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ifuckingmagine being the janetty to a fucking stream box. Holy shit. Not even a xfag, but this shit is gonna flop hard. Ya hate too see itt

Can we stop meming about tflops please

>weaker than Stadia
>only compatible with PS4 games while the Bone goes all the way back to OGBOX
>out of all the PS4 games only 100 of them will work at launch
How in the blue hell did they manage to fuck up this hard?

It's the new bit wars lad.

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>almost all the top 100 PS4 games will be fully BC at launch
what the fuck does that even mean? Madden 18, 19, and 20 will be BC? lol what

GTA 6 confirmed for 2022

they're literally just stalling to poise themselves for their 2022 PS5 Gourmet Quality console to be the best at gta 6's release

Having 100 titles "maybe working at launch" isn't even bare minimum for the PS4 to count as BC on PS5.

And where's PS3 BC?


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>And where's PS3 BC?
PS3 had games?

>And where's PS3 BC?
Can't happen because of Sony's retarded CELL shit. They basically have to port and rebuild each title like they did with some of the releases on PS4.

wait hold the fuck up. it doesn't even have native PS4 bc? it's gonna be game-by-game?

there's no fucking excuse for no ps1 compatibility

still, xbox has no games, ZERO games

>t. xbox owner

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The only thing that'll make me get it is free online, it has significantly less to offer than the microsoft counterpart otherwise

Halo is objectively superior to every playstation game ever released.

>mfw sitting right next to my library of XBOX and 360 games
I mean, you can keep lying if you want user but it's just going to look silly.

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>halo, gears, forza, sea of thieves. Ori


Yo who is the girl

When are retards going to drop this non-argument? You're applying a subjective view, your opinion as if it's a stone cold fact. Shut the fuck up you false flagging sonygro. Find a real argument little bitch.

If you're buying xbox consoles for exclusives you're legit too dumb for vidya.

Persona 5 is a PS3 game that is still portbegged.

I think he was talking more about the bone. I remember that when Scalebound got canned all boxfans disappeared from this board for ages.

Performance is everything in a console now?

I guess Stadia and Xbox One X are currently the best consoles around, Switch is a complete piece of shit and no one likes it because it's weak

LOL what? They're games? Lmfao so all you could muster in response was a LOL because you can't deny it? Hahahaha eat shit.

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Bone is next to pointless if you have a PC but if you don't it's worth having for multiplats and backwards compatibility.

oh please. a bunch of amateurs have made decent ps3 emulation on pc. no excuse for sony not to have it when they've had an entire generation to work on it.

They were so ready to shill "we won" posts today.
So ready.
But then cerny went on damage control and... Well.. You know the rest.
The massive cope posts remain the same. Sad.
Got complacent, got humbled.

Keep in mind the 10.28 TFLOPs is at max boost speeds for the ps5 which will almost certainly not be at all times. This means that number is inflated, and the GitHub leak of 9TFLOPs was correct.

Yeah but he was talking about exclusives. Anyway consoles are for shitters, I don't care, I'm past that.

Damn, not even him but i feel called out as fuck

>only PS4
That sucks, I would have picked it up if it was backwards compatible like the Xbox. Guess I'm picking up a Xbox this holiday. Maybe I'll get a PS5 down the road after a significant price drop.

They could put an Atari 2600 in a shiny black case and retards would still buy it.

its not just flops series X is more powerful in almost everything apart from the SSD

Sounds like they are miss feeding information honestly. From what i get in the conference is that games need a patch to perform better with the ps5 which is obvious because of the ps4pro and that not every game will get patched right away but will still play as it would on ps4.

>muh flops
>caring about console performance

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the worst part is that all the reasonable people saying that teraflops aren't the be-all-end-all and that the SSD speeds will have an enormous impact on game development just get shitposted into oblivion and called shills or cope or seethe or cuck or sjw or cringe or based or

the last sony gen is here

b..b... but it's only 20% weaker! Right guys?

PS Blog elaborated on this. They're talking about games being playable, period.

Fair point and it's basically what Microsoft does with their backwards compatibility for 360 and XBOX games. For me I don't get why they're not putting more focus on PS2/PS1 compatibility. The PS3 straight up reads the discs, no emulation involved. So why couldn't we have that in PS4? certainly no excuse for PS5.

because they want to keep selling you the same thing over and over

Imaging getting your news from fucking Fandom, holy shit kys.

Excellent analysis, friend! Why don't they just push the "Make Backwards Compatibility Work" button? I mean, it must be that easy to do, considering your expert take on the issue.

>The PS3 straight up reads the discs, no emulation involved.

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sonytrannies are going to join the 42% soon

wouldnt they want to do what they did with gta 5 (release on ps3 then ps4)
release on ps4 then on ps5, so people buy twice

But they don't. They stopped selling digital PS1 games before the PS4 came out and only released a couple PS2. If they supported it like Nintendo used to support the VC I'd understand but they're just doing fucking nothing.

It can't be that hard as the PS3 played PS1 discs and Microsoft are doing it with their entire library across generations. That's not even factoring in the basement dwellers who emulate everything on their PC's yet Sony can't do anything similar on their "powerful" new console?

>implying PlayStation will lose in overall sales when to 95% of consumers its a FIFA box

>Microsoft are doing it with their entire library across generations

that's just a sonyfag coping, xbox has more exclusives than ps4 right now, and it seems that legacy will carry on to xbox sex

>can play Republic Commando and Saints Row 2 on my Bone
>they confirmed they'll be adding more to the compatibility list after the release of Bone 2
How am I wrong exactly?

entire library. words have meaning.

