It's really fucking over, isn't it?

It's really fucking over, isn't it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It is, user.
But you can change that.

Be the change you want to see in the world
*cocks gun*

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The old world. Yes? But the new world has begun.

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Yes, this board is irreparably overrun by Nintendo fanboys, zoomers, election tourists, and Redditors
You will never find a valid opinion on this board ever again

Is it possible to be a NEET in a post apocalyptic world?

>only dubs
Now watch these trips

>all of that over dubs
And people will still argue that Yas Forums isn't the main gateway for newfags.


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what worth is left to life?

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It's looking pretty bleak, boys. Not gonna lie, I'm dooming pretty hard.

Double dubs user. Double dubs.
T. Roasts

>virus kills boomers
Looks like we'll get a peaceful revolution afterall.

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is she killing herself because she spent her life playing the shitty pocket games instead of the console originals?

Don't act like a single post correctly calling Doubles didn't destroy any thread on Yas Forums back when we had them.

Oh user we're 3 months in.... its only just begun

Over for you guys, yes. However, I am the main character and will live on and have wacky adventures with a colorful cast of misfits.

>friend just texted me he cant find food anywhere
>he keeps telling me how hungry he is
>not replying because I dont want to go out at all
>havent been outside in over 2 weeks, knew this was going to happen
>no money, spent it all prepping
>watching videos of people literally brawling over TP
>pretty soon I know that the service industry will crumble, workers will refuse to keep stocking
>food riots will be incoming
>water and electricity will fall next
>this is just the beginning of a lot of pain, suffering, and death

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its a parody of an anti-suicide tv ad aired in japan
she can commit suicide in pawapoke 10 but i dont know the context

tonight on things that never happened

Sony's reign of terror? Yes. It's coming to an end. They will be a dead company in 5 years.

I-I take it all back... I don't want it to be happening anymore.

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I hope so

It's just getting started.

My high IQ has rendered me immune to the virus. It's no match for my mind over matter technique.

is this how it all ends ?

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>Thinking the elite class dying won't create power vacuums that people will murder each other to fill.

Oh lad, the party's just starting

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i hate americans

>zoomer's first recession

it will be fine

He warned us, bros. And we didn't listen

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wow, donald trump looks like THAT?!

Finally, all those years of collecting and storing porn on my terrabytes of externals has paid off.

nigga there will be bread lines before the end of april

its true, he just told me he had to get take out so its all good. but there is no food in the grocery store here, all the shelves are cleaned and theres people lining up 24/7. I prepped a while ago so im okay but the people who didnt prep good fucking luck.

This. Shit might suck for a bit, we're in for some tough times, but it's not "THE END OF EVERYTHING YOU'VE EVER KNOWN, SOCIETY AS WE KNOW IS COLLAPSING".

>elite class dying
good joke
They're all in their bunkers enjoying the show

It's a fucking seasonal flu with a slightly higher mortality rate. Quit being a bitch

thank you for your expert analysis, i'll go buy 500 more rolls of toilet paper now

This is going to be the worst recession in history at the current rate of things.

This isn't the happening I wanted bros... I wanted a happening that took everyone out in a blaze of glory, not a slow burn that kills our parents/grandparents and leaves everyone else in a broken world.

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boomer here, this is easily the biggest happening of my life

>shows no sign of being seasonal
>much higher CFR
>incredibly infectious
>forced china to shut down its entire country for 2+ months
>lmao its just the flu bro
Retards should really be silent.

Everyone who is losing jobs are just going to get jobs at factories making supplies. Shit isn't even close to being over

Go somewhere the dumb boomers haven't wiped out, aka literally anywhere other than big supermarkets. Try gas stations, try ethnic markets, hell order food on amazon or some other online storefront.

Yas Forums is so fast that destroying a thread doesn't matter much.

when this is done and over with it'll probably be one of the biggest rebounds, too. capitalism strives on recessions so maybe this is a good thing.

You're not a boomer.


>factory jobs

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It already peaked

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When do I buy the dip?

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>Be me
>live in small village
>Work at dairy owned by uncle. Unlimited free milk, cheese, bread and other products due to his wholesale suppliers connections.
>On other end of village, a second wholesale suppliers is there that specializes in frozen foods and sells bulk products of all kinds, including toilet paper
>We're all armed with guns and will fucking shoot anyone who tries to steal our shit.
>Going tomorrow to pick up 48 rolls of toilet paper and enough frozen/canned food to last six months for only a few hundred sheckels.

