What games will you buy with your $2000? I'm probably going to save a bit but also upgrade my PC

What games will you buy with your $2000? I'm probably going to save a bit but also upgrade my PC.

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>upgrade my PC
Nobody to work in the factories, prices will hike up thanks corona

>$2000 only distributed to taxpayers

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i dont think it applies to neets. oh whale.

Nothing. Its going in my account and sitting there until I need to pay some ridiculously overpriced medical bill.

A gun and a bullet I guess. I don't really want to be a twitching mess with a high fever for months and die painfully and slowly. I'll probably get animal crossing as well.

>get half time job during the coronalypse
>cash the $2000
easy money.

Is it a FULL two thousand? Or are they taking half for taxes?

Did you file taxes in the past three years? If not, no money.


only last year

isn't tis money is for people in the hospitality/travel/entertainment sectors who had to close their businesses? it seems like the rationale is the govt. is going to float all of those businesses and shit like airlines so everyone can go right back to spending when the meme virus is over.

>taxing a government handout

It will without a doubt be taxed.
Not that it will actually happen though.

They tax the income of government employees

US is going to get hit the hardest, isn't it?

Spend the funny money while it's worth something.

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It will, it won't. What are you saying exactly?

Technically the gubment hasn't given the greenlight yet. But its looking likely.

I’ll be buying this great new game called food and rent

>only 11 dead
Remind me again why this is a national emergency?

He's saying that it will be taxed but it's unlikely that the free money is going to be given out. You should have paid more attention in school.

Imagine the free market economics of hookers in Thailand right now. Literally no tourists are there right now. If you were to fly down there the price of a whore would race to the bottom with so many desperate girls looking for any way to make money. You could set up 50 girl orgys for a few hundred bucks. Or simply bang a new girl everynight for 3$. All of this could by done basically for free with your 2000$ of trumpbux.

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I'm a neet so I probably won't get anything.

Cases almost doubled in a single day and they won't have the medical resources to handle critical cases.

Mutts are ever worse off response and resource-wise than Italy, if you want numbers.

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Oh yeah plenty of companies eager to hire with stores going on lockdown and the economy going to shit, great idea

because if hospitals get overwhelmed and you have any medical issue whatsoever you're fucked

Again remind why old people dying is a problem?

Because the apex of the propagation of the virus hasn't been reached yet.
Pic related she says they can't bury the dead they have no places anymore.

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>tfw neet so no UBI
I just want to play Doom eternal

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no, this is for all tax paying Americans, apparently

>many Americans
Many, not all. Huh so which ones will be omitted?

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150,000~ die every day who cares about a few more

That too but also to some people to get them to go out and buy shit

Yang Gang faggots on suicide watch

You'll find out

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I kind of wonder what's going to happen after this all ends. Like say covid-19 suddenly vanishes globally next week and everyone can socialize again. Does the economy return to where it was before now that people can return to their previous states of existence?

illegals and faggots that don't pay taxes

Naw I never leave the house

After inflation one Big Mac will cost $1k.

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Why do you have to be like this mate

>currently have roughly $3500 in my bank account
>mom wants me to invest in driving lessons
>literally eyeing up a $1800 pc as I type this
it's fucking hard having money anons

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big if true

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>investing in driving lessons
nigga just DRIVE

If I file my first taxes right now will it be on time?

Dude just drive. It's how I did it. Two attempts at driving tests only

also, can I have 40 bucks so I can buy Nioh 2?

>wants to spend over half his savings on a gaming pc
>needing driving lessons

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tell her no. and focus on your backlog before you dive head first into a car priced pc

Seeing the UK be that high pisses me off. I would love to see how the numbers would have been if the morons running the country put us into lockdown early on.

if hospitals weren't essentially getaways for rich people maybe we would be more prepared for pandemics

It doesn't say tax payers in it. They're still hashing out the details and most of the proposals say "every adult American."

take an online course then practice with your family

11 dead is just that city. 150 dead across the USA.

>Work 2 part time jobs
>Only get $11 back on my taxes
>Don't get $2000 for free because I did my taxes legally and responsibly
Fuck, I should've just been a deadbeat then?

>Diamond princess

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My mom paid for my driving lessons, granted it was 6 hours.

>Salomon did not give a detailed breakdown of the intensive-care figures, so it's unclear how many are significantly younger than 60.
Isn't france full of smokers too?

>US is going to get hit the hardest, isn't it?
US allowed swine flu to spread unhindered and it infected around 60 million people
With any semblance of quarantine the numbers this time will be way lower, although huge cities like NY are going to be in a state of total shithole for some time.