That's good and dandy, but these numbers don't really get a chance to shine when you're playing on a 60Hz TV with vsync
I'm not saying it doesn't matter, just that there are cooler features that could be added instead of spending more on base hardware

Will someone please tell me what the fuck a teraflop is????

These consoles will be around for a long time. Everyone will be on HDMI 2.1 tvs soon.

Fair point. I meant that you can play games from their previous systems with more being added in the future.

measure of computing speed, also Sony's real number is 9

It's not weaker than Stadia, Stadia doesn't even outperform the 6TFLOP Xbox One X.

The PS5

Nothing you should ever have to be concerned about in gaming.

i refuse to believe they're doing BC
there's a good bunch of ps4 games they could just remaster (aka: it's 1080p 60fps now!) and sell it again for full price

XB has a better restaurant but Sony has much better chefs.

it's a war user, everything is permitted

What the fuck is stadia running on anyway? It's not rdna2 for sure.

That flew in 2013, but Microsoft has conditioned consumers to expect more now.

Halo is fucking overrated and you know it.

Shhhhhhh dont worry about it
using your brain is extremely bigoted
repeat after me:


Just shut your brain off and dont think about it.

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>The PS3 straight up reads the discs, no emulation involved.
The PS3 loads the game data from your PS1 discs and uses PS1 emulation to run those games. It doesn't have a set of PS1 hardware inside the PS3.

>backward compatible only to PS4
It's fucking nothing. What, besides Bloodborne, is even worth bringing forward?

feelete this

Any bad press about the PS5 is good, they need to be shamed into adding full backwards compatibility.

i means you can sell your ps4 now

Huh really? I heard different. Well thanks for clearing that up then user.

Hope your library consists of only the top 90 played PS4 games


seethe&cope Snoylet. your shitstation is weak trash. deal with it.

I may not care as much as other people about the console wars but I'll admit it's nice to see sonyfags get btfo'd after being such arrogant snobs over fucking pieces of plastic.

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>last gen
Wii wins, least powerful console
>gen before that
PS2 wins, least powerful console
>gen before that
PS1 wins, least powerful console
>gen before that
SNES wins, least powerful console
3DS, NDS, GBA, GB wins, all least powerful consoles
I can go on

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Both of these consoles are DOA anyway when we're dealing with the 2nd, fiercer wave of Corona-chan in November.

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and on top of that it has censored games and PSN subscription fees

like who would buy that shit?

What goes through the mind of a faggot that posts something like this? Is there anything at all that does?

Nioh? Code Vein? God Eater 3? Ghosts of Tsushima? Sekiro? God of War? Horizon? Persona 5? Doom Eternal? Nier? Death Stranding? Kingdom Hearts 3? Final Fantasy XV? Final Fantasy VII Remake?

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The ps5 is SUPPOSED to have a ps4 pro mode outlined in his keynote, meaning all games will work, however, only certain games will get the ps5 treatment based on their imaginary list of bs titles, so I can infer that will at least contain
>infamous ss/ll
>god of war
>uncharted 4
they did say that it also has the most played titles in that list, so maybe a 4k 60fps gta v patch? rainbow six siege is a launch title as well, hopefully they have an fov slider, but seeing as they have to slum with ps4 niggers I doubt it.

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fixed it for you
dont bother replying

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>you now realize this the only console gen that never got its own GTA game or even a story dlc for V because R* was content selling shark cards

>but Microsoft has conditioned consumers to expect more now.
So Microsoft taught consumers how to not be fucking retarded?

The hell is a Tflop?

Standard Vega 56 but in terms of real world performance it rarely even surpasses the Xbox One X which is based on Polaris. The ports are either shit or their APIs and SDK suck dick.

Dude you don't have games.

Are TFLOPs legit a good or bad measure of a GPU?

horizon is coming to pc

No it isnt.

>4k 60fps gta v patch
Unlikely seeing as Rockstar never added PS4 Pro or Xbox One X support. It could be running at 4K30 right now on Xbox One X if Rockstar wasn't lazy.

If you want to put it in low-iq terms, sure.

Slash your wrists


Yeah user. And Nintendo too. They have so many games. Im sitting a room away from a couple hundred NES, SNES, and N64 games. That means the Switch has games too, right?

They're only one measurement and they're only really relevant when comparing two GPUs from the same family.

Upscaled 4k =/= native 4k
Its running on 720p 30 fps on both systems

To be honest, I didn't even know the PS4 had 100 games.

It literally has a steam page but ok.

The PlayStation was not as powerful as n64. It came out first and won the war. Don't write Sony off just yet

Xbox=gimped PC
Stadia= doesn't count, your teraplops atent even in the same county, let alone the same room. Also, enjoy your input lag

all smoke and mirrors its not happening

>That means the Switch has games too, right?
I legit almost have more Switch games than PS4 games. I'd have more but there are a lot of Yakuza titles on PS4 now.

>not putting Persona 5 on there instead

What do you get out of this? It'd be one thing if you had games to fall back on after all the chimping out but you don't even have that. what do you get out of doing this to yourself?


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>steamtards actually believe it
For 20 bucks you can put any game you want on steam, goddamn braindead toddlers posting here.

>Patched 360 games to be 4k for the XboneX
>SeX will be able to play older games better
>SeX will also be able to add HDR to games as far back as Fusion Frenzy aka a fucking launch for the original Xbox
MS is unironically raising the bar when it comes to BC in consoles