This game is going to destroy my dick

This game is going to destroy my dick.

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Tifa is love
Tifa is life
Tifa is a miracle of the universe

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Why did they make Jessie likeable. Masochists.

Why do all the characters look the same in this game

that's the power of the unreal engine

They all look different. Maybe get your eyes checked or something.

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have sex

There are lot of Cloud clones though. Tseng himself has his face. Noctis dude has his face. Most generic NPC-s have his face.

Let's go.

They don't?

>Jessie and Aerith are beautiful but are complete sluts
>Tifa is ugly but has the best and most loyal personality of them all.
I wounder how Elena and Yuffie will turn out at this rate. I remember Elena being really cute in AC

Remake Tifa looks awkward, uncanny and out of place. Trannies can cope as much as they want but they're not going to convince anyone that nu-tifa isn't dogshit. There wouldn't be so much controversy and criticism if her design was actually any good, and her boobs are not even the problem. Photoshop bigger boobs on her and she'll still look ugly. Her character design is inherently garbage and flawed. I'm half-convinced it was intentionally sabotaged.

welcome to anime

My eyes are fine. They just all appear to have the same face structure underneath. Very similar for most.

>There wouldn't be so much controversy and criticism if her design

Literally the ONLY place I see any is here..

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what a shit opinion

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I hope Elena gets with Tseng in this Remake. She's been lusting for his dick forever

Jessiebros... I hope she makes it out this time...

the inability to differentiate facial details is a trait of autism


this or retardera


>user uses his shitposting as reflection for the public opinion
What a retarded person.

>Samfags posting same shitty screen caps in every thread

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Anyone else lost some excitement after the demo?

So you must have autism than

Now I understand beating off to video game characters, but people don't actually beat off TO video games, do they? That's like, banging heroin in your mom's house levels of sad.


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she is just taking a nap bros

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kill yourself you ESL fuck

literally nobody

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I wonder if corona-chan will fuck over the remake

Nice shitpost but just look at Aerith and Tifa in the OP. Same shape eyes, same proportioned nose and lips to the face, same cheekbones, same chin, ears are even very similar. No, they are probably not carbon copies of each other but a lot of the characters end up looking really similar.

Yeah, I did. The battle system is fun but everything feels like more style over substance, just like most modern games.

Bros... why isn't Aeris wearing a bra?

It's predictably screwing over physical copies.
Why you wouldn't be a digichad during a global pandemic is beyond me.

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her tits look like Hanks non ass

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I love it when you get triggered by that. You remake cucks are extremely easy to bait

Theres no need to convince anyone, the entire world loves except you anyway.

autism speaks

She's just injured, just like Biggs and Wedge, I'm sur they'll survive

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The fact that you have that picture makes you a homo.

nobody is triggered by your stupidity

cannot unsee

Aeristhbros we got too cocky

>Preordering any game


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Baited. Keep getting mad

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Why are there so many people obsessed with this Tifa character? It looks just like another generic animated girl, imo even worse. (Never played any FF game, is she somewhat relevant or what?)

>not giving yourself the ability to pre-load 2 days before release
>not giving yourself the ability to play by midnight
>not getting all 3 summons

The whole pre-order outrage is outdated.

You have to be mentally ill to think all this outrage over Tifa's design is just contrarianism or shitposting. You don't see people here shitting on Aerith or Jesse as much because both look much better than Tifa, and Tifa is supposed to be the hot one. They already had the perfect Tifa model in NT, why did they downgrade her? Makes no sense.

Two of those characters are going to die

Imagine how fucking incredible Yuffie is gonna look.

i've jerked off for 2 hours already today please STOP

sure thing user

She's the most likeable character in this highly overrated pile of crap. Also she's many a babby's first JRPG girl and she has big tits. Do the math.

>You have to be mentally ill

Try reading that back to yourself.

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