Buy a wheel and a truck sim. Make mod where you deliver the Coronavirus cure and pretend to save the world all from the safety of your home.

no it will take about 40 years to get it back what it was before the virus hit. Just look at the gfc that took around 10 years to recover the losses.

It's a cruise ship that had a bunch of people from various countries on it. In times of disease outbreaks cruise ships are hotbeds of infection.

>Work 2 part time jobs
>Only get $11 back on my taxes
>feel like shit cause I can't buy anything I want since I was trying to save money for a car
>Pandemic makes things worse by making me stock up on supplies before shit goes south
>Suddenly the govt wants to hand out free money
I...what? There's no way it's as easy as just sending everyone a check and calling it a day. What's the catch?

I mean, I already have nearly 8000 from trying to hoard my money most of 2019.

Nigga if you can't afford to buy 3 of something, don't buy 1 of it. Basic financial planning.

>invest in driving lessons
What, just tell the bitch to teach you how to drive. Or ask your dad, friend, relative.

you must be bad did mine in the first go with having family teaching me for about 3 months

How are you going to get a job with barely anything open?

To be fair Lombardy has apparently fucked up extremely early and allowed the infection to spread unhindered for up to a month.
I remember that they also blamed some hospital for the lack of professionalism in handling the situation on top of it too.

its a jojo reference

I'll finally buy a Switch

That’s literally nothing.

nononononononononononononononononononono YOU TOLD ME IT WAS JUST A FLU AND THAT YOU CAN ONLY DIE FROM COUGHING

It's a cruise ship that had an outbreak. Cruise ships are practically pteri dishes for any kind of infection and as bad as it is that people died on it, it's a really useful case study on COVID-19.

I wonder if i'd come out ahead if i bought 2k worth of scratch offs

I went to college full time so I had no taxes to file

i'm going to get fucked over because I decided to pursue a degree instead of flip burgers at mcdonalds arent i?

Pay bills.

Non0Amerifat here

Why is the American media/liberals trying to blame Trump for the Virus?

I dont like my current government but it's not the fault of the president for this it's an inherent problem with the globalised world we live in now.

Is this like Hurricaine Katrina where amerifats chimped out and tried to tie a human face to a natural disaster in order to focus the blame and anger on something?

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They have sent money to americans before

50 of those deaths are from the past 24 hours.

dubya did the same thing in 2008 zoomer

The businesses that are open (grocery stores, amazon, ups, etc) are all hiring loads of temporary help since they're being bombarded.

Few years ago we had a pandemic response team
Trump fired them all


I'm a brainlet when it comes to economics but if everybody gets 2,000(?) a month, wouldn't this cause inflation or something?

>What's the catch?
The catch is a depression is likely about to set in

SJWs are trying to blame trump because he let people get infected
But they quickly shut the fuck up when they are reminded how many Obama let get infected during his reign and nobody said anything

also if you ever wanted a job delivering food now's the time

>mom wants me to invest in driving lessons
>literally eyeing up a $1800 pc
retard mothers rise retard sons.
get the parts and build it yourself, with $600-700 you can get whatever pre-ensabled garbage you re eyeing.

I hope they don't do tax returns and instead do registered citizens, cause I work in another country and don't pay taxes to the US.

They're trying but the panic is drowning them out these past few days

>get coronabux
>still vote for Biden in November

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Because America is a neurotic shithole and everyone went from saying
>it's just the flu bro
to turning it into a political weapon. Fuck this country.

I'm going to save it and use it to buy my 3080ti and waterblock

They're saying it will only be given to those registered for selective service(the draft) so basically all women won't get it.

its to pacify people while they nationalize industry, kill all dissenters and force vaccinations. Once you have ID2020 implanted in you, there will be a nice slave job and commie block for you.

because we are literally at the start of this

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We passed hyperinflation already. The logic here is to make Americans spend money to get that money into the economy. The most successful way would be to spend locally

Service industry has always been a fucking farce, they're meaningless jobs meant to thrive in a society of abundance and luxury. The second shit hits the fan and we go back to survival mode those luxuries are taken away, because they're pointless in keeping a functioning society.

I'm sure pic related has nothing to do with this.

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Because the real problem is how contagious it is. Given that the virus is rather lethal to old people, once everyone is infected, the entire planet's life expectancy will take a nose-dive. Even if the vaccine is rushed, expect flu season to double the number of deaths per year because of it.

when bush did it, it was $3000 earned in 2007 and SSI didn't count towards it, and that was only for $600
also it was signed into law in february and checks were mailed in may

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>have roughly $3500
>having money
driving is a meme but you're poor as fuck and can't afford anything other than living with your parents atm

>only applies to taxpayers
I just wanna play nioh 2.