Have fun, user.

Eugene pls

It's heading into a full blown depression at the current rate

I'm a 30 year old literal boomer, try again.

Just to add, normal people don't even think to try wholesale suppliers. They go to supermarkets, and panic if there's nothing there.

Fun fact: you can in fact by from wholesale suppliers, and they're all fully stocked in pretty much everything.

It's not that supply chains are running out of shit, it's that supermarkets can't stock the shelves fast enough.

>put me in the screencap

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30 year olds aren't boomers
You're a millennial

>tfw only have enough food to last me a month, and that's if I actively ration it
Fuck bros, should I get more just in case? I thought this was going to be a two week ordeal.

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Monkey's Paw

corona for ants?

30 year olds aren't boomers. We're not talking the stupid meme usage of the term with the virus, we're talking about the actual generation known as baby boomers.

>it already peaked

No, we've just started enacting very strict quarantine regulations. It will dip, but it will curve upwards at a steady, but slower, pace.

You're fine. The supply chains are fine, supermarkets just can't keep up with the current demand because people are panicking.

>I thought this was going to be a two week ordeal.
Why in the world did you think this was going to be a two week ordeal.
Did you not see what was happening in China?

It's really fucking funny, Kojimer literally made a game about how to make money off an isolationist america and you chucklefucks are panicking over money.

Why would it be over?


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>Did you not see what was happening in China?
It lasted a month? I saw the chinese dancing.

You realize the grocery stores are still stocked with plenty of food right? It's not some apocalypse where all food has been shopped-out, you can still go out and buy some supplies.

About two hours ago I just started getting a cough out of nowhere and immediately afterwards I started feeling like I may have a light fever. Not a big fan of this developement.

>normal people don't even think to try wholesale suppliers

I think you're onto something. They'll never think to try this place.

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I laughed it off and then my place of employment closed its doors and I've been put on a leave of absence.

I'm kinda spooked now but at least I can get dank unemployment.

>wow, guys, why won't you learn the awesome most insightfully valuable lessons I learned when I played a video game?

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The chinese are lying and censoring the media, actively suppressing western media outlets to pretend like everything is fine.

They've pumped nearly 100 billion dollars worth of funds into their own stock markets to keep them afloat, and they keep dropping.

it wasn't over with the plague
it wasn't over with the spanish flu
and it's not over with this
there will be deaths
there will be economic downturn
there will be hardship
but ultimately, we will endure and continue on

The dip is over, you missed the bottom faggot.

lol bullshit

>carry bottles of jizz over mountains is "how to make money off an isolationist America"

Are you fucking retarded? Genuine question.

Link to the original ad? I want to watch the japanese try to discourage suicide with a commercial

yup, ps5 is dead on arrival. next gen is going to be good for once since the ps2 days.

keep telling yourself that

coronavirus is turning people into actual brain-eating zombies and the government is hiding it from us to prevent anymore panic than there is already

This. Even in Italy the grocery stores are open and they have food. Unless you're a literal autist that only eats a half dozen specific items in specific brands that might be out of stock, you're fine.

what is? piroca? piroca is never EVER over user


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There's plenty of food being produced here in the states, and the supply chains, delivery and logistics services aren't stopping any time soon.
Starvation should be the least of your worries right now.
That's another one of the "Coronavirus is the cover for something else" list.

You could have stopped this

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Virus takes up to a week to show symptoms and you're contagious for up to another week and the virus can last up to a week outside the body. Italy shut down before the US and their daily death counts are still climbing. Point being, basically every country is going to go through this process that a small handful are currently undergoing. US's outbreak hasn't even begun as far as this graph goes.

Are you american? What's with americans and acting like retards? My country literally went into semi-lockdown today and I was able to go into a fully-stocked store and do my groceries without any issues whatsoever.

>mfw I have the flu
time to die

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I'm honestly only afraid for my grandma. She's acting like it's absolutely nothing and I had to tell her why it was a stupid idea to try and drive to different stores to look for bread when our local store was out.

Yes and all you did was post on a Mongolian throat singing forum

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imagine if the world ended and this post was the only thing left