Divinity: Original Sin II

Is this game as good as the reviews say it is? I tried playing it once (on ps4) and it didn’t feel good to me. I landed in fort joy after the tutorial and I had no idea what the hell was going on. Anyway Im thinking about trying it again, is Yas Forums a fan of the game?

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No. It's absolute garbage. Larian can't write for shit. Not to mention the setting is shit. There's a reason why Larian ran away to some popular money-milking setting they didn't make the second they had the chance.

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based ederchad

>T. assblasted pathfinder fag
It has good combat. Shitty story, good combat.

>They hated Edér because he told them the truth.

both DOS games are bad
i enjoyed even wasteland 2 more and that was already meh

The game's good. A person should have no trouble learning the ropes in Fort Joy.

Console niggers aren't persons, though.

Fact is that if you don't enjoy this game it's time for you to quit video games alltogether

I finishes Divinity 2, Pillows of Slumber was plain boring.

>tfw tried the game and got bored near the end of fort joy about 5 times now
I guess I've been conditioned to enjoy fantasy that's more grimdark and takes itself at least somewhat seriously, while D:OS 2 seems to treat itself almost like a fantasy parody

am I really missing out?

The correct dev-intended way to actually play the divinity games is to treat them like tabletop rpgs.

Fort Joy is a manufacturer of biological weapons. The raw materials are the prisoners who are being mindraped into brain damage.

what does that mean?

>skim the narrative side
>try out what dumb shit you can get away with

>I tried playing it once (on ps4)
Playing any game like this with a controller is bound to feel shitty, it probably doubles the time you spend fucking around in menus. The combat is fun though.
Don't take it seriously and play it with friends i guess?

The game gives you problems and you are expected to use all the tools at your disposal to solve them. No matter what you choose, there's always some way to progress the main quest.
You're also expected to accept outcomes, be it failing a quest -you can fail to grow your Source btw, so that Malady has to sacrifice herself-, losing items, losing people.

Such as?

>fantasy that's more grimdark
That place is literally littered with corpses and lobotomized meat-puppet soldiers. The area outside of it was the playground of a psychopath wizard emperor who sentenced even his loyal subjects to an eternity of suffering as a joke. People are turned into scarecrows that forces anyone coming too close to explode through a process that involves their body rotting while still alive. Prisoners have maggots placed into their heads as a form of torture.

But the beaches are colorful and fire looks so pretty.

I played through it, but it really peters out in the 3rd and 4th act. The first two are a lot of fun though.

the story is good enough, what are people expecting. any story that actually can touch on the humanity in people also get derided (nier, nier automata)

Let me ask you something Yas Forums,

why do people shitting on the D:OS2 talk like the game is some sort of joke? Source vampirism is one of the most mean skills I've seen in a game, you literally consume the soul of other living beings and that's it, they're gone.

You can do it to pretty much anyone, even the fucking meister lizard know-it-all, bet she wasn't expecting it when she asked me to get her some super faggy statue and you answer >Yeah, well ,not everyone get's what they want *Consume spirit's source*

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It's hilarious, I didn't know Malady would actually die if I go out of my way to fail as hard as possible during my last playthrough. I also had to complete the game with just two source points because of a bug despite planning the route so that I'd have three while failing to get the isle name. Fortunately Aerotheurge is just so goddamn op it didn't even matter.

I prefer the first one but the second one is alright. It feels too frontloaded, though. And I don't like the way the AI acts.

>why do people shitting on the D:OS2 talk like the game is some sort of joke?
Because that's how Larian wrote it.

Because the game treats nothing you do seriously. It literally doesn't matter what kind of shit you pull off, there's always a way to just talk yourself out of it or switch sides at the eleventh hour.

That the only game over is a TPK is a big strength of the game.

But I hate how it makes you reload so often.

>there's always a way to just talk yourself out of it or switch sides at the eleventh hour.
Isn't that the appeal of a crpg?

I want to impregnate malady!

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The important people put up with you because the alternative is the world ending.

6/10 story, 8/10 combat, 10/10 With mods

Just arrived at the nameless isles. Are the black ring the "bad guys"? The game is asking me to take sides when I barely know who anybody is or what they stand for lmfao.

Wow, how convenient. God forbid my actions have consequences, but I see the geniuses over at Larian have thought of the perfect excuse to avoid that.

try paying attention

Playing through the game, on Act II but I wanna restart right quick.

Gunna do a Tactical playthrough, what are some recommended mods that keep the look and feel of the game, without adding crazy shit like Thomas the Tank Engine and shit?