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Oh fug finally being signed up for that shit has a plus.

>have plenty of money saved so just enjoying watching everything fall apart

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plus you will be sent into the WW3 meat grinder.

>I'm a brainlet when it comes to economics but if everybody gets 2,000(?) a month, wouldn't this cause inflation or something?

The assumption is that it will just replace the income of people who are temporarily out of jobs.
It's to let people continue spending so the overall economy doesn't grind to a halt.

Wouldn't have helped anyway the problem is lack of medical equipment and open borders

Can I borrow 40 bucks please user-kun?

There's still a chance, it hasn't been finalized yet

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There would be riots

Literally nothing. This virus is pure bullshit.

I was promised dead boomers and I only see 150 so far. Lame as fuck.

because we went form 0-basketcase in the span of less than a week
and every time ANYTHING happens, our first concern is "how could we let this happen!?"

i know its not a "lot" of money, but I've never had my own money before so the fact that I've essentially been given a free couple of thousand dollars is overwhelming

I don't have an opinion on the border issue but yes, we need a lot more medical equipment.

A buncha programs that could've helped prevent this were cut a few years back, plus for the past few weeks he wrote this entire thing off as a hoax and a non-issue despite tons of warnings.
This could've been kept more under control if his administration did literally any preparation for this but instead decided to sit on their hands until it became too big to ignore.

>getting OT because of this shit
>possibly getting neet bucks on top of it
Think I'll buy me an LG oled.

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I started working in Feb 2020, didn't pay taxes last year. Am I still good? I worked in a hotel and got laid off, if that matters.

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I'll upgrade my PC and then put the rest into my mural fund.

Swine flu only had a mortality rate of about 0.02, though. Corona is much, much higher even under ideal circumstances. That's why places like Italy where there aren't enough respirators for the seriously ill there are death rates around 4%. If we had that in this country it would be almost 12 million dead.

Don't spend it frivolously.

>female riot
>starts like normal until one of them insults another's hair and they all start clawing each others' eyes out

>Because the real problem is how contagious it is
It's not particularly contagious, actually. More contagious compared to seasonal flu, but it's fucking nothing compared to, say, tuberculosis which kills thousands every day.
The problem is purely in lack of effective medical treatment, although apparently Favipiravir is very effective at treating most cases.

impeachment failed so they are trashing the economy to the point its like the great depression to make trump look bad
these people are literally destroying our lives and telling us we cant leave our houses? nah, fuck them i have god given freedom

>Quarantine everyone for a week or two while everyone's looking at your country
>Once everyone is freaking out about themselves, everyone back2work.
Why would they start caring about health and safety now lol

It's about to get bad quickly. 3k new cases in the past 24 hours and deaths are spiking, but gen x and millenials will still die because smoking/obesity/vaping is as bad as old age

t. Someone that has a mom working in the ICU

not as hard as China, maybe not as hard as some places in Europe
we may have more in raw numbers, but I think the percentage will be less
because cities and states got really hardcore about the self-isolation fast

By the time it leaves congress and gets to Trump's desk they will be micro-loans with a 3.5% interest rate.

>driving lessons
what the FUCK

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Swine flu's projected morality was about 3% during the epidemic. We won't know the real numbers of corona mortality until the epidemic is over, though generally it's expected to be sub-1%.

>getting excited for a measly $2000
Do ameripoors really?

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It's not just the mortality rate too. Even if you're young and healthy there's still a good chance you might end up hospitalized.

>over a months worth of food
>have masks, gloves, goggles, cleaning supplies
>boomer parents already isolating themselves
>can work from home
It's time to get comfy.

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We live in comfort, we have a house, food aplenty and distractions many more we can take.
This shit is the kick in the nuts the anthill needed.
Virus will pass but society will need to change, for the better i hope.

>citation needed

it IS A fucking hoax dude. Its a story laid over the normal flu. The New World Order is being turned on for real. Open your eyes.

This, I'm not getting shit. All I do is temp work and I've been out of work for a couple months now.

But I hope there's some kind of unemployment relief. My dad lost his job last year and ran out of unemployment about a month ago. No one is replying to his applications right now.

Where are all the White kids?

You think that only women would be rioting? Men go where the women are

if you're file as your parents dependent, you still get the money

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Just need my Animal Crossing. Will be set for the whole year.

Over 80% cases don't require any sort of hospitalization whatsoever

Why do they all have laptops