Was I supposed to like this...

was I supposed to like this? literally feels like an asset flip mcdonalds toy mouthbreather version of kotor 1 and I always thought kotor 1 was the game for kids. I have nothing but newfound respect for that game.

Im serious, someone please defend this wannabe MMO right now. The gambit system and Fran are the only thing I think deserve to exist and even the gambit system isnt done that well since you have to fucking buy the commands and then get more slots only for the AI to inevitably shit itself anyway because there are shit like fucking flying enemies and no weapon loadouts or anything remotely comparable that the NPC.s could automatically cycle through. Also what a fucking diarrhea of a story

Attached: 1564459846092.jpg (1000x1000, 101.52K)

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I can only say I disagree with you and I enjoyed it. I liked the story, the setting, the music, collecting espers, etc. It is the best 3D FF of the last 2 decades. Only things I disliked were Penelo and the Bazaar system.

I can only say that I hated almost everything about it. The story was not only garbage but impossible to follow. All characters were poo. The gameplay was like a tard version of kotor except with the typical simplistic ass final fantasy base. Billion asset flip monster mobs thrown at you in asset flip dungeons made out of X colored box rooms that go on forever. Absolutely garbage villains. The insufferable license board system. The entire boring ass persia whatever setting. It feels like ive seen literally everything that this game does done better in a pile of other games including in its own fucking series. Also the fucking summons are nigh useless in bosses and for that matter how the fuck is anyone supposed to use the quickenings for more than 5-10 chains without getting extremely lucky or somehow cheating

Well to each their own. I enjoyed almost everything you mentioned except maybe some excess enemy reuse.

>was I supposed to like this?

No. They made it specifically the opposite of your tastes, just to annoy you.

perhaps, and hear me out on this user
you just aren't that into the game

why am I supposed to make some guy on the internet like a game when he clearly doesn't like the game

what am I gonna do, tell you about the gameshark cheat that makes penelo have huge tits and poof you're instantly a huge fan of ff12?


>muh asset flips
Im convinced you have no idea what this word even means user.

have you even played kotor? it was almost impossible for me to not compare the two because of how the ""active dimension battle"" has the exact same rules

it feels like kotor is like some renaissance painting compared to ff12

kotor has much more complex character building, you can actually interact with things in the world including characters properly, the areas are all way more impressive in terms of design and mechanics and so are all the enemies and the encounters itself since they dont boil down to respawning trash monster mobs

the story is better and actually easy to follow with a good structure, the linear opening areas that lead into the main game being the planets that you can go into in any order that then ends in a linear gauntlet that the whole game leads to works extremely well etc etc. What the fuck is the attraction in FF12? Im genuinely asking because there are so many final fantasy games to choose from and this just feels like an inferior version of other things

>what am I gonna do, tell you about the gameshark cheat that makes penelo have huge tits and poof you're instantly a huge fan of ff12?

I dont need to be a "huge fan of it", I still like to get a sense of what people think especially when I feel like I nigh hate something that a lot of people probably like

Probably the fact that every single dungeon consists of one geometric block of a room with some geometric objects in it copypasted a billion times into forming hallways in some kind of a maze with teleporters at X spots filled with respawning trash mobs that youve seen a million times

>I still like to get a sense of what people think especially when I feel like I nigh hate something that a lot of people probably like

FF12 is probably one of the most controversial titles of the entire series
there are contrarians who will say FF2/3 were good, there's people with bad taste who will tell you FF13 was good, but with 12, you either really liked how the combat felt with properly set gambits and good licenses
plus, the new TZA makes it not only easier but also significantly easier to grind shit because of the 2x and 5x speed multipliers

I don't know man, I found the setting engaging, the combat was fun, I enjoyed the bounties, and I also enjoyed KOTOR. It is OK if you dislike it though, many people on here do.

