FF7 Remake

My game comes out in 23 days (minimum, with potential shipping delays due to the spread of JENOVA-19). Has Square said fucking ANYTHING about how the "episodic" stucture is going to work or why this isn't labeled FF7 Remake: Episode 1?

Are FF fags going to be completely assblasted when this releases and they drop the FF7 remake project entirely with a "PUREEZ UHDEHRSTAND!" apology video afterwards? Personally I'm going to laugh my ass off when someone ends up bomb reviewing it from the perspective that it would be ALL of FF7.

Also I am an FF fag, the demo was really fun.

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Other urls found in this thread:



I don't have money to spare for this shit anyway. I have sick relatives and the most at risk blood type.
I need to stay inside and somehow live on what little I have for the next few months.

Now all I can see is a blond noctis thanks to that other thread

the models aren't even remotely the same. the topology structure of the model is the only similar thing.
because it's probably based on a male head base model square developed.

>Has Square said fucking ANYTHING about how the "episodic" stucture is going to work
Yes, they've said they don't have a clue.

No seriously. They said it. They're really just winging this shit. Reminder that they originally tried to outsource this project to some literal who studio as an easy cashgrab but it was just TOO shit so they had to scrap that and start from scratch themselves, and they had to rush it because it was already announced it like 2 years ago at that point.

I would feel bad for the FF7 fans, but they are already so determined to love this that the quality of the game doesn't even matter anymore.

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CyberConnect2. they did asuras wrath.
their attack animations and basic battle system design still exists in the game.

Its a mgs ground zeroes scenario but on a bigger scale. They knew they needed a long dev time for this so they cut the game into pieces to release the first one for current gen and the bulk of the game (the phantom pain) will be a next gen game

>the models aren't even remotely the same.
It's the same exact mesh. For the head anyways.

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>Eyes, nose, chin, cheeks, brow all completely different.

the fuck? they don't look alike at all


I remember them saying it'll be like the XIII trilogy.

I don't think it's going to be episodic. I think the game has an ending, but it'll be different from the original ff7, and they'll release DLC to add new stories and probably bosses like FF15.

They won't say anything because they're measuring exactly how much they can scam fans with this Remake.
If the first part sells 10 million, they'll make 5 to 7 parts. If it sells like shit, they'll probably finish it in the next part or a third one.

But everything points to the first scenario.

Daily reminder that Cloud is a white man and he will fuck all you non-white people's women

>Where is that flower girl at?

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>shitposter upset we're not posting in this bait thread

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>armpit poster happy you posted tifa

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Ugly whore made for ugly fags like you

they wait to see if it's successful enough to make a sequel

um, rood

>dubs poster mad that they took our dubs away and you missed that sweet 7766 get

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This actually sound like a marketing strategy they would use.

weird nigga

Idk Noc looks better and more realistic than Cloud, and they both have stupid anime hair.

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Noctis looks like shit. What a stupid haircut

Both Cloud and Noctis have retarded haircut.

Cloud is DBZ while Noctis is Sasuke. They're both retarded

Sasugay is more retarded.

Dragonball > Nurutu

Well noctua also isnt a gay emo fag so he has that going for him too.

too bad nobody but autistic fucks care about XV

Name one dude that looks like that. I'll wait.

They'd be idiots to assume subsequent parts are going to sell as much as the first, especially if they're padded out to the degree necessary for 5 to 7 fully priced games. Sales would have significantly diminished by the time they get to 5.

>Thinks one shitty anime is better than the other shitty anime
Faggot Yas Forums poster.

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>too bad nobody but autistic fucks care about XV
That's true, it was a shit game. Noctis still looks more realistic though. It's probably the lighting of the engine. Also, Cloud's jawline looks too narrow.

Yeah because Yas Forums loves shonen shit. Kill yourself newfag.

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Christian bale with blonde hair

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BWAHAAHAHAHAH! Not even fucking close!

Go get Covid-19 faggot.

Here is your white boi Cloud look-alike. You're welcome. Now what's my prize?

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Its reasonable to think they can do this in 3-4 games. The rest of game after midgar was a lot shorter than people realize!

Must be plastic surgery. Doesn't count.

He's based on Gackt or perhaps Miyavi (both Japanese singers)

Original Cloud was based on Musashi, but that design got discarded. Point remains, that he was originally designed with Japanese man in mind.

>Also I am an FF fag, the demo was really fun.


Blue eyes and blonde hair on a jap?
Don't make me laugh hapa

Idiot. He had black hair originally with slicked back hairstyle to resemblem Musashi. That design later got discarded and Nomura went for faggot twink with retarded DBZ hair instead.

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Musashi had a samurai haircut with a bald circle on top and a ponytail

You remind me of we wu" faggots on previous thread when some user posted Japanese Sephiroth look alike.

so this the power of Prosopagnosia...

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No. The difference is statement isn't unbiased. That guy you posted looks like he had plastic surgery. I doubt that he is completely natural.

in the one painted portrait that exists when he was like 50 lol retard

I think it's the skin textures and the way the engine renders the characters. To be fair, SE's in house engine looks much better than Unreal but is a fucking nightmare to deal with. It's a shame really.

Cope hapa.
This is a white man's world.
But you can become a woman a be my gilfriend

Let's go deeper.

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Not really. You sound the same like them.
>hurr post real life example of [x] race that looks like that
>someone posts it
>NOOOOOO It doesn't count because it must [x] reason because I said so

They both look fine, but LE looked a tad better. Let's just hope they make it better optimized for XVI.

Kek what happened on previous thread?

>faggot twink with retarded DBZ hair instead.
Cloud looks less like a twink in his OG art with the DBZ hair. He looks more like a twink now and in AC than he ever did before

Conveniently cut out half the model

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That's how thumbnails work on Twitter.

Not him, but long story short: Classical Yas Forumstard bs.
Long story: Some user said that Sephiroth doesn't look Asian at all and one user posted young Atsushi as counterpoint. Yas Forumstards' brain exploded and they started claiming that Atsushi must be hapa because no 100% pure Japanese can look like that because he has "Western" features.

In conclusion: Ultra cope.

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Bro, you realize he is wearing eye shadow there right?
Also hardly a good photo.He even wears it here

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So classic FF7's race discourse then?

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>doomers resorting to twitter autism

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looks normal to me, just with makeup

I did say he posted "young" one. While he didn't age as badly as Gackt, he for sure is far cry from how he used to look in his youth.

in episode 2, cloud gets cucked

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