Hey Yas Forums, why don't you draw with us? It's not like you have anything else do to.
>b-but I can't draw
Well, you had to start one day
Hey Yas Forums, why don't you draw with us? It's not like you have anything else do to.
>b-but I can't draw
Well, you had to start one day
Other urls found in this thread:
How do I get good on drawing?
Nigga you couldn't wait a day?
You're not spamming anything, you're just making the Vredditors tired of garyC. Let it rest a few days between threads.
i said make the thread tomorrow but whatever
You draw, a lot.
I draw a bit for over 12 years and even I have noticed improvements.
no talent=fail
Draw these two squid and octo kissing eavch other.
you draw it!
This are fucn but what the fuck is the deal with so many textpost and that weird flamewar between the glasses guy and the maid guy?
nice try, fag.
Honestly df2010, you managed to make her look seductive.
Wouldn't be whahat?
Wait a minute.
Pearl isn't that tall
yeah turns out all this time she used that trick where they stan with their knee's in a pair of shoes to hide their height and seem to be dwarves.
She's actually 5'11.
Damn, I liked her short.
It's Ink time
draw, analyze your drawing, fix mistakes, repeat
Nice boo
Too small
Can someone draw me a cute cacodeamon?
Ball form, of course. Wouldn't want anything non-cute.
Decent size
show pits
Taking big tiddy requests
Maria from Astral Chain or Bunny Rabbot
A Rouge with a Corona beer between her boobs
Or an oppai Cream
Gym leader Bea
[/spoiler]muscle optional[/spoiler]
fucked up the spoiler oh well
Bea wouldn't have big muscles tho?
Besides she's a hindi, no tiddies there.
But where are the boobs?
It's not allowing me to swap for some reason.
did you undo?
Draw a bit on the page, that solves it.
Not an agehao? Surprising
Much thanks user.
Ridley doesn't have boobs you silly goose. His skinny as shit.
I don't always go there to draw porn user, sometimes I just draw silly drawings to vent.
I was teasing, this stuff is pretty nice too
100% ink time
Is this you?
I know this sounds like a simple comment, but listen to this man. Over a decade of drawing and it still holds true
Thank you, friend.
who dis?
i dunno user i just felt like drawing something cute :)
user this is a blue board
>nobody is swapping
I made such a wonderful penis swastika too :(
Lemme tell ya, that's kinda funny
Bless you for this. Can you do more Primarina?