>you either really liked how the combat felt with properly set gambits and good licenses

i dont dislike how the combat "felt", I hated the excessive mmo like meaningless trash mob fights that the entire game consisted of and even the bosses were usually pretty fucking unimpressive in multiple different ways

not only that but the character building feels extremely constricted, obviously its partly because playing a game like this for the first time wont let you optimize things properly but by the end of the game (while skipping tons of optional content) every single character was doing the same thing for the most part. two healers with the exact same white magic garbage so they treat status effects and heal, vaan with practically no interesting abilities because going monk/ shikari meant almost exclusively having technicks and physical stats and I never even found the more interesting technicks like the debuffs in any of the stores even when some NPC.s guests had them. Basch as a foebreaker/ red mage and balthier as a badly built machinist/ black mage aka they had slightly different spells to some extent and thats it. The most interesting thing was probably when I gave the ultima greatsword to fran and she started melting the endgame bosses with haste and bravery items

all of the bosses even have the exact same droning soundtrack that almost blends into the game sounds. The bosses barely even have any visual variety and they are almost all in the exact same size range whereas something like FF7 might throw you against something tiny or the midgar zolom

Played FF12 when it came out, was fuckin' great yo. Then I met a girl that liked me and wanted help beating one of the bosses. That girl's been with me 13 years now, married for 9 of them. Game's cool yo. It gets ya laid.

zodiac age is objectively the worst version of 12.
dual classing shatters the balancing of the game, and there's no way to just not partake.

What's wrong with 3?
2 has a lot of flaws but it turned into saga where the ideas are more refined, it's definitely not a good game, but 3 is just bog standard JRPG with a class system.

IZJS also shatters the balance, the original is the way you should play it.

izjs actually restricts the player more and you're only more powerful towards the mid and endgame, where you need to be for the content it adds.

3 is, quite frankly, incredibly monotonous and boring
it's so bland that I never would've gotten as far into it as I did without the x files playing in the background to occasionally distract me

I disagree. It's certainly a better game than 1 and 4 if you want to compare in terms of "boring and monotonous", a lot more variety in the locale, a lot more options in making your characters your own. Better bosses, without being handed "lmao here's a free win" usable equips like in ff4, story's worse though, I'll give you that.

FF2 is actually worth playing just to experience the unusual combat system.

There is absolutely no reason to play FF3 when FF5 exists and does EVERYTHING better than it.

>It is the best 3D FF of the last 2 decades.
>Final Fantasy IX release date: July 7th, 2000
Give it five more months and I'll agree with you

You know a game is shit when devs introduce a speed up mode just you don't fall asleep while "playing" it.

>an asset flip mcdonalds toy mouthbreather version of kotor 1
Could you fit any more Reddit meme words into one post?

FF9 was the low point of the entire series.

The story is good, but you need to see the whole thing through for it to sink in. I didn't enjoy it much while I was playing it, but at the end when I thought it through it really hit me. There is some clever slight of hand and it's really cool to have the Sephiroth/Kuja/Seymor actually turn out to be a good guy who just ended up on the opposite political faction. Vayne and Venat were fucking right and they saved humanity, as a reward your dickhead characters kill them. Venat being a loyal fucking bro and dying with Vayne out of loyalty/decency was a real twist on the usual puppet master archtype.

The dialogue and voice acting specifically is the best in the series. And I'm talking way in the lead, there is a POWERGAP between 12 and the next entry. The use of words and quality of VA's is great.

The game also really holds up visually - now they've fixed Vaan's abs I can say it genuinely looks great all around.

It's just a shame the gameplay is fucking dogshit. Just watch some abridged lets play for the best experience. It's a great plot, but not worth the 100+ hours of grind.

Who was it who got to level 99 on the first beach or something?

