifa pics seem to have them.

early-mid 20's is your prime physical age range anons, don't take it for granted

she's got tifa's spats

Imagine the taste

23, obsessing over vidya women is cringe as a boomer

Tifas earring is what brings her from 9,5/10 to 10/10

Attached: EAxQ8V2U8AApO4U.jpg (480x480, 49.02K)

If tifa actually looked like that she wouldnt last a single hour in midgar without getting rape
Hell, her doctor would sedate her and rape her in a instant