who /c-rank/ here
Granblue Fantasy Versus
i didnt even know it could go below B holy shit
S rank here
Should I touch ranked or stick to lobbies
not soon enough
Is this from the game? Also is this game good for someone who knows nothing about Granblue Fantasy?
I got to B just by fighting shitters but I know if I keep playing ranked I’ll just go back to C so now I just fight in the lobbies.
>got the game a few days ago
>still haven't done anything other than dink around in training mode
Should I just hop online and get the ass-beatings over with, or are there single player things I should do outside of the tutorial?
play ranked until you hit the point where every other nigger online will kick their router if they start losing, which is around high B to low A rank
Cog when? I want her to shit on Bubs again
B-rank. Ranked only gives me one 3+ bar every 10 matches, so it's nothing but chill lobbies for me now. Trying to learn the potato.
Cute potato.
Learn your poke and anti-air buttons. Practice a simple BnB and just play. Getting shit on is unavoidable, but if you get put in C-rank, it's pretty free even if you suck.
Only strong girls allowed
Getting your ass beat is part of learning a new game
You will learn twice as fast getting your shit kicked in than just doing training mode
This. Getting purple or lower BRfags is terrible and it hasn't even been a week.
Is there a search function for ranked matches? I have zero interest in fucking around with arcsys lobbies.
When they adding my vampire waifu?
The story explains well enough who's who. And you can watch the anime and/or ask gacha friends about other shit.
Do I buy on PC or base PS4? Don't console war me, this is a genuine question and I can't decide either way.
If it had cross play i would say PC but since it doesn't go for the PS4 version, it will live for much longer and have more and better players (Japanese) to fight against
PS4 if you want to played ranked, PC if you're just gonna be sitting in lobbies all day.
I can't go above B1 cuz vas sucks woe is me guys
acquire skill
pc, it will die on ps4 just as fast as pc but people always move to pc for the better quality after the launch
Just piratechad PC if online works as people say.
pc, it has the best connection and online is free
You'll never improve and you will stop playing this game in 3 days.
Dropped to C when I started played Zeta instead of Charlotta. But Im rising back already.
A lot of ragequitters on C, though.
I don't really give a fuck about fighting games so Im pretty much only playing RPG mode
Also, Relink news when?
you're missing an S or two there, user
>A lot of ragequitters on C
Holy shit, this. I had like 5 people ragequit on me in a row a few nights back.
What never ever tier characters would you like to see in versus?
>fought the exact same dude on ranked for a while
>now I'm on B
I don't think this was earned
So how do you put on pressure as Charlotta? Both mid-screen and in the corner.
I wish characters were ranked separately, makes me not want to practice other characters.
>tfw A rank
Still not good enough...
Play kat and press 5B
Please remember she exists, Cygames
tick throw first few time into more 2L
then just block then punish the flashkick
How to go online if pirated?
I pirated the game, but I can't play with anyone in the lobby (but strangely I can play ranked games).
How to fix it?
Only works with other pirates
post the follow up i know you can't
her fanbase is almost non existent, I don't think she'll have any chances but I hope I'm wrong.
Just antiair dp her demon flip bro
>punish the flashkick
nice joke
If you have a normal non-pro PS4 then get it on PC. Load times are atrocious
find the online fix on cs.rin.ru
What kind of hogwarts shit are these runes?
thats because you can only play with others pirates, the people you see in the lobby are legit buyers.
>Living with a roomie who set up my internet
>His girlfriend inherits a house and he leaves, taking it with him
>Have no modem, relying on Xfinity Wifi, which is even worse than normal wifi, and causes your playstation to constantly scream false-alarm disconnections
>Also lost my usual couch partner
RPG mode is fun, though, right?
Block the first hit, spot dodge the follow up slash.
>he thinks people use the medium dp
just got it refunded, feels good.
Don't be a bitch and do it
>you have to win 3 games in a row to rank up everytime you derank
i don't remember grinding ranked being this annoying in SFV
no, you have to win 3 matches out of 5 not in a row
having to do that shit everytime still isnt any less frustrating