>The story is good
such a bad opinion

It is the highest point of the mainline, tied up with V, with XII coming right after it.
And in fact, it's possible I may like XII's story more than I like Tactics, though not as much as Tactics Ogre

This is a thread to discuss it user - humour me: why is it bad?


oh no i'ts retarded

>Dude what if we made literally half the cast be inconsequential to the story
>Dude what if we made a cast that barely says anything and almost never interacts with each other
>Dude what if we made multiple cutscenes where the main character has no idea what's going on and just stands in the background while people who matter speak
>Dude what if we made a character who's literally just a random girl off the street
>Dude what if we made a villain who has zero emotional connection to the heroes and doesn't even meet them until the last ten minutes
>Dude what if we took Final Fantasy Tactics' setting and made it a poor man's Star Wars
>Dude what if we gave the narrator a comical Apu accent
>Dude what if we made a political plot and then ruined it by turning it into standard ancient god shenanigans
>Dude what if we made a plot where the heroes have almost no impact on what happens until 95% of the way through the story and spend their time traipsing through non-descript caves and ruins
>Dude what if I'm Captain Basch
>Dude what if we took everything 100% seriously and had zero levity
>Dude what if we wrote all of the dialogue to sound like a Renaissance Fair
>Dude what if we we had no overworld and all travel was handled by a menu or floating teleport crystals
>Dude what if we made a battle system where you set everything up in advance so that you don't actually play the game
>Dude what if we made summons useless except for opening doors
>Dude what if we made the sheathing/unsheathing animation stop you before and after every battle
>Dude what if instead of fun side quests we had only fetch/kill quests like in some generic MMO
>Dude what if instead of having fun side games like the motorcycle chase and Triple Triad we had nothing
>Dude what if we had really shitty music
>Dude what if we made the gameplay so shit that we need to rerelease the game THREE TIMES and change the gameplay THREE TIMES

>This is a thread to discuss it user - humour me: why is it bad?
Not him, but for me, I like stories having character development, and I dont like self McInserts like Vaan. (Unless they actually contribute to the plot in some way, even if contrived as shit.)
The plot was trying to be "serious realistic politics" but never even came close. It was just as 2 dimensional as any other basic fantasy story, but replace "Magic thing" with "political figure" and it was the same shit.
It wasnt interesting as a plot for any magical fantasy sense, nor in a political sense, so the plot was a failure in every front.
I just couldnt be motivated to keep playing.
The gambit system was just a skinner box, that didnt have anywhere else to go, once you completed it.
I made my team, made them functional, and then lost all interest in playing, as there was no longer a goal I was interested in. The base gameplay was garbage once you made it functional (and it was a broken mess when you hadnt fixed your team yet)
I honestly dont see what people liked about it so much.

The thing about FFXII is that even if you like the awkward mishmash of MMO gameplay concepts going into a single player RPG, it’s still a mess of a game with deeply troubled development that cycled through more directors than any other SE project (even XV).
It puts up a front of political intrigue, but the politics of the story all end up being incredibly simplistic, with motivations that struggle to extend beyond “well I’m evil so of course I’d go and do that”
The story simply doesn’t manage to flesh out any of its concepts so we’re left with this meandering feeling of trailing behind a big important plot event that never actually happens, and the plot threads leading up to the climax quickly unravel with a minor poke.
While the world building is a major step up from previous entries, I still find it lacking at establishing a believable world. For example, the game mixes airships with gunpower similar to WW2 aircrafts, but these type of machine guns don't appear outside ships. It doesn't affect ground warfare at all, which makes no sense. Things like the lack of mentions of any city beyond the ones directly involved in the plot also bothers me. It makes the Kingdom of Dalmasca feel like its only the capital. I'm 100% ok not seeing other cities and towns from the kingdom, but some of them need to be mentioned, I need to see NPCs talking about them or something similar because otherwise the world still feels shallow and limited like the previous FF (where the whole world is comprised of maybe 6 towns and 3 nations).

It's only the 3rd best Ivalice game and by far the worst FF

Absolute garbage that got panned when it came out yet you'll have the contrarians tell you otherwise.
>t. got it at launch and still mad

Remember to immediately disregard the opinion of anyone who mentions Star Wars in their criticism.
>Dude what if we wrote all of the dialogue to sound like a Renaissance Fair
Thanks for sharing

5th best, my fault
Ivalice games:
FFT - 1
Vagrant Story - 2
FFTA - 3
FFTA2 - 4
FF12 - dogshit

I loved FFT and VS and was looking forward to FFXII as a result. It has bad characters, a bad story, and bad gameplay. And it's possibly the easiest FF, which is saying a lot since it's a very easy series overall. The redone version, zodiac age, remove the "possibly" and is100% the easiest FF game.