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yes it's a great game. I found it to be slightly too long, but a great game.

I killed all of them, they both suck.

Okay what are the perfect class combos?
I wanna go two handed but already combined it with poly, should I try it with necro?

I hate that "I killed all of them" always seems to be the right answer in Divinity. Like literally only roleplay reasons stop you from being a murderhobo and just killing everything for XP. It's really bad in OS1

>Got the XP from the charisma check and avoided the fight? Alright, kill 'em
>Removed the Orcs from Hunter's Edge? Alright, kill the rest of them too.

It would be great if doing things like denouncing and abandoning a god living inside you would have some kind of a lasting consequence, but alas no. Or if making a covenant with the big bad would be something significant but nah you get two different ways to get out of it. And then choose him at the end anyway.

I mean, you can talk Alexandar into telling you what you need to know or you can just eat his head.
Having to kill the guy is not no consequence.

Literally doesn't fucking matter what you do on the nameless isle other than the min maxxing option it opens up. You do miss out on a minor boss fight if you side with the black ring though.

Isn't Alaxandar the guy you can straight up eat the entrails of and then he just comes back later, cause he's the super villain, so it's no biggie?
God, I hate Larian's """roleplaying""".

>what are some recommended mods that keep the look and feel of the game
Most of the best ones were taken from the Workshop and added as Gift Bags in-game.
Enhanced Spirit Vision and Animal Empathy are good ones to use if you want minimal impact to the game.

the mod that increases the movement speed for you and the npcs is a must. the default speed is just annoyingly slow, especially in combat.

Yeah, that was strange. Plus the way your party members just get set in stone.

But then again, you yourself are saved by gods and Alexandar is the very loyal son of Lucian. And there's resurrection magic in the game.

The game just rewards you too much for killing, there's just no reason not to slaughter as many people as possible.
>do I keep this group alive and essentially get nothing or do I kill them all for huge amounts of XP AND great loot?
Most of the time the characters don't even reappear later, it literally does not matter. Deus Ex Human Revolution had kind of the reverse problem, that game punished you if you didn't stealth and do non-lethal shit.

No, man. The writing is not good.

Really, the only thing that saves this game is the clowncar shit you can do in combat

>Enemy sitting on stool
>Throw it out from under them, they go to sit on it where I relocated it
>Wait a minute
>Throw stool into nearby lava
>They just run into the fucking lava and melt trying to sit on their stool which turned into dust a second after they did

>tell Gareth to go berserk on the magisters
>he does it
>tell Almira you'll help her with the mcguffin
>later he's confronting Alexander
>tell him no Gareth bad Gareth Alex is my friend now
>he backs down
>Alexander is talking about how he's destined to become the divine and basically you're fucking stupid all game
>tell him "lol but you don't really want it tho"
>doesn't actually help you at all unless you kill Sallow Man first
>go into Sallow Man's lair
>become their dude via a covenant, then murder Sallow Man, then tell Almira lmao sorry I need that mcguffin myself and break the covenant
>Alexander gets murdered in the next scene he appears by a script
I mean, how do you take this seriously? How?

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Are you blaming the game for playing like you have ADHD? It kinda sounds like you're asking to be railroaded.

Truth is, it's boring, start to finish. Except for combat, it's pretty tight, at least early game. It's still fucking German CRPG tradition, where level difference decides everything.

And unfunny jokes never end.

user, I actually really like the game despite all that. I'd say it's a solid 9/10. I'm mainly questioning anyone who is able to immerse themselves in the game properly. It's such a free-for-all shitfest that I don't understand how anyone can do it.

I think the appeal is for it to be a free-for-all shitfest, like magicka. Especially in co-op.
I never really got into the immersion meme myself desu.

You can immerse yourself, if you roleplay as a power-mad Sourcerer. As one of the guys that's responsible for Sourcerers getting whipped.

>Blaming the player for playing the game wrong when the consequences are nonsensical
sasuga larianigger

It's very good if you enjoy CRPGs. The writing is not the best or the atmosphere but the rest is really solid.

Yea you start at lvl1, doing 5 dmg per hit and then in the endgame you might be doing 1000 per hit if you really brought all your min-max to the table. All within the span of 20 (or 21) levels. The scaling is hilariously exponential and the last few levels are especially ridiculous power bumps.

it's the best crpg since bg2, if you don't like it you have poor taste


wtf when you level up your characters do more damage!

The gameplay is fine. Story is shit and reddit-tier. Kingmaker is much better regardless of the bugs.