Madagascar still uninfected

>Madagascar still uninfected

I'm not saying Pandemic 2 was prophetic, but it was.

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I cancelled a 'wolfing holiday there after this shit started going down.

Wish I hadn't now.


Nobody on nu-Yas Forums knows about Pandemic 2. It's all Plauge Inc now.

Same shit

That's not true. I've never even played Plague.

Not really, Plague made Greenland OP, and Greenland got fucked over today, so only Pandemic 2 was right.

Plague inc is way, way better and this is coming from someone who grew up playing shit like dark cut




Who knows? Maybe madagascar is infected but nobody knows

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>Play pandemic 2
>start in madagascar
>'''aww yess''
>they close the port before the virus can leave it

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I seem to remember playing this game
>rage because too hard
>search up pandemic hacked
>still can't beat it even with infinite points and upgrades


I was like, plague inc? What the fuck is that? Is it some iPhone ripoff crap or what?

I see someone else searched for pandemic comics and couldn't fight the old gollywog mother fucker in the comics

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i seriously find it hard to believe there are no airports in greenland, the carribean, and in madagascar. even then, is it outside of the realm of possibility for a hobbyist to fly their plane there and infect them?

>is it outside of the realm of possibility for a hobbyist to fly their plane there and infect them?
If the rest of the world is infect and you're not and you were president of madagascar what would you do?
I'd shoot the plane down if it were me

>Plague inc is way, way better
Pandemic is more realistic though:

These games should grant you a win if your plague was transmited via corpses and all that is left are island nations. I doubt that any island nation would be able to live without food imports.

for me it's coughing + fever + waterborne transmission

why'd they name a country after that movie, anyway

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They would go to hell, not literally all of them would die.

can't have any infected people if you aren't looking for them

some african can cough across the bay, it's a fucking airborne virus afterall and there's lots of infected in SA.

closing the ports won't save them in this scenario.

Actually fuck off you dropkick. Nobody wants to see your shit-ass posts. Go back to your containment board.

So what is the best strategy? Building up spread capabilities first or meds resistance?

don't build up meds resistance before heat/cold resistance

Start in saudi arabia and get Air 1 Water 1 Birds 1 Cold resistance 1 + 2 Air 2 Water 2 Rodents 1 and get Birds 2 if there are island lefts after you have developed symptoms starting with coughing -> pneumonia -> pulmonar fibrosis -> multiple organ failure

you cant pick where you start in pandemic 2

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Just soft reset.

why do you even bother posting?
no one thinks your posts are insightful.
blow your brains out tripfag retard.

Easier than calling it the San Diego zoo.

Would rather die of Covid than go to Africa.
They're going to be fucked very soon.

Does Greenland have robo docs though?


theres no bird transmission in pandemic either

>africans die en masse
>colonization 2.0: this time china and usa join the party
>this time nobody's gonna say shit because it's the only way we can truly control pandemics
100% everyone wins in this scenario



does anyone else get the feeling this is all a plot to remove and automatize/mechanize jobs?

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Reminder that all the amount of planning and sacrifices you're making to make it through this pandemic smoothly don't matter at all because zoomers are fucking idiots

tick tock mr.boomer tick tock

you're fucking retarded
>t. 29yo Spaniard


if we don't flatten the curve it isn't just boomers who will suffer, it's everyone.

That was already coming, stupid.

why did you get so nervous all of the sudden? did I touched a soft spot or something? You know I'm right.

No. That was already on the menu, and it was already public knowledge. I don't think the world's governments are smart enough to plot something like that anyway

I know that feeling.
>"What is Pandemic oh you mean that board game that ripped off of Plague Inc?"
>"No. You're an idiot."

unconfirmed =/= uninfected, you literal retard

So is the only way to infect madagascar really hoping a boat gets in there with infected people?
Can it reach from sudafrica through being airborne or is that not possible?
Never managed that so I assume not possible but always been curious.

>usa, a shithole full of trannies, sjws and toilet paper hoarders controlling anything ever again
those times are passing

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>controlling pandemics

To the filthy town of Wuhan rode a virus one fine day
Hardly cared about the chinkchongs, they didn't have too much to say
They were mindless drones, consumers, overpopulated fucks
And the virus had decided to empty out their blocks

It was only after 2 weeks that the virus showed it's form
In the stupid, filthy chinkoids that had eaten up bat manure
None one dared to ask the question, "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU EAT BATS?!"
Then the virus there among them made it's way into their guts
WAY INTO THEIR GUTS (embed) (embed) (embed)

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Literally the worst mistake you could make, just seal it off

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they're full of fucking resouces, man
they're just too dumb and poor to extract and use all the shit they fucking have

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theres more than one type of plauge, africa is still doing alright irl.

Lol nice.