Great voice acting, dialogue, and music all through the game. It is one of the best dubs in a video game.

>he thinks people can't understand it instead of it just sounding grating as fuck and that's why they don't like it
Nice projection there, dumb dumb.

Vaan was bullshit, no one is ever going to defend that choice. It was written for Basch and you can feel the damage the last moment change did the story as a result.

There is a difference here - the characters are weak yes. But the WRITING is excellent, in so much as the language they opted to use was poetic by comparison to FF13.


If you were serious you wouldn't have posted this bait. Assemble a more coherent group of words that describe your lack of taste and maybe you'll get actual responses next time.

Attached: poopiemj.png (1570x1119, 1.64M)


>Remember to immediately disregard the opinion of anyone who mentions Star Wars in their criticism.
You were saying?

Attached: star wars.jpg (1159x914, 376.45K)

You are actually really very limited mentally. I suspect your mother consumed too much plum brandy when she had you. Writing like this does not make it smart, it does not make it intelligent, it does not make it more refined; it makes it annoying to play through and read since there is not a good reason to do it. Why did Final Fantasy Tactics do it so much better if it was a choice for "flavor"?

Attached: 1582331121252.jpg (588x600, 118.54K)

Why didn't Lucas sue square enix?

I agree. At his best vaan is like an ishmael, a passive observer and stand in for the audience. At his worst he is the dumbest ever twink in a series known for having dumb twinks.

Rewatching that cutscene has extinguished my desire to replay the game. Seeing it again after I've spent the last few years increasingly refining my critical acuity makes me feel like I'm watching a particularly amateur production of a play written by someone who seriously thought that a combination of Aeschylus, Shakespeare, and George Lucas would be the best thing ever.

Attached: 1j9ywu.jpg (400x369, 77.46K)

>It's not smart, intelligent (saying the same thing twice) or refined, I'm just too stupid to understand it
Yep, American

I'd seriously like to know who was the one that made that call was and punt them off the roof of Square Enix. What a fucking bellend of a character Vaan was. Penelo was too but gets an ass-pass.

It's my favorite FF, but I'm miffed the remaster didn't have a toggle to play the OG version with the giant license boards and stuff like the easy way to get the Zodiac Spear.


I agree that Vaan is an entirely unnecessary character, but what retarded shit did he actually do ingame that directly impacted the story?

I can't dude, you just have a retarded opinion.

And keep in mind I didn't even dislike Vaan aside from him looking like a faggot.

Attached: FFXII 2014-09-26 19-40-05-03.jpg (3828x1080, 387.34K)

Because it would then expose all of the things he's ripped off from the Japanese.

>Because it would then expose all of the things he's ripped off from the Japanese.
such as? having jedi being inspired by samurai is not the same thing as copying aesthetics and plot points

Shoat and scream like a bitch, had a terrible voice actor in an otherwise well voiced game, got captured a lot due to being a moron and killed best boy Vayne.

He didn't actually do all that much wrong as a character, his main issue was as you said - being utterly unnecessary. It's the meta-issue around Vaan in that he represents Square throwing out their director's vision to chase after a stupid marketing trend that didn't even pay off ("Will women buy our game if it has a cute boy?" No, women don't buy RPGs in significant numbers, 20+ years of data show this)

>Shoat and scream like a bitch,
> got captured a lot due to being a moron
The entire party did
>and killed best boy Vayne.
see previous point

I mean, he had that Fry from futurama "fish out of water" exposition dump quality. And I think in the story he helps bring the party a bit more down to earth and less only nobility tier. Also that one scene where he helps the princess get over her grief or whatever. But in general yes, this should have been the Basch show from the get go.


This game was just perfect in every single way, the world, the battle system, the exploring, the music, the story, the characters
>b-but MC was bland!
Yes but the MC is just there trying to achieve a pretty shallow dream together with his sidekick, you cannot really ask more out of him, what is amazing is every other character surrounding the MC, Balthier is easy one of the greatest characters in the story of